Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Oh no, I hate MM. Absolutely hate everything about it.
BM is life, BM is love.

SV is doable if I really have to. But MM… Nope. Never.
Well, I say never, but IF Blizzard put the weapon skins in the MT in Legion Remix, I will probably do it. Sigh. I don’t wanna!

I was picturing Hemet Nesingwary and his trusted weapon, with a tank pet adventuring around :smiley:

I’ve never liked that guy. Making me kill all those animals.
I want to hunt people!

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Ay, is true about the animals, his a big game hunter. I just find his character fitting for mm. But you are right about the animals.

Hemet in Un’Goro expedition hunting devilsaurs :smiley:

Not that kind of change. Alliance still haven’t apologized for the elves they killed.

all my characters are 80 now.

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yes you are a traitor elf

Sorry for the 10000 blood elves I personally killed.
Extrapolated from honorable kills x belf popularity on horde side.

I am talking about Dalaran purge, Isle of Thunder, and the people Umbric threw in void portals in BFA.

That’d nothing compared to the blender I put about 10000 blood elves through though.

If she can do this

Then I was never a Blood elf.

You chose humans over your nation.

She is excused since cutting the ties to the blue team redeemd her.

My nation chose to side with the races that tried to mass exterminate us 3 times.

You seem pretty blue there comrade.

The Darkspear tribe and Lordaeron undead did no such thing. That was the scourge and the old Horde.

I will be blood elf again when August comes.

Oh so we are making a difference between tribes? Or does this apply only if it suits you?

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all humans were always part of the alliance. Most additions to the Horde came after the third war.

You really have to ask that? :thinking:
Erevien is famous for bending the “lore” with his headcanon to the point if become basically Non-Euclidean geometry

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Bending isn’t the word I would use. Not knowing, making up, ignoring are the more suitable terms I think.


I am right you are wrong.

No that’s not how it works.
You don’t get to pick what change is okay and what is not.
Sorry… It’s done. You did it yourself. Change is coming!

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