Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

They are former Horde stuff who were Horde as long as Blizzard didn’t need them for anything else. Same happened to Sylvanas, Garrosh and Gallywix.

The Amani joined the Savage Horde build by Gul’Dan and they left, because Doomhammer was seemingly not interested in keeping his end of the bargain. They are also the sole enemy of the Blood elf, so naturally one excludes the other. Which is it then are Blood elves “Horde stuff” or are the Amani, because you cannot have it both ways?

blood elves are also victim of this. Remember TBC? Most mobs were demons and blood elves. We all know Blizzard wouldnever treat the alliance this way since their fanboys would drown the forum in salt water.

Im preparing the boat, shipping out to sea only need decide the destination. Alliance or horde waters :joy:

Oh you mean the Blood elves that were supposed to be Alliance side originally but were switched to Horde because the faction didn’t have enough “pretty races”?

Also don’t try to change the subject.

The Ire of the Amani should be directed at the alliance since they have all the races responsible for the downfall of all trolls at large. Nameley humans, night elves and high elves.

That was never going to happen. Blizzard saw the faction inbalance and acted the right way.

Blood elves who made a deal with the humans to wipe out the Amani.

Again ignoring the main question, because you are disingenuous coward.

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High elves. Allies of the same humans still occupying their lands.

High elves? I thought Blood elves ARE high elves?
Right? Right?!! RIGHT?!

Who are blood elves alligned with? Mmmmh, let me think.

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Same race and some of the same people are still alive today.

Also strike 3 of failing to answer the question I asked.

Depends on his mood and whether if it contradicts his “wants”, which change at least 3 times per day.

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the Amani need to partner the blood elves to fight their shared enemy. The alliance.

They do not have a shared enemy, they are enemies.

The Horde that was friends with the Amani until they abandoned the plan they agreed upon before with Doomhammer. Not our fault Zul’jin was stupid to break off from the rest of the army.

Oh? So according to you it was the Amani who broke their promises?
Doesn’t that make them traitors to the horde?
Like… Mortal enemies… of… the horde?


Doomhammer said the Horde was to attack the elves again once Lordaeron was defeated. Zul’jin didn’t care and tried to solo the other half of the alliance forces. In the end it wasn’t the Horde who broke the promise.

His mind is a puzzle that even he can’t solve.


Not what I asked.
Similar to what you’ve been doing to Amonet, you are avoiding the question.
And we all know why.

Your arguments fall apart when submitted to the smallest of scrutiny.

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If I take his posts in good faith: He has woven a web of head canon so thick that he became stuck in it. Now he’s unable to look at the web from any sort of objective point because he’s surrounded by it from all sides; unable to move even an inch.

And they seemingly have no problems with it at currently they live in OG.

  1. Own fault, that happens if contaminant your world with Fel and then open multiple portals to blow the planet up.

  2. Were by the dranei but the ors did previously slaughther them in WoD, so revenge it it (dranei are basically the eussians whp give the no-no german Orcs a good whopping)

The are, or did you one more official lore since the cast majority are former people from lordaeron.

But hey, if the nit human, that woud also mean they have no claim to lordaeron since the are nit human/ former peoples of that country :crazy_face:

That nit relevant for the argument, nightboren were former nightelvws so, by your own default logic no claim.

And later the goblins overthrow and enslave them.
Dindt you play the goblins starting zone?

So like the horde was alwoed to walk on amidrasil.
And btw, undermine is home of various goblins cartels, not only the bilgewater whi are part of the horde

You are a better person than me if you can take anything he says in good faith. I just can’t at this point, he is either trolling or his mental condition (if it exists at all) is really serious and he should not be allowed to post on the forums (according to him that is something his therapist said).