Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

Its not an advantage as everyone has the chance to level alts if they wish.

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I think a better question is…

Do some people feel like they “should” have an alt army because of the advantages they give, even though they don’t really want one or don’t have the time for one?

Can’t help but think I inspired you to make this post, Puny :slight_smile:


I mostly (like 98% of the time) focus just on this character. For me, the biggest advantage to having alts is having your characters ready to get the Soaring Spelltome mount.
I would love to get it but I just can’t bring myself to play other chars much.

I sometimes have Alts of the same class or armor type to farm mogs that don’t drop on my mains.
For me the advantage of having Alts is to see different PoVs.

I don’t really have lots of characters, atm I have three characters that I play consistently and others that only purpose is to farm mogs.

This one, I feel advantage from having more than one class.

To each their own but, for me, I value my time, and having an Alt Army will take up too much of it.

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Kinda the opposite without my army alts my stuff would take alot longer time to get.

I’m always happy to see the arena quest in plains give a gold reward. Pretty quick to knock out on all my chars.

Controversial take but I have never liked the pre-patch events, I find them really boring (although people keep saying that the Legion one was the best and it is one of the few that I missed).

I lost my original account last year due not ever setting up security with my e-mail and yahoo telling me there’s no way to access it. I never did try to get it back but I might look into it. I had so many alts because I would get bored so quick and all it did was stress me out!

In SL I had 4 max level arcane mages because….? Even I don’t know lol!

Due to losing me email I thought it was a good time to purchase wow again with that ÂŁ20 offer and decided I would only ever play 1 character which is this monk. Who am I kidding though.

I’m in love with the mog changes coming I think that’s great! got blades of azzinoth 3 times on my priest lol. For now I’m in hospital and won’t be out so I’ll be joining back sometime in TWW so I’m happy enough to get the mogs since I’ve only done a few quests on this guy!

was so exciting afking in a zone for 15mins to get massive xp and some currency :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not sure if sarcastic or not, because some people do like that (for some reason). I for one really hate it and it’s looking like that this pre-patch will just be the same. From what I saw on the beta it’s essentially dailies and World bosses.

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im like you the pre patch is not exciting or anything . i might get a few bits of mog but thats it.

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I have had the same problem with my vanilla account i cant access the email so i cant recover it sad :frowning: i had some rare items on there aswell

We get a recolored mount this year XD.


oh the joy of it haha :smiley:

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Now all we need is a re colour of fyralath the dream render so i dont have to walk around looking like an orange for it to suit me

This is pretty much my approach.

If you are someone who likes to play through the content over and over and end up with a lot of alts that’s great.

If you are someone who couldn’t care less about having lots of alts and just play one or a few chars, that’s great too.

There is no ‘you must do this’ with casual content IMO. The entire point is that you do as little or as much as you like.

Some people will concentrate on a main or a couple of characters they want to gear up, some will just start with one and then expand a bit. Some will wait until a situation arises where they want to change main and then finish of levelling/gearing another character.

I personally only ended up with so many alts because it’s something to do in down time. It also gave me more chances at things like the love rocket but they are changing the way drops work so people don’t have to have an army of alts to get a drop. I think this is a positive step but some disagree, wanting to carry on with the degenerate multi farm.

There are still plenty of things that aren’t events that area available to farm. I have at times mass farmed a mount drop, but these days I haven’t really bothered beyond my main.

If you are in a more sweaty guild they may want to do split runs, or if you are in a very very top guild you may be required to have several alts geared and ready. But that doesn’t really apply to the bulk of us.

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Shadowmourne. Not exactly the same but it’s very close to it.

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Yeah im gonna do the quest to get it when i get back to the game it looks quite easy

Except for the blood infusion part