Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

if you havent picked up on the subtler aspects of RP ever since vanilla you’re a very special kind of player tbh


is it cold up there on your high perch? :stuck_out_tongue:

god yes please.


One can only dream…


those 2 replies above? show exactly the attitude I was speaking of above…you want a completly dead server? go ahead wipe everyone off who isnt a roleplayer…dont be so utterly stupid. 3/4 of the players on this server are not rpers!

Imagine that actually happened. What a great server AD would be. Perfection.


Having skimmed through the thread a bit, I don’t think anyone would shed a single tear if people like yourself moved to another server.

If you have this clear disdain of roleplayers, why pick a roleplay server to play on?


Source pls


RPers mostly interact with other RPers, so RPers wouldn’t notice a dead server based on an exodus of non RPers
Its more of a how many non RPers are there compared to RPers?
If that number becomes too lopsided in favour of non RPers, RPers consider the realm dead, even if technically the server could be a full one
For most RPers, all non RPers disappearing with all RPers still around would be as far away from dead as you can want it to be
Besides what’s the point of shouting dead realm when actual content which is the source of this arguement is crossrealm?


Man, I was content to watch this thread drift to the bottom of the forums. Haven’t all the bases been covered?
Things are slow while waiting for the new xpac, and OP is happy to sit in the middle of the pitch in a clown suit and boggle as to why people are asking him to move. Business as usual.


You got some sauce with that steak?

For the record I’m usually indifferent to OOCers until they get disruptive but to be blunt the server would function just fine with only RPers. We do form raiding and PvP groups of our own and if necessary use cross realm tools as well.

Argent Dawn is literally one of the most popular realms in EU and it sure as hell isn’t because of our hyper competitive raiding guilds.

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I dont have a disdain for roleplayers I have a disdain for people who try to dictate what others should be doing, who try to tell people they dont belong, who talk down to others… and I will not apologise for having this disdain, these people are scumbags plain and simpole and they destroy this community…role players. pvpers, anyone who acts that way towards other players.

Also when you skimmed the thread i guess you missed the bit where ive repeately said I have no issue with roleplayers and indeed even take part myself sometimes.

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You mean like how on the WoW realmlist the purpose of the realm is dictated to be “RP”


yes its an rp realm which means its friendly to rpers. it does not mean all non rpers have no right to be there if that was the case then it would be against the tos to be on the realm and not rp…but that isnt the case is it?

On some of my alts ive seen people rping on the non rp realms they are on…should they be kicked off for rping on a pve realm as well?

Can it be because ERP is deplorable and against the ToS ? Oh geezums I do wonder.

substantiate your claims


The issue, which has been discussed numerous times is the part I’ve highlighted in your text now. We’ve seen over the years numerous times, and recently a sharp rise in Roleplayers specifically not feeling very welcome on our own server, with multiple guilds specifically priding and recruiting on that they like to disrupt and troll roleplayers.

This is also just alongside the other things, such as having to deal with people being immersion breaking, disregarding the naming policy, not able to use multiple zones and cities for roleplay and the disgusting prices on the AH because alot of OOCer’s like to try and sell roleplay gear for several thousand gold higher than on other servers.

Look at it like this: You don’t think it is a little bit disrespectful and rude to barge into a Thai restaurant and start to chug beers while screaming that you are demanding to be served Big Mac & or bringing in your own and starting to munch down on it? Especially when the restaurant already has trouble with people doing this, while also running around flipping tables and mocking the other customers who came there specifically for the Thai food?


I want thai food now


I’m sorry!

(It is generally delicious though, so its okay)

I’m getting sushi rn

Then I’m going to sit down in the neighboring thai restaurant with it

No restaurants are going to let you eat outside food, if your flippng tables around youll end up having the police take you away…

I don’t get the comparison here… Non role players ARE allowed on rp realms. That is a fact. If people are being idiots and disrupting rp they can simply be reported to blizzard that is also a fact.

So tell me why as someone who never disrupts or annoys any rpers, is respectful and has been here for years without incident i should suddenly leave because I rarely rp? This is my home, this is where my guild is… i am not threatening rpers, I don’t have an issue with or disrupt rpers and i dont cause problems for anyone on the server. Who the ‘hell’ are you to tell me I shouldn’t be here? Let alone compare me to someone who actively does destroy other people’s game experience just because you dont like the fact I dont rp.

Mind your own damn business and ill mind mine, if I was more simple minded id say some of the responses in this thread would actually start me hating the rp community but im not and im aware its only a small minority of stuck up morons who think they somehow have the right to tell people to get off the server just because I dont do what they do.

Anyway this is getting tiresome now so ill end with this… Im going nowhere!!!.. but im also not going to disrupt anyone’s game. So If someone just going about their business ingame offends you so much just because ‘they aren’t doing what you do’ with your own gametime then the issue is with you not them, wind your neck in and pull your head out of your backside…I tell you what if i ever did want to explore rp more on this server I certainly wouldn’t be wanting to interact with people who are as judgemental and quite frankly stuck up as some of those in this thread! /endthread

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