Do you think riot games new MMO will kill WoW?

Short answer. Nope.

Long answer. Of course not.

Maybe, maybe not, we don’t even see the orientation of the game.
If it’s pvp and competitive focus, it probably won’t harm wow.

No. League of Legends have like 6 buttons per classes to press. Its will never be more complex than WoW. Its designed for mass audience where nobody can shine because it will be too simple.

Problem with changing from wow to wow2 is that wow has always been a game which you can play with a potato. Many of the more modern mmo’s have no chance at all running on older systems.

I can play wow with my 8 year old machine with no problems just like i did with my newer computer that went up in smokes last year but this old computer will not run games like ESO or other newer mmos at all even at their lowest settings while wow runs pretty smoothly on medium.

If they would pull the plug on wow and went with wow2 i can imagine lot of people would just quit or go on private/classic servers while wow2 would suffer the fate of Everquest2/GW2.

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Wow will always have a place amongst mmos .

The ONLY game that will kill WoW is WoW itself, and the last ex-pac and the design and implementation of the current ex-pac is a step closer to that actually happening


Riot games MMO won’t even be out in time to kill WoW :rofl:

I tried to play SL today. I got bored extremely quickly after doing that escort garbage quest in Ardenweald which takes way too long to do, and sometimes the fights doesnt even give you any %.

I deleted the game. Its so bad. Really bad. I cant take it anymore.
And I used to like world quests, got the 10k achi WQ 2017.

MMOs suck. I hope this genre dies now. Seriously…

No Only thing that can kill wow is wow itself :smiley:




Old man wanders in slowly “For countless years… It has been said that the infamous tyrant… Lord Warcraft would be slain by new coming heroes from around the world… That they would finally halt his reign of terror! However… Year after year… Lord Warcraft grew more powerful, soon to be unstoppable, yet there is still hope, the Lord is tainted… With a disease that is slowly growing, malicious, maybe the tyrant perishes before our Heroes can strike the final blow or maybe… It’s all but a ruse to bring overly confident heroes to their demise…!”


As others have said, the only thing that will kill WoW would be WoW itself. I’ve played a couple of other mmo’s - briefly LoL and Age of Conan when I quit during WoD but neither of them had the same appeal as WoW which for some reason holds my attention more.

Why would ppl want another game to kill WoW anyways? I love so many games and played many, even RoseOnline which shows how darn old I am :slight_smile:

Wildstar was amazing, GW2 is great from time to time, FF awesome but I just prefer the console ones, and I can go on and on and on…

But WoW will always be the no 1, the game has been around so many yrs with so many players plus now Classic/ Classic TBC being back…

I can love all, play WoW mostly but enjoy the rest as well from time to time :green_heart:

And nobody will play a game if it costs $5 trillion dollars to play either, league being free to play and requiring low graphics is a large reason why is it popular as well as being fun. If it became a paid game, it would have less players. this is a fact.

depends how casual friendly it will be

wow was only popular when it was easiest most casual friendly game on mmorpg market.

if not its dead on arrival.

What use is it to speculate on it killing WoW since nobody’s even gotten a glimpse of the game yet? Old Blizzard devs in charge of development will give them an edge, remember that these old Blizzard devs didn’t leave Acti-Blizz willingly, they were pissed off at what the company had become and the decisions being made in WoW.

Their game better be the best attempt yet at dethroning WoW, they’re on a mission after all, but it may take a long time, the longer it takes the more fleshed out it will be.

Riot has access to a bigger playerbase than WoW does, is tha main argument, also it will be created on a newer game engine and allow for more advanced things than WoW. I don’t think anything will really top wow, more like wow will top itself, but still

Riot’s strategy right now is to throw a bunch of half baked (but polished on the outside) garbage at the market and to see what sticks.

MMO’s can look fancy but unlike FPS’s and fighting games MMO’s can’t hide their bad systems behind pretty graphics.

zzZZ Wildstar heard that story before.


Wildstar was actually a great game, my nr. 1 & 2 mmo at the time actually, they got a lot of things right and it had plenty of unique features, even wow stole the idea of wow tokens from them.

Wildstar left its mark, hopefully lessons learned

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