Do people actually prefer this content model to what we had in Legion and BFA?

You are dense.People do m+ and raids and the come here and say that they one shot mobs in the world.So the same principle applies.
Good god.You can’t understand that the game revolves around gear.
And everything is done for that sole purpose so ofc world is irelevant as long as the gear is irelevant from it.
The wrong people complained and thats why the game is going from milions to how many do you think we have now?Not that many anyway.
So I wouldn’t say that it can sustain itself just with a few afficionados for the long term.
But GL to you.
Hope delves will be good and worthwhile,but we ll see.

Ps:I know only 1 thing in life that can be fun even when u did it 100 times…and is not raiding or m+ or same quest.
Everything loses meaning when you repeat it on autopilot and feel nothing than lets just get it done to get the loot or fill the GV.


You are right. I cant understand this. Especially when simultaneously this is also true:

Explain that. And then we can continue this conversation.

Especially because I never said that gear is not a core feature of MMO. What I said is that if you have different game modes, all giving out gear that you can use in different game modes it creates problems.

As you well have pointed out with M+. Problem which I am not denying.

You are claiming that you want that problem, but in WQ now? Like how is that a sensible proposition? That is what I don’t understand. Especially when there are 10000 other alternatives.

Because raiding is a bit more relaxed in some parts than the pressure pot timer m+ is.I know that what it was for me.
Untill they managed to make it a swirlie,ice skating milion mechanics annoyance too.Still a tad more bearable than m+.


How is a new talent system in a Challenge based adventure MMO not content for “most” people?

Talent systems are a huge part of WoW. If you choose not to indulge, that’s up to you. But you can’t disregard a core part of the game with a comment like that.

There. You said it. You like to join up with your friends and do some PvE that you just enjoy. And you happen to like Raids.

100% VALID OPINION. I totally agree.

And I beleive that nobody. And I mean NOBODY should force you to play a game mode you dont enjoy. Not me, not Blizz, not the OP. For any reason.

However, it has nothing to do with gear though. Gear is just a tool to execute the game mode you enjoy the most. Like guns in FFPs or resources in RTS games.

So allow me to dare to claim that: I think WQ are boring. I like M+. And I dont want to do content I dont enjoy. Just like you. So why should I?

And funny enough, since Open World areas are totally empty… I can only assume that its the case for many more people.

Therefore, fix that. :slight_smile:

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That is where you are wrong.I only do it for the gear.I wouldn’t have tried to go higher than Lfr if I wasn’t.
Its the prize if you may.

People who don’t enjoy m+ are already forced to do it.So how do you fix that?
The double standard is not ok and you know it.

Then do M+ then… why raid? If gear is your objective, then its absolutely the dummest way to gear up possible in the whole universe of PvE.

M+ is just so much more convenient. And doing 18s is not that difficult beleive me. Far, FAR from the difficulty mythic raiding is.

Its masochistic even.

So what will it be?

Now here you are troling me. I alrady said coments about this 2 posts above:

There. Never claimed it was not a problem.

I am just insisting that it wont solve Open World Content to just get the M+ problem, and copy paste an even worse version of it to WQ.

And FYI: You can even reserch other posts I wrote. I explicitly discussed this M+ problem not only in the context of gear, but in the context of class balance. Which is WAY more relevant than gear.

Oh I know,especially with group loot stupidity also.
I’d rather do none,which is what I am actually doing lol.
I am not converting.

My bad I might have skimmed over that.

Depends who you are asking.I like trinkets,give me trinkets hehe.
If you are pro nerfing DH then I guess I have my answer on many things.

No they aren’t content for 95% of the playerbase. They are something you copy off of wowhead or icyveins, import a few profiles for various game modes if not just set the general profile for casual players, and that’s literally it.

They are only content for theory crafters and content creators, do you honestly think an average player is reading 50 talents and then drawing up charts to see what’s good?

