Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?


Actually, every race can fly, exactly like every race can mount up. Every race have a cast time to mount up, exactly like worgen Running.

You just don’t want them to fly, that is your only argument. Period.


It has slow flapping because it doesn’t want to ascend, it wants to maintain altitude, it already has momentum, it just doesn’t need to descend until the end.

You’ll have more luck convincing a crocodile it’s a squirrel than keeping that argument going. Luckily it’s Blizzard that needs convincing, not him, and they’re way more likely to change their minds.

This makes you sound a bit deranged.
Just sayin’.

It’s not the same.
You can pretend that it is, but it’s not. Factually it’s not.


No it’s not. I’m factually correct that no race has a racial that allows them to fly.
Period. End of argument. That’s a FACT.

I can very easily turn this around and say: You just want them to fly, that is YOUR only argument. Period.

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You know, they get flying anyways with mounts, so in the end, does it really matter to you if they need a mount or not for it? Because as far as I get your intentions, you try to annoy people here with “Birds should not be flying”-logic :wink:


yes they should in my opinion be able to fly outside of combat…

it doesnt hurt pve or pvp and it fits their lore as being dragons


Ahahah, funny you talking about “turning things around” when that is exactly what you did here.
And it is pretty easily explained by yourself actually.

Yes and welcome to Tah show called “how to pretend to be stupid and blind to keep an argument flowing”, even if by having the displeasure of knowing you i am not sure about the “Pretending” anymore.

Yes no other race have the ability to fly on it’s own, exactly like no other race have “Running Wild”.

But guess what? Cause i am about to drop the bomb!
Running Wild it is just cosmetical because it works exactly like “mounting up” for every other race, and thus making this advantage irrelevant.

Same would happen to Drak’thyr that would have a cast time for using their wings, thus reducing to ZERO any possible advantages.

This is the only true thing you said in your post, the other argument you are using are straight up nonsensical crap.

I can live without them flying, idc. Just hate your way of “debating” and proving “facts” so i just can’t resist.

Please again, proceed to explain how both Running Wild and the same thing for Drak’thyr would provide an “unbalance”.

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I can ask you the same thing. They’ll have mounts anyway, so why do you need flying on them?

Then you ‘understood my intentions’ wrong. Because that’s not what I’m doing. I’m saying there is no good logical reason they should have flying. There is ALSO no good balancing reason they should have flying. So my opinion stands: They should not have flying.

I have not heard a single argument in this thread that doesn’t boil down to: I want it because I think it’s cool or it fits.

And to me that just isn’t enough justification. That’s it.

But there’s a clear HUGE difference between running and flying. They are NOT the same thing at all. Not even close.
And I think you realize that very well. So stop acting ignorant of this fact.

What about mount riding costs?

Don’t get insulting when you get owned please.

Ahhhh of course it’s personal.
Okay, we’re done… Bye bye.

Because they have Wings in their dragon form and it makes the most aesthetic and logical sense to give them also a flying perk, least a gliding perk (which they get anyways) to make the race look and appeal more serious.

No, no. That’s exactly what you are doing. That’s why people say your “logic” makes no sense.

They have wings to fly in combat. Why should they not fly with them in regular too?

A bird has wings and can fly. Should that bird now walk too? Planes have also wings. Should they now roll from A to B instead of flying?

You have legs to walk. Should you now jump all the time from Destination A to Destination B instead of just, you know, walking?

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The difference itself it is irrelevant in the discussion.
You babble about advantages that are non-existant trying to make it look like giving flying to Drak’thyr would somehow break the game and is fundamentally different from Worgen’s “Running Wild” ability.

Giving a “Running Wild” flying version to Drak’thyr would be a cool cosmetical thing, because aside from that, it would provide nothing different than any other race casting their mount and flying away.

Honestly, your argument deserve nothing more than laughing in your face.
Basically your tremendous advantage would be “Start at level 58 with 5k extra gold”.



And aside from that, you could simply make it so that using wings → tied to the ability to fly. So if you don’t have the 5k gold one, you go at 150%.

Guess your 300IQ mind missed this.

I mean, is hard to be owned by someone sprouting made up “facts” and is simply against something out of “i don’t see any reason for it”.

If you don’t see any reason for something, sometimes you can just shut up and be neutral about it.

Of course it is, it is you, Tah that is annoying. Your arguments are debunked in 0.1 seconds.
Now shooooo

But you are. You are a liar.

I do not have something that i consider cool so others should not have it either argument.

Anything else?

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Lots of things have wings and can’t fly. In the real world as well as ingame.

I think that the fact they have 2 forms. Both those forms seem to be getting a BOATLOAD of customization. They can (at the moment) be an exclusive class. All those things are quite enough appeal.

I just don’t think that’s a good reason.
It makes aesthetic and logical sense to give beastmasters many more pets with different functions, but… you know…

Don’t tell me my intentions. I just said that I’m NOT doing that.
You insult me by basically calling me a liar. Stop it.


Because they don’t fly. They glide.
Also: That’s a CLASS thing. Not a race thing.

Many birds do not fly.

Constructions man-made with the soul purpose of flying. Bad example.

Now you’re just being silly.
The fact that they have wings does not mean they HAVE to fly.
The real world is FULL of examples. WoW itself has plenty of examples too.

Just accept it. They don’t fly.
They could be given a glide. I don’t care about that (although people WILL in the future, when there would be gliding warriors and whatnot).

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I don’t understand at all how a normal flight in Drachyr can break the balance.
Are you seriously?
Straight seriously?
Not to give them a normal opportunity to fly is insanity.
They are born with wings, but they cannot fully use them. Great (no).

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Yeah. It happens. A lot.

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Something about dragons? No?

These dragons have functional wings.

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Yeah so?
It’s a fantasy species. Blizzard decided these things don’t fly.
Deal with it.


That’s your personal take on it.
I disagree. We already went over this.
There is no proper evidence of your claim.
When we get more footage or actual ingame experience with them, I might feel differently.
Right now, it’s crystal clear to me.

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The dragon is going in a straight line through the air, if it were gliding it would be having a descending motion.
The flying through the air is so slow it would start descending a lot faster.

Visual evidence… maybe you need to change your glasses.

Ok, name a few that can’t fly.

I didn’t insult you in any way. But what you are showing us is “having a chip on your shoulder” :slight_smile:

Once again, go name them

In almost every literary version Dragons can fly. Also a man-made Myth-Writing.

I am only returning your silliness back to you :wink:

You said that now 3 times but haven’t named a single animal that does that.

Something that is man-made in a video game, suited for an audience that requests flying for it… Why should they not get flying after the Beta?

Aha, so you dislike the idea of mobility?

In summary, I think we have a classic case of “Dunning-Kruger” effect here. To all other people, I recommend to stop arguing with Tah. Apparently, no matter how good our points are, Tah is going to stick with his/her “superior logic”. :laughing: