Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

I mean that in having a defined settlement place.

Allied races which are of the same or similar model as ‘regular’ race should be merged, aka to become customization options.

If you do the work for real races they should make effort to give them all hubs. That was true for the alliance but Vulpera and Mag’har ahve nothing.

The gnomes haven’t had their home since launch.
Draenei have been living in their crashed dump of a ship.
Night elves had their main home burned to the ground.
Worgen didn’t have a home for years and years until recently.
Void elves are living on a barren rock in space - woopdeedoo.
LF Draenei don’t have a true home either; they are essentially space nomads.

But horde is the only faction that has problems, right? :upside_down_face:

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Riiiight, you keep believing that😂

Mechagon says hello. New tinkertown is on their way reclaiming Gnomeregan.

Exodar is their hub. And Velen just announced building a new city that is eve better then Karabor or Shattrath.

Night elves have zons all over the world they are not tied to a single place.

Be honest.

We have enough high elf fanatics demaning the blood elves to leave Silvermoon and make it alliance.

Vindicaar is literally a weapon of mass destruction.

Orgrimmar looks like dung. Literally.
Thunderbluff is a handful tents on a Mesa.
Darkspear don’t have a city just a very small island even smaller then the Gnome district in Ironforge.
Blood elves have half a city since Blizzard never bothered to rebuild the rest back in TBC.
The Goblins are forced to neutrality and the alliance can enter Undermine any time.
Vulpera have no gameplay update in Vol’dun despite the book claiming they joined the Sethrak in the Burrows.
Mag’har are a handfull refugess with a single building in Orgrimmar.

That means the only races with a real hub are Zandalari and Nightborne.

The Alliance is shown as global and superior major power while the Horde is a bunch of underdogs that could be wiped out any time.

Not the home of the gnomes. That’s like saying the Mag’har’s home is Orgrimmar.

Well yeah, because the blood elves are getting an updated city, so they can’t leave the draenei behind in their old-tech zone.

Your standards are all over the place.
Many races have little settlements all over the world. :person_shrugging:
Your one-sided narrowmindedness never seizes to amaze me.

I am. And objective. Unlike you.

Doesn’t mean it will happen.
Just like your fanatic demands won’t happen either.

Like the goblin cannon? Right. :slight_smile:
We were talking about HOMES not weapons.

Just because you don’t like some of the cities doesn’t mean they don’t count.
Get it through your head: You are not the be-all-end-all authority when it comes to the horde. In fact, I’d say you are the complete and utter opposite because you get so many things factually wrong.

That was always the horde ‘image’. In fact that’s why me and my friends rolled horde in vanilla. We wanted to be the underdog; that’s more interesting. :person_shrugging:

It seems you’ve chosen the wrong game to play Erevien. The horde is not and has not been what you want it to be.

the Orcs only have Durotar and nothing else since Draenor is kaputt.
Night elves have Hyjal, Ashenvale, Feralas, Darkshore, Bel’ameth and Val’shara.

Yes but an extra thing for the rest of the race they share.

Not on the scale night elves do.

The idea is there. Blizzard gave in once and now they keep demanding until the blood elves are homeless too.

The LFDs are an army first so them having a military station on the flying ship is fitting to their story.

They don’t count.

And that needs to stop.

so alliance bias is still real got it.

Azeroth is NOT their world. They should be glad to have a home, period.
They were dumb and destroyed their own planet. Dumb dumbs.

Anyway, they have more than Durotar. You’re once again lying to push your hateful rhetoric.

Trolls have more and bigger cities than night elves do.
It’s just that most of them are evil so we get to raid that stuff. :grin:

Won’t happen. Just like your demands won’t happen.

You don’t get to decide that.
Sorry. :smiling_face:

But also: Saying Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff don’t ‘count’ as homes/cities is INSANE. :sweat_smile:

Again: You don’t get to decide that.
Sorry. :smiling_face:

No, the Erevien delusions are unfortunately real. This game is not and has not been what you wanted it to be, ever. Why are you even playing it?

Now, this has been fun. But I have stuff to do.
So I’ll leave it at this.

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the alliance is favored by the story and I call that fact out anytime I can.

humans are titan robots and just as alien as the Orcs.

Now we are supposed to be grateful to live on a zone that looks like poopoo? Without grain from Mulgore the Orcs would be starved by now.

Who are not part of the playable factions.

Wanna bet on that?

Of course I do. Especially when the alliance ahs 100% control over all their territory without Horde presence in it.

I play many games. That Is why I can bear the burden of seeing the crap in WOW for what is it. When you have other franchises to compare you can tell the poor job of the Devs. SWTOR, ESO, GW2 none of those games would ever treat their races the same way Blizzard writes the Horde atm.

You are a titan robot :smiley:

actually it is even worse if you think about it. They started as giants made of iron and changed into flesh being via old god corruption. So technically humans are void spawn.

But back to topic. Amani deserve better. Make them playable and give them their land back.

By the fact they are actually in Dazar’Alor, we can all say Amani have already one step in the Horde

The last Exploring Azeroth book says Thalyssra and Bob could walk in their enclave without being harmed. So they actucally take it serious that the Zandalari are watching them to behave.

why bump your own thread after 13 days of nobody posting it means nobody really care’s anymore.

It will matter once the Midnight trailer comes around and I don’t want to make a new topic for that purpose alone.

No really it will not and you do know there are rules about bumping? but you do you.

You literally responded to me on different character on a post you had already replied to, what do you mean not at all?

I am not desperate for attention. I merley point out Blizzard’s love to use Horde stuff to create more villains for us to kill.

Yes you are.

Amani trolls are not Horde stuff though.