Don't get it - why does A get buff + loot for nothing?

Change the AOO quest so that it will also lock you in WM for 7 days if you complete it.

This will solve many problems.

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Lazy band-aid fixes for the overarching problem that Alliance just isn’t cool, and thus no one wants to play them.

If Blizzard ever gets around to doing some good writing that makes the Alliance look like anything more than toy soldiers and fantasy tropes that exist solely to be antagonists for the Horde, then maybe more people would be interested in playing them.

Until then there will be busted pvp racials, extra rewards and who knows what else to try and get more people on the blue team, because that is just much easier and requires less effort.

Well i dont know how it happens, but i am from a horde dominant server, Twisting Nether, and i always end up being ganked by minim 2-3 alliance vs me, especially during invasions or when i do champions of azeroth wq. Since i play BFA, i never saw on my server (and usually i dont use sharding, only when i kill strong elites on maps), groups of horde camping and ganking wq locations, not even i Kul-Tiras continent. Every time, its exactly the oposite. Alliance gank me, not the other side.

And i ask now: how thoose 7% left can do it and the rest of alliance cant? o.O
Maby because 93% of alliance are noobs? Could be this a reason? Why always you blame that horde has good racials, when thoose 7% prooved that alliance chars can do it? Get my point now?

Thats not our problem. You talk about comunism…yet that ideology promotes that the rich to share with the poors. Related to our game, this means because you (the alliance) are a bunch of incompetent kids that cant do a raid or a m+ dungeon, you complain and ask freebies, so that you equal us. So where is the fairness of gameplay, when you receive bonuses just because you are incompetents?


PvP happened in WM… non issue.


Because no shiny, no deal.

The real question is why i don’t get a 415 loot from that quest?

Upgrade the reward or else get lost.

wait wait wait… earlier on people were complaining it needed to be upped to 400 (something the horde coudlnt get outside of weekly stuff and heroic raiding) now your arguing that it needs to be the equivalent of mythic.

Blizz please read this and never give these people any loot like this again, they will never be happy till the horde is forced to have item level 1 gear while they stop around in mythic… ah who am I kidding they will find away to complain about that too.

Equivalent of mythic as a baseline no, but i agree that it should scale and not be fixed.
Since it’s a pvp reward, having it scaling with you rating isn’t a bad idea.


I think Ussra was just pulling your hoof. :rofl: I don’t think people acctually whould ask for 415’s from AOO… heck I haven’t even spoken to any alliance that are excited about AOO. It’s one of those things Alliance got without asking for it in the first place and now It’s in game so ofcourse people will try to do it for them shinies.

This is the typical day as Alliance… “Ohh there’s 40 people camping in Arom’s stand again”, “10+ People gank in the Dead Wash”, “A raid’s camping the tortollan quest giver”. As horde It’s really “crickets” then AOO’s active for one week and then it’s “Rage rage rage”. When AOO’s off it’s “Where’s the alliance?”… well they are in the shard getting totally demolished by horde raids so ofc. they will opt out again.

I don’t say AOO is the solution or agree with it even being in the game, but It’s fun to see Horde get the Alliance treatment from time to time. I really enjoy WPVP however those daily horde raids get a bit old after awhile, especially on none AOO weeks when it’s basicly impossible to put togheter a similar sized group, kind of wierd that these weeks the horde raids are none existant.

Horde had a small raid at Tiragarde assault in my shard, ganking innocent Alliance questers. We formed a retaliation raid and had several fun battles.

Eventually able to control the assault area and suppress Horde from stealing our assault quests, and allow nearby Alliance to get their quests done in relative peace.

That’s WPvP, AOO not required, both factions raid grouped because fun :slight_smile:


It’s a bit easier at a Assualt spot yes. But at RP shards It happends everywhere, assualt or not. It’s probably because we have a somewhat even spread at the RP shards so there’s alot of alliance running around usually. So well people probably want in and ruin our RP fun times.


is this quest back?i see all the girls out there doing 40 v 1 pvp action.Damn they represent their ga…i mean alliance pride!

Yep, it’s back (20% enlisted buff). And honestly, for me it was expected.

Don’t act like only the Alliance acts like that, last week I got attacked by 10-15 horde at half the summon stones…heros. Once half of them went in they started backing off.

It goes both ways.


Blizzards attempt to persuade Alliance into WPvP has actually lead to a situation where Alliance are rewarded for NOT participating.

No +bonus, no free loot, fine…turn WM off until the quest comes back. WPvP almost completely devoid of alliance. Alliance outnumbered by horde even at Drustvar quests.

Quest comes back. Form raid groups to camp quests in Stormsong, claim free loot. Toggle WM off.

…and repeat.

Alliance basically participate in WPvP once a month for a few hours. Then turn it off again whilst being rewarded for it.

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That’s not the same. Far from it. Holy f… that’s really not the same.

Whenever that trash quest is up the game is unplayable as horde. At the moment I’m trying to do a quest with one kill at the time while some backpeddling retard kills me with his 20 best buddies. As if alliance on rp servers even need an incentive, they are on permanent zerg mode already.

This is just like the old server where one faction dominates the other completely.

Overall region balance has been closer and WPvP has been good at 15% bonus. Now the price for that is due, with a temporary flare up in Alliance kill questers. It’ll pass.

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Ok, nice theory. This does not - in any way - explain why it has been relatively balanced (15% buff / no AOO) for two or three weeks till now.

As you explain it it should be every other week instead of every other month, this is not the case atm.


this was expected, as of late u see little allys around.
let them have their buff, if it makes them dare to go outside.

horde alrdy won bfa big! :sunglasses::sunglasses::crown::crown::crown::1st_place_medal::1st_place_medal::muscle::muscle::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

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Idk what u talking about hordie boi, my wm is on 24/7, i do invasions and wq every single day and i see only allys around. Keep lying to urself about “alliance turn on wm for quest and off after” xd

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OK, “once a month” was an exaggeration done for effect…but…it does explain it fully.

If there weren’t STILL more horde in WPvP and alliance WPvP participation was increasing, the buff wouldn’t have remained at 15%. It would have fallen to 10%.
The buff has increased this week because there are even fewer alliance in WPvP. If there are fewer alliance in WPvP it stands to reason that more alliance are turning WM off.

Now despite the fact that alliance WM participation has fallen low enough to trigger the Aao quest, on the three toons I did the invasion on today, on all shards i zoned into, horde were vastly outnumbered at WPvP quests. All horde in those zones were commenting in chat in the the same way, all outnumbered.
The only possibly reason for this is that having seen that the Aao quest was up, alliance have toggled on WM on to complete the quest.
Alliance numbers will remain higher in WPvP for as long as the quest and the +20% bonus is up.
After that I predict a steady decline in numbers and bonus until the quest pops again.

So, point proven. A large proportion of alliance are only enabling WM when the quest and +20% bonus is up. Those players are effectively being rewarded with free loot whilst having WM toggled off for the majority of the time.

You do understand that the very reason that the Aao quest and +20% bonus is back is that Blizzards own analysis has determined that there are a far greater number of Horde players in WPvP than alliance don’t you?..don’t you?

You’re making an assumption that an Alliance decrease doesn’t have a corresponding Horde increase, both contributing to a return to 20%.

Last I heard from Blizz, there are excess Horde with WM on but not WPvPing. These are the players I would expect to WM off during AOO, then WM back on when AOO down. That combined with the Alliance AOO fluctuation makes more sense.

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