No gear IS the point for a large chunk of the playerbase, you’re conflating your personal preferences with what most of the playerbase wants. Another fact to clear up, the “majority” of the playerbase didn’t have a problem with chores, raiders or rather raid loggers did.

I do agree that the way BFA and SL did chores is bad because they were separated into different activities that gave either AP or gear mostly, but Legion was far better as you could do whatever you wanted for AP.

The more legitimate avenues there are to get gear the better, it’s not better for YOU because you want to raid log and do nothing else, and this is who DF was made for.

Repeating the same dungeons and raid for 6 months at higher difficulties so that the exact same content gets progressively slower, more sweaty and tedious is not fun for me either, that’s why I hate that they extended the grind to +20 and also wrecked all other sources of gear.


Can I get some sources on that claim please?

Hey, if you choose not to indulge in these systems, then that’s up to you.

I remember as a casual, I was more involved in using talents and seeing what differences they made than I am now. And I change up my talents depending on what I need all the time.

Never asked you to convert. You have to enjoy whatever aspect of the game you want to play.

I like trinkets too. A lot. But I disliked having to farm the Rashok trinket in S2. Almost had a mental breakdown doing it. Anoying to say the least.

What I can say is that classes are balanced arround 4p tier set. Computer simulations say that the DH one is a 4% increase in DPS, while the elemental one for example is 22%.

But computer simulations are not real data. We will get real data as of next week when most people get 4p.

And then we see. Im still cautious about this. Because yes, DH does a lot of damage currently… but FMage in 10.1.7, or Ret Pala in 10.0.5 were much bigger outliers than what DH is right now.

Thats my opinion.

Most people here just spit rubbish, new talent system is great, i have 6 loadouts for different situations

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I am still using my last season beacon.

Well finally we agree on something.

I am actually someone who likes that sort of content.
So yes; I prefer this content model.

The only thing lacking in DF is solo oriented world content.
Next expansion Delves should solve that. I do hope they’ll go back to a daily WQ rotation again instead of this silly twice-per-week schedule.

You serious? Everyone had a problem with that. Even PvPers. Like, I cant even begin to count the daily complaint posts about this.

True. Then why were people doing WQs while simultaneously complaining in the forums about it? Maybe because: Why would I do a 40 min dungeon when I can do a 2 min “kill 10 durotar boars” and get the same thing.

SL had no chores. And those that existed were separated from WQ (unlike BFA). So you went from people in BFA complaining that they had to do WQ to… complaining that they had to do Torghast… thats about it.

You are so… very… so wrong about this. People that are raid loggers today, were raid loggers in BFA as well. Its everyone else that wants to spend more time in the game that complained.

Its people that were sick of having to log in 2h earlyer from the raid to farm god knows what crappy AP system. Do world buffs from classic ring a bell? Same thing. Same reasons why they were deleted.

Bonkers. Gear is a tool. It has always been. Its a way to reward your progress in a GAME MODE you enjoy doing in the first place.

YOU sir are compairing a core feature of a genre with the whole reason people play a GAME in the first place. To have fun.

WoW is an MMO. NOT a “colectors online simulator”. You fight epic monsters and they drop loot so you can use it to kill even more epic monsters. You cannot deny logic there: Kill ever bigger epic mosters… how?

With better gear. See how its a tool?

I’m very interested. I only have 2 loadouts - raid and m+ :joy: sometimes change talents for certain affixes.
But 6? For what? How many abilities do you change?

You don’t save slight talent changes as different loadouts?

I dont intend to troll… but I also have different talent choices for each week of M+.

Because of the new affixes especially. Warriors cant deal with them, so its normal to have the same loadout.

And then, as a healer some dungeons have curses, some have poisons, ect… to I use up talents there. Warriors cant deal with this either.

I just dont have 6 talent trees saved in a supper cool excell sheet like Dralkharn has here … :smiley:

It’s common knowledge than having a spreadsheet makes you super cool and smwart, it’s also not mine but kalamazi’s

You must be like me… all these studies… maths, programing languages…

All reduced to Excell and Google… its the 21st century workhorse.