you pretty much said why it is like that, horde outnumber alliance so much, that at times some zones become unplayable for alliance, so they turn wm off, heck none wants to be free kill just becuse they can not even try to defend them selfs at times, now I am not saying this reward system is the best eighter, but I am not sure how to fix it otherwise, as long as there is more of one side, this will always be the case, heck this even happend on pvp servers back in the days, one side got to big, the other side migrated to other servers,
and wpvp on those servers died out totaly, due to there being 100 horde or 100 alliance vs one horde or one alliance.
I can tell you for sure that alliance don’t hide with warmode off on the RP shards since we got all the ERP’ers that go with warmode on and zerg with LFG
I must say i really miss how the server were back then. RPPvP servers was a great place to be with small scale WPvP going on, and people joined this server for it, and now it’s F up because of WM (RIP Phasing too lmao)
Well we just need to do the best we can as it is now, TRY to have fun :’)
If it would be 0% then horde would cry and whine that the world “pvp” is dead. You can blame your own faction of how world pvp currently is.
When horde cried and whined and moaned endlessly about human racial it was nerfed and almost overnight most pvp people and their butt fly sheep followers went to horde and now pvp is almost always one sided and it gets worse and worse because of flight point/quest ganking.
I always have warmode on but sometimes it makes me want to turn it off because we Alliance have too many runaway and hide cowards or useless crap geared people in pvp also Alliance always seems allergic to grouping up and fighting back.
Granted Alliance does ganking too but the difference is that as most serious pvp people reside on horde side it usually turns very quickly again just one sided gank fest.
I can’t find one Horde WPvP guild to put on my list of WPvP guilds. You’d think there would be at least one, if so many Horde WPvPers out there. There’s at least two Alliance WPvP ones. Guilds may not be a thing for WPvP right now, but they could be with some guild war strat.