Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

if it is only once per acc i would evacuate bricks 0.0

I don’t want to split hairs like the definition of “winning”

It makes some things easier (collections / professions and so on). I guess that is an “advantage” /shrug

I don’t underestimate the amount of time investment it takes though.


Thank you! Was just trying to fit it in as I can’t post links


Very bad change in my view.

I got that one but still missing the other one he drops. Sharkbait continues to elude me also. Same with the mechagon and Jaina mounts (although they finally made this so it’s doable solo)


I think they are well aware that most mount/collection farmers go ham with a full account of alts, or more.

I like only having to do it once tbh, but the drop rate is not good enough.

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The skin shouldnt even be a drop should be off the vendor for currency and not 50.000g they have been charging.

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Seen 3 Handmaiden’s thingy over the years.
Not sure how many Experiment 12B have dropped as I don’t even loot the chests anymore (I know I’m throwing away gold but cba). Only chest I look in is the last one for Blazing Drake.

I don’t do the BFA dungeons and raids for mounts yet. Probably never will get that far in my farming.


I feel that is totally a suitable alternative ofc.

Better yet make it for the event currency.

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Curious why you think its a bad change?

I don’t think people leveling 45 alts and then laboriously doing the event on every one of them every day is healthy or intended behaviour.


Whilst i agree with you all on points it does take away a choice/option for farmer’s but yes it did use to make for unhealthy mind and body.

I like the change because now I don’t feel I have to do it on all chars anymore (although I forgot about this event a few days). But it would be nice to see some more numbers on the bad luck protection so you know how much it’s at.

They did the same for Fyrakk, be nice if they could throw out an estimate number of runs.

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I would say undoubtedly it gives you an advantage but thats as it should be.
Having multiple characters to earn gold with or level different professions works well in wow and its one of its greatest strengths.
If i ever get bored playing one class i can switch, or i can go tank or heals or even a different kind of tank or heals. The variation definately keeps me playing longer.

So yes, alts give you an advantage. thats as it should be. Warbands and the new account wide progression will be a godsend. Im still sitting on really low renown on all my characters because questing and farming rep isnt something i enjoy. Perhaps i will be able to see more rewards in TWW simply because of the account wide rep!!

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Why not lay out all different types of unhealthy behavior in the game then and how Blizzard could protect us from ourselves?

Or things that from a developmental standpoint are not intended to be done in a way they are done?

“Oh, midsummer event is up, let’s sign to it”

We sign to it.

I get the thing I wanted from it, on first try, “Well, guess I’m done now”.

My friend was not amused.


A friend messaged me and was like ‘so what’s new this year’ so I explained the saddle and it’s only one chance a day. He replies oh I got that on my first kill, so I’m done?. I explain there is a new cloak and shield on the vendor and he’s like nah I’m done :rofl:


Lets not be so reductive.

Both sides bear some of the responsibility. This isn’t an either / or thing.

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Yeah, so why eliminate choice and invalidate a different playstyle in favor of another? Why invalidate those with a healthy psyche?

I am not in favor of my time online being increasingly choreographed.

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It’s a good point. All I can imagine is there is no perfect solution that will make everybody happy. I think its a good solution and that the upsides outweigh the downsides.