Do you think Classic will survive SL launch?

it will for a time being but it depends how SL performs tho.

Why wouldn’t it do anything to classic?
Do you honestly not think people are not gonna try out the new expansion? lol.
We’ve also got naxx 1 week after SL comes out, so people will be making the choice of sticking to SL or sticking to classic(with no new content afterwards)

Not everyone that’s playing classic avoids retail lol.

I think it will take a massive hit yes. The min max crowd is often playing retail as well and just took a break from mythic + because BFA was so boring.

Now with a prepatch and the level squish that make stats close to Classic 60, Shadowlands, with its new casual friendly, alt friendly, world with a way to ignore completely toxic meta (the opposite of Classic), it a better alternative for most.

From what i see there is many bugs though and the technical part (server lag) might help to keep Classic afloat.

As for my guild in Classic, sign ups went from 48+ each night to 38-39 and most stopped leveling alts / playing / farming with mains.

It is a real shame, because imo the real point of classic was 1) leveling 2) Naxx.
Putting it one week before raid oppening and after SL starts mean most will have to choose between Classic and SL. The problem is ilvl disparity on retail is much worse than Classic. So falling back behind the curve there will hurt a lot. So i can see many putting Classic on hold until TBC release (if summer rumors are true).

It’s a shame really.

You comment make me laugh a lot in RL. Thank you a lot. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :candy: :blush:

Shut up, Snow!

I don’t think guilds are in any danger.

It will definitely take a hit and I feel a lot of guilds will collapse before Naxx even hits. It’s already hard enough now on the smaller realms. In my previous guild there was talk of players trying out SL I’d say just over a quarter was going to try it out, chances are the majority will start it with the mind set that they will come back to Classic to raid Naxx but in the first month or so what’s likely to happen is they will be too busy preparing to raid as well as raids conflicting that you will end up losing some of the player base on top of that Naxx is consumable heavy and not everyone will have farmed enough consums to last nor will they want to come back and do so when fresh content in SL is out.

Just my opinion though.

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I think SL will be a massive flop and BlizzVision knows this since they are releasing Naxxramas right after.


Shadowlands already started to cannibalize classic when they told us the first release date. I can imagine a lot of guilds will merge or just die out 2 weeks later.

i would have thought SL be a massive flop as warcraft 3 bungle.

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I think SL will have an impact, but what will be much more significant is people considering Classic “finished” after killing Kel’Thuzad once and just losing interest. It will be blamed on SL and holidays and what not. But the fact is Naxx requires a decent amount of consumes to even casually farm once you are used to the mechanics, and there is little point amassing BiS gear if TBC is coming, it just delays you switching out of it in 70 heroics (p6 game BiS) instead of 70 normal dungeons (mix of p4-5 gear). You’ll wear it one week longer tops. And people just won’t be bothered. And you can’t farm Naxx with 30 people, half of which didn’t bring shadow and frost pots. (Because those go for 25g a piece) It will happen faster than you expect. I predict there will be few actively raiding guilds in Classic a week after New Year’s, and barely any after TBC date anouncement.


This is my thinking too. While I do believe that a lot of ppl would want to get the majority of the bis gear they want (and filling their T3), I also know that a lot of ppl will quit the moment they throw KT down.

Hopefully server population and guilds will stabilize once more and ppl will find likeminded ppl to raid with and maybe enjoy a bit more the world of Classic that got obscured by the min-maxing attitude that dominated these months.

Yeah, I’m probably gonna end up quitting if the consumes end up becoming that expensive.
No reason for me to farm for consumes non stop, I’d rather just spend my time on retail or another game.
Not farming 500g+ a week at least just for consumes.

Classic has survived in private servers through 7 expansions.
So why not?

Leaving of refail mentality people will make classic much better.
E-sporting with 2 buttons was meaningless.


Correct - the amount of consumables required and the price of said consumables is the most off putting thing about Naxx. Players don’t mind going in fully consumed with flasks on the first couple of runs but having to farm for it every week takes up a lot of time. I mean just look at the price of consumables on some realms:

Flasks 230-270g
Major Mana Potions 6-7g
Elixir of Shadow Power - 8g
Greater Arcane Elixir - 8-10g
GSPP - 20g+ (Been a while since I checked the price)
GFPP - 10g (Haven’t looked for a while on these either)
Sappers - 7g
Brilliant Wizard Oil - 21-25g
LiP - 7g

On top of getting Wbuffs or even paying someone 20g for DMT summon service.

It’s a lot of gold per week, it would be nice if you could only bring a few of each potion per week but you need to bring extra in case of unexpected wipes/deaths.

I’m not sure how many people are going to want to spend the time farming all that weekly or paying 700g+ per week to raid once they have killed KT especially if they are just raid logging currently.

These games are not in competition,
shadowlands is for mongoloid imbeciles , and if they leave classic i will be happier.


Festering strike
Plague strike
Virulent plague
Death coil
Soul reaper
Dark trasformation
Unholy blight
Army of the dead

Yea I use two bottons in retail.


Clickers this day.

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They only listen to their favourite classic streamers say so XD.

Maybe because classic private servers… you know… restarted from the beginning? lol

I think he meant treating two button Classic like e-sport, which indeed is silly.
Retail is more of an ability whack-a-mole, as your list of abilities confirms. I can’t even tell from the ability names what class they belong to. Demon Hunter? Warlock? Kind of like Diablo 3 with some character builds.

Edit: I suppose it’s Death Knight? I only played their starting zone once in Wrath. Do you really use all of those abilities in an average PvE boss fight?

Edit 2: On a boss fight with adds in Classic I would use:
(Possibly one Pyroblast on opener)
Combustion (and properly timed trinket uses)
Flamestrike Rank 6
Flamestrike Rank 5
Blast Wave
Cone of Cold
Arcane Explosion
(I am not an engineer, but others would also use Goblin Sapper Charges / Stratholme Holy Water)
Two buttons indeed.

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He primarily uses Festering Strike and Plague Strike. Death Coil is the resource dump and Epidemic is the AoE resource dump. Soul Reaper is kind of like execute, only really useful on low health mobs.

Virulent plague is basically a dot that you press every 20-30 seconds.

Dark Transformation, unholy blight and Apocalypse are 1-2 minute cooldowns, you basically use them a couple times per fight and Army of the Dead is a long cooldown.

Unholy Blight and Soul Reaper are talent choices and aren’t baseline abilities.

Unholy is currently one of retail’s most entertaining specs.

I see the only argument for retail has come up again. SO DIFFICULT!!