Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Probably a lot, but I can bet you never play them.

It’s is 30

Ok so? I have ~60.

Most of them are for roleplay

mh this is not exactly true…

I play 7 characters atm and I consider myself degen :smiley:

Yes it is. First they used to eat arcane so the most common was blue, with the exeption of Illidan who had ember eyes, but he was considered special (“Chosen one”), then it was Green with the Fel, then Yellow with the Light, Purple with Void, etc.

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haem no… :dracthyr_shrug:

I am trying to maintain 4 atm.

That bit about magic and eyes is pretty nice detail aye, also got surprised of that one too like the belf fact :dracthyr_a1:

I only geared 7 and pushed to unlock the tmogs and one affli I pushed for the rating I wanted for season the rest Im just playing to play so I guess it depends how one looks at it. Next season looks like mm and rdruid only so maybe only 2.

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I am struggling to find spec that I find fun, for 7.

you have more alts than Erevien.

rdruid, rsham, disc/hpriest, mm/sv/bm, sin/sub, affli/demo/destro, fire/frost/arcane for me for the themes but also bouncing between things all season. I guess warlock is always fun if like the theme of it, should have one of the 3 specs not too bad atleast :thinking:

I recently finished the story on my HMT.

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I am maining ret, because it’s utility is just too good for M+. And then as alts I have my lock, Demo for M+ and Destro for Raid, Havoc DH and Ele shaman. I am considering Spriest but the Hero talents are a bit boring. I want to see the MM changes next patch and I might start playing that as well if I like them. Oh also I did like Assassination rogue for leveling but I think I will really hate it in M+ because of all the mid combat re-stealths I have to do.

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Oh, oh change can happen?
Cool. Silvermoon can welcome alliance within it’s walls then.
Change can happen, after all.

I tried that. I did not enjoy it.
I’m back to just a main.

Doing everything x4 really wasn’t fun for me.

I like doing M+ so doing 40 dungeons per week isn’t that big deal for me, I usually tend to do way more than that if I’m not playing anything else.

Damn… And here I am struggling to even find the will to do 4 delves a week (although to be fair that’s because I just don’t feel like gearing anymore, so close to the end of the season).

But yeah, 40 dungeons would be undoable for me. I already feel like 5 timewalking dungeons is too many. :sweat_smile:

I mean tbf, I am struggling with the 5 TW each week and I know I can’t get myself to do 4 delves.

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Could look into mm rest of season prepare in peace, if the spec design ends up be fun, make some binds for it now that they get the option to have pet as tank aswell for delves. I like that they are putting multishot as baseline, it should always been baseline tbh.