Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

People can absolutely improve. I love to see it. We all do.

You don’t have to beat around the bush - just say you’re anti-PCU.

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then why ot welcome them, let them contribute the the OOC side of the realm without disrupting roleplay, and if chance sees fit, let them become roleplayers.

I’m more fence sitting. There has always been groups around whether that is pcu or other.

I welcome people who have interest to at least try roleplay. Why is that so hard to understand?

because they may develop that interest later, but no this guy won’t because he’s been told there is no place for him on AD.
Also it’s not hard to understand your point! I think we just disagree.

Seems about right to me.

They’re told they should come to AD if they want to RP! It’s as simple as that.

no they’re told to stay away if they’re not directly interested, which may seem the same on the surface but it actually isn’t.

one of those two opens the realm up for everyone (With good intentions) and promotes roleplayers to join. the other one excludes everyone who isn’t inheritly a roleplayer, giving people no chance to develop interest at any point.
as the goblin Gorumfluides has stated, he came here with no interest to RP, yet ended up RPing. Same goes for a friend of mine who now exlcusively RP’s even tho she started out as coming here for the great atmosphere and sense of community.


One of what exactly?
And I still can’t help but feel you don’t fully get what I am trying to say.

Gorumfuides said someone was labelled a “loller” - this is doesn’t mean ‘none-RPer’, mainly referring to someone who uses OOC language which may very much be IC. For example when I first started, light-RP people like myself would type things like “u r horde.”

@Gorumfuides would have to clarify this detail.

Regardless, you’ve found a few exceptions, congratulations. Now what about all the others who have 0 desire to RP and simply don’t at all?

It’s a roleplay realm. You’re intended to roleplay.
Like the PvP servers of old. You can’t join a PvP server and complain when people PvP at you.

nor could you complain if people refused to pvp.

The two versions of the statements given. Either it is you can join if you want to RP or you can’t join if you don’t want to RP.

I joined a pvp server as my first server and soon left. Cause you know. I hated PVP / didn’t PVP myself.

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This does not surprise me for some reason.

I don’t blame anyone for leaving AD if they feel like the Roleplay is disrupting them somehow (Tho I wouldn’t be sure how that would work)

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What do you mean? Do you understand how PvP realms worked back then - or work these days in classic.

You can’t just unflag. You’re always a PvP target.

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Played on Ragnaros for a few years, I often just refuse to fight, because I was busy doing something.

That doesn’t stop people from attacking you. I still don’t think you get it.

but it means I’m not engaging. I am not actively pvping, I do not do the thing the realm is intended for.

Don’t even remember what PvP server I rolled on, but do remember getting ganked a helluva lot in Ashenvale on my level 20 draenei shaman.

EDIT: I was prepared for it, because my main was on a normal server, just wanted to see what a pvp server was like.

Yeah but you’re fuelling someone else’s experience and honor grind by being an easy target. At least you’d benefit someone on a PvP server lol