Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

a human is a human, same monsters.

Turalyon is former lordaeron alliance

the alliance abandoned us so they mean nothing now.

Interesting, do you apply this to all races or just humans?

Yes, he wasn’t present during WC3 though.

Crazy night elves refused us to join the alliance just before TBC then the alliance reject us.

Interesting, do you apply this to all races or just humans?

yes, I dont like trolls.

Then you still have more enemies in the Horde than in the Alliance, you still have Trolls, Orcs and Undead.

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undeads like you?

Not undead I just like the eye color. I can change it anytime.

you re undead my dear, Dark Ranger skin = Undead

Give me a sec

PS Ok armory doesn’t update instantly, my eye are blue now.

lol you re free to be undead Amonet :ghost:

But I’m not, it says Void elf under my name.

Also elf eyes change color depending on the magic they consume, I was in SL sooo a lot of death magic to chomp on.

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None of these are enemies of Quel’thalas anymore. Change happened. And unless Blizzard isn’t openly giving Blood elf fans the middle finger it was for the better.

None from the playable races are enemies of Quel’thalas now, we are at piece.

What peace? Void elves trying to kill our leaders to force us back in the blue team ain’t peace.


Nobody has said to me that belf is the race for this, I have nelves, goblin, forsaken, human, troll, orc and void but no single belf and Im a degen too. Could the community please email the memo when something is decided, I would wish to be on the loop :dracthyr_a1:

You missed Bfa?

LF i found alot of RP people on my Server

I meant it as in that he is too degen to play more than one char.

Wanna know how many characters I have in total?