Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

See you say this, but at the same time you’ve also said things like the following:

And the list goes on.

You’ve already shown that you have a really dismissive attitude towards roleplayers and actively enjoy and take part in the multitude of issues that is Goldshire. As already been discussed before, it’s a place many people would like to use for roleplay, but it is completly flooded with OOCers like yourself who use it as some kind of meme-center or cybering, which is against the ToS.

And that isn’t even touching on the culture of child-grooming that specifically takes place there. All of this is something you openly encourage by talking about great wonderful it is and being incredibly snarky and hostile when someone says that “yeah, that isnt roleplay, nor is it good because it is not only a ToS violation, but disruptive to the server and in some cases illegal.”

You’re exactly a part of the problem with your attitude and your self-entitled view of “I picked this server, so to hell with the rest of you, I can do w/e I want”. Nobody would have told you to move server or even paid notice to you if you didn’t deliberately draw attention to yourself with these posts in the first place.

TL:DR You are a part of the problem and quite a bad apple from your own posts and accounts and behavior, and it’s exactly what many of us wants less off. Take some time to do some self-reflection. If you truly mean and believe you don’t want to disruptive roleplayers on the server, then abide by the rules and stop making comments like you have and stop partaking in those activities.


You are 100% right.

I also don’t RP like ever. The reason I rolled on this server was that it was a big one and that, never RPing myself I wanted to take a look at what it is like. Turns out it’s kind of cute and I mostly like it, but I don’t find it interesting enough to participate myself. So what, I have to move servers now? Sorry, but unless someone pays me for the transfer, I am not going.

This server belongs to all players who are on it. Me and you and many thousands of others who don’t RP actively or at all included. If someone has a different opinion, tough.


He is about -17% right. Tell me, would you attend a meeting of a chess club with no intention of playing chess? Would it be odd for you if those chess players asked you to either leave, or play with them?

What’s cute in people doing their hobby

Doesn’t change the fact that joining a RP realm without intention of taking part in it is just stupid


He is 100% right.

Yes, I would attend a meeting of a chess club if I was interested in seeing the game and maybe learning it if I like it. That’s what I did with RP. I didn’t like it enough to participate, this happens. With a chess club I would then leave, but since leaving in the WoW world costs money and players are isolated enough from each other and can happily co-exist on the same server without harming each other experiences, I stayed.

That’s simple stuff, you could have figured it out by yourself.


oh we have our ways =)


Not sure what you even mean.

Going to farm more RP tmog this evening, it does sell better here than on other realms, keep buying it, it’s a win-win for everyone (you get tmog, I get gold).

i don’t buy RP stuff from the AH :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You are not the whole server, mate. :- )

i am quite a big guy though


Tell that to the ladies in Goldshire, maybe they will care.

here you are replying to me

i will now expand my brain matter to yours and force you to type a reply

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joining? ive been here since cata mate, probably longer then most of those whining about me being there thats what I find amusing! its never actually been an issue in game, its just as usual this forum community is full of high and mighty asshats :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it here just fine, dont ya love me! :P:P:P

It would be interesting to see some statistics as to how many players on this RP realm actually consider themselves RP-ers and do RP vs how many do not. I suspect the results might not be in favor of the RP-ers.

It’s more what I previously explained, you brought the attention to yourself with highly inflammatory and rude responses and posts, while applauding several violations of the ToS and disruptive and in a few cases, illegal behavior while smack-talking anyone who told you that neither of this is actually roleplay or something healthy for any server.

This is a 100% situation where you would have no kind of issue towards you if you didn’t literally bring it up yourself and behaving like an absolute immature screaming :toolbox: about it.


bit of a weirdchamp thing to say + by judging your overall attitude it comes to no surprise that you’re a Goldshire regular

muh statistics

you don’t need to RP a lot, even RPing once every full moon makes you a RPer, which I reckon there are plenty of people like that who occasionally RP - even if they are all on their lonesome, with friends, whatever - it’s all fine in my book, however purely being on this server while never participating in RP (Goldshire doesn’t count) is pretty stupid, and if you are boasting about making insane $$$ from transmogs bought by RPers, doesn’t that insinuate that there might be a lot of RPers on this server… a server meant for RP???



This was a little incoherent.

I don’t boast big $$$, I mentioned farming RP tmog as an example of a win-win between people who don’t RP (myself) and people who do (buyers).

I am not sure how many people would fit your criteria of RPing, it might not be much even with your limit of only RPing sporadically. I wouldn’t know for sure though, that’s why I said I’d like to know.


Disgusting, not sitting at the thai restaurant but the sushi getting :nauseated_face:

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It’s not, I’m just calling you dense for arguing in favor of not RPing on an RP realm while also showcasing a high degree of ignorance

its not hard to get comfortable in this us vs. them mentality when your argument is based on lack of knowledge lmao

Love all the friendly replies from true RP-ers. “You are playing wrong, you are stupid”, etc, etc, etc. Playing victims between the jabs as well.

You guys really know how to attract people. :- )

Keep doing it.

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We don’t want to attract you though, you’ve shown you don’t care about RPers and have already called our way of play “cute” which is patronising.

This crud is also part of the problem with OOCers being here. Ridiculous inflation.