Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

I don’t “feel” any way… i see them flying in that form, it’s a fact they can fly normally.
It would be illogical of Blizz (not the first time) to not allow them to fly like other flying mounts.


I see them do a short burst ability that thrusts them forward in a glide. It’s not flying to me.

To you it is.

I do not follow your ‘logic’.

It’s a shame that recently people just aren’t willing to accept that opinions can differ on stuff. Every little thing has to go back and forth pointlessly like this.

The dragon doesn’t descend, as such it’s not gliding, but flying.
It maintains a linear motion in the air.

Check the video i posted above, it looks like it’s flying properly.

You have what you “feel”, the video shows otherwise.


As I literally said:-

That is exaclty the ability I am talking about above.

I disagree, it does not show flying. It shows an ability that thrusts the character through the air forward. That is far from flying.

If you want to ‘feel’ that is flying, you can. I, however, disagree, as I have said so many times now.

This is really adding nothing. You feel one thing, I feel another.

Nothing is to be gained of this. We simply don’t agree. Why is it so hard to leave it at that? People form their own opinions. Mine differs from yours. Instead of just accepting that we’ve now had umpteen replies back on forth achieving absolutely nothing.

Let others discuss what they feel. I shared my opinion, all the way up there ^^


Dont care what puny and her green text above says…

Worgen could run wild as the wolf when they whre released…

By what right does the Blizzard deny the Dragon to fly?! By WHAT RIGHT?!

Dont shrill for them just say that they can! It wont be any different than you on a core race hittting up your own flying mount!

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Yeah… that’s how you see them, with preconceptions.
The drachtyr is flapping its wings and maintaining altitude, seems like it’s perfectly capable of flying.

It jumps in the air and starts flapping its wings to gain that thrust, and then it just keeps flapping them.

It’s fine to be wrong sometimes… no need to get defensive about it.


LMAO opinions are not wrong, they are just opinions.

You have your view, I have mine.

Eyes closed type of view? The video shows how the drachtyr are capable of using their wings for flight…

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Well, by the right of it being their creations and license :thinking: It’s completely stupid of course, might as well make a race that’s not allowed to use its arms, but still perfectly fine for them to do should they feel like it.

That’s the issue… they keep making stupid decisions and shooting themselves in the foot.

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its going to be the most mobile caster , so im looking forward to that

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Neh. Disagree.
Accept that.

Maybe I’ll change my mind once we see more of them in action.
Maybe I won’t. Whatever.

I still don’t think they SHOULD fly.

Which part looks like it doesn’t fly properly?
It jumps up, thrusts itself forward and then in flaps its wings making it fly, it doesn’t glide down, it flies.

The only reason it doesn’t keep flying is cause of gameplay reasons.

Outside of combat it can have the usual “prep time” as usual mounts.

All of it.

That glide doesn’t have any flapping.
It’s the wings moving because of motion and wind.
That’s what I see.

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There is only one class playable by this race. Your argument is so devoid of logic, it hurts.


It’s perfect logic. If you can’t see it, that’s your issue.
No race can fly. Period. So this one shouldn’t either.

The fact that, AT THIS TIME, they can only be one class is a seperate issue.
The devs already said they’re considering giving Dracthyr additional classes in the future.

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Aren’t they (for the moment) a race AND class?

No. They’re a race with 1 class choice.
That’s an important difference.
That can change. So they have to keep that in mind.

I am someone who does care a lot for balance but I see no point in not giving Drac’thyr flying as a passive, same as Worgen can run.

Like, that’s what the racials are for, right? To have an advantage over other races…

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