Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

I wouldnt say it really does. It does in comparison to someone funneling everything into one character but everyone is able to have multiple alts if they are willing to put in the time and effort to level and ,depending on the planned content for it , gear them. In the end if someone chooses to not have any alts, its his own choice. Investing more time should also impact the “reward”.

I dont mind the changes in TWW and think it makes alts a lot easier to manage but also gives people with one character the benefit of collecting stuff which was locked behind alts before (e.g. transmog).

Personally I always concentrated on my two mains and generally play like 3-4 chars depending on the purpose (professions, raiding& dungeons, achievments, mount farming and my first ever char, i just cant let go of which is this priest :laughing:)

But with remix the amount of max level chars went a bit overboard since I “had to” level at least 1 per race :laughing:

Will it be same for love rocket :slight_smile: ?

Higher each attempt i mean.

As much as it would be nice to get a nice heap of gold for doing very little I wouldn’t have 50 characters just so that I could get gold from WQs.

Would this still work on TWW?

I do agree with you that the developers have some responsibility to discourage degenerate gameplay. They don’t need to eliminate entriely, simply mitigate the causes.
Paragon Boxes is a prime example. A rep grind for an RNG chance at some unique rewards was horrible game design. But the current paragon boxes with simply currency is a good compromise. It rewards gameplay without forcing collectors into a horrible game-loop. We can argue whether or not the amount of currency is tuned well or not but that’s a different debate.

I think having a higher chance for a mount etc. to drop on your first kill of the day / week is reasonable.
A lot of players will be happy to do it once per cycle but those that want to can do it more. Nobody is forced to level an army of alts to stand a good chance at the reward. But those that have alts can still use them for more chance if they wish.

One of my most hated design choices Blizz made to this game is when they began dictating reputation progress through daily/weekly quests.
If I want to shotgun 3 cans of redbull and grind an entire reputation to exalted by obliterating a minor race several times over in the span of two days I should be able to.
I don’t want to have to log in every day and do an optimal amount of things each day for a steady and healthy progress because someone have decided that for me.
I want to use my time how I want and when I want.

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We will have to wait and see if they adopt this as a standard.

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This didn’t really bother me until emissaries came along. Not only could I not grind the rep for as long as I could. I had to grind the rep that they choose for me to grind.

In MOP you could just do the same faction every day and get ~2000 rep for all the dailies. So be done with a rep in 3 weeks.
In BFA you could do an emissary once or twice a week for the faction you wanted.

Ye emissaries just added onto the problem for me. I play in bursts so I miss out on almost all content each expansion.

I’m not saying they should revert everything back to the rep/mob grinds of ol’ but that it’d be nice to at least have the option.

Paragons were just not fun to farm those mounts. Especially the legion ones.

Then you’ll be happy to learn…

They’re coming back.



As long as there are no paragons attached I’m good

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Don’t forget Zereth Mortis it was pain with bad luck.

Although they weren’t as bad as Legion Paragons the SL ones were still awful. That one in particular was the worst.

I used to think that many alts help.
I realize it’s only when you have lots of time.

It makes sense to dedicate each character to a set of content. Less hassle with gear, buttons, spec.

Most importantly, fun.
Instead of having a hard army, I seem to prefer seasons. Play something for a few months, repick once bored.

One risk of having an army is that you don’t get anywhere. During WLK (now, last two years) I played a set of characters but I actually ended up doing about one cycle every month. By the end of the expansion I managed to finish the first 2 zones with my most advanced character. (At least I realized a few months ago and put emphasis on tank / healer, so had some 80 fun, capping out with heroics, about i205 on the tank and i185 on the healer.) Totally not recommended.

Professions used to be something, but they have a high entry fee and BoP limits. I tried to repeat myself in WLK (now) but made zero use of my enchanter or alchemist due to vellum prices or character level. Right now my mindset is that professions are 0% useful. Skinning + Herbalism/Mining can make some money, assuming you find enough nodes, but even then the profession threshold cost can get prohibitive.

This is a major headache of mine.
In games like D3 or GW2 where achievements are account bound, it makes sense to restart characters. Losing crafting might be a deterrent.

In WoW, I look at my character (say, this one posting) and even though I would consider to restart for Remix or anything else, I’m not willing to sacrifice the character birth date, reputations, zone unlocks, special enchanting looks, what have you. Just a few characters but still a blocker.

Back to GW2, if I restart a character (with the intention to replay the stories / hearts), once done I’m back where I started. Or mostly. I think. Any difference is intentional, like picking a different story path or crafting. (And while there is some cost to crafting, gear is account bound and story replay ends up rewarding daily points which can be gear and gold, the latter of which can be used to earn back crafting points - recipes are kept. Even better, it’s an incentive to discover less meta crafts.)

Shilling aside, what I mean there is potential for action items here to encourage character detachment.

Legion rep pretty quick with the emissaries, korthia and ven’ari from shadowlands on the other hand shudders

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I didn’t complete getting the paragon mounts until two expansions later. I cleared the WQ every day. It was the most horrendous grind. And I did a huge AP grind that expansion to the point I nearly burnt out.

So No thank you to paragons. Put them on vendors.

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I would like to be able to have the option to buy the drops with the event currency, along with the chance of getting it as a drop.

There are some advantages (the one I use the most is being able to farm a specific transmog), but I mostly experience it like a problem cause I can’t commit to just 1 character