Do you think Classic will survive SL launch?

I think pservers survived that much because they actually did a lot of good tweaks. Just to name a few:

  • faction lock to preserve faction balance on pvp server
  • progressive servers (not starting at 1.12)
  • the real AV experience
  • not massive lag
  • tight bot monitoring / ban

The problem with pve is that it has a limit date / end point.

If Classic managed to do as good as pversers on the pvp side (wpvp, old AV , force faction balance), it could have lived for many more years instead of taking such massive hits in p2, p3 and now the coming last nail on the coffin for p6.

DT and UB have 45 sec and you have to dump enought rp to make apocalipse cooldown coindence at the same as those 2

also SR is used on Cd beoucse festermight is no longer used

Because they are too different to have exactly the same target demographics.

The better question would be:
Do you think Shadowlands will survive after hyped time-gated content and usual 6 weeks rep farm?

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Well, that is a question for retail general forum :slight_smile:
For sure SL will be good for three months, just like WoD. It will be new and people will give it a try. Thats why Im worried, those 3 months are long period and Classic servers/guilds might die in that period.

Dont see why you need that tone and insults to players with different opinion. You might have many people in your guild who might go try SL, today you love them, tomorrow call the imbeciles only for giving other game a try? Cmon…

Fun fact: People can play different types of games.
Throw in the fact that the last bit of content for classic is out 1 week after shadowlands… it will more or less be competition.

Well iif u speak about scripting…this is very similar to those terrible private servers i played. u can shoot via walls, trees, hills…etc.

I nor the people I play with have the slightest interest in abysmal place they took “current/retail” too and had quit wow for 7+ years until classic came out. None of us will be leaving classic or playing Shadowlands and so for my experience at least nothing will change.

TBC is a much bigger threat as some will play it and some will stick with Classic Vanilla - also the shrinking of the raid team from 40 to 25 will be a guild breaker for some.

Already noticed a huge drop in players right before the initial SL launch so yes I think SL + the holidays will have a severe impact on the classic playerbase.

I felt like a mongoloid imbecil playing classic. Raids with no mechanics and bosses that last less than a minute, the hardest part was staying awake while spamming one key. To each their own, i guess.


Majority of people in my guild didn’t play retail for 5-10 years and don’t plan to start.
Instead everyone is preparing for Naxxramas.
Can say for myself, retail just looks intimidating with dozen parallel currency/badge systems, heilrooms, leveling artifacts and whatever.
Have no motivation to learn/master all this stuff, won’t play.


I am 100% convinced classic will stay and SL does not do much to the whole equilibirum.

@Marquiza: Shadowlands will not have a major impact on Classic. While it was very difficult to make such determinations, when Classic launched, I estimated based on the data available at the time that EU had roughly 80 000 people who played both retail and Classic and to my knowledge (unofficial) that number has gone DOWN since that time. In other words, “hybrid” players are a tiny minority of EU population. For comparison, EU had a known minimum of 890 000+ retail players at that time and combined data provided to me by various player sources and sites indicated that Classic start spike may have reached as high as 656 000 Classic “purists”.

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I do think players are gonna drop off not just with shadowlands but the Christmas period all together as well as huge games like cyberpunk2077 coming out.

some might even just wait till tbc since there is nothing after naxx and with big expection for players bringing in huge amount of gold worth of consumables everyrun some might quit just after one clear.

Alot of guilds will need to recruit or merge to survive the problem is loot systems most loot systems are unfair nobody is gonna come join a guild in naxx to be denied loot via systems like dkp,loot priority to veterans,loot councils(biased) let’s be real who’s gonna join a raid with 200-500g worth of consumables to be denied gear through loot manipulation.

@Kemurai: This is indeed true, but as I noted in my reply to Marquiza it appears that such people (myself included) are a rather tiny minority (less than 5%) at least as far EU region for WoW is concerned. As Tartanangel and others have pointed out, there might be influences that have nothing to do with retail.

Lootdrama exist because loot in classic is amazing (NOT EVERYTHING). Everyone and thier mother’s know the name of the 2h sword from nefarian. I played the first 3 bosses in uldir on mythic and got a 2h weapon to my warrior, this was in the beginning when Uldir was the only raid out. I don’t know which boss dropped it, I don’t know if it was an axe/sword/mace and I can not for my life remember it’s name.
Also, it’s not the same people who do speedruns that say ‘WhY iS tHiS sO EAsY’, it’s the people who was complete noobs in vanilla and came back expecting that.


Who knows, I know a load of people would likely try out shadowlands at the very least.

vanila survied TBC and WOTLK, why wouldnt classic

Because Vanilla was much much better than Classic. It’s all about the people making it good / bad though.

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