The only change that should be happening is mass killing all the sons of Lothar so alliance fans finally feel what it is like to not have veterans of the past as their leaders.
That is the magician’s trick actually
Time to time he slips up and shows he do know the lore, just hates it and preferes the ECU, Erevien’s Cinematic Universe
ToS does not permit me to say what you are.
I talk about the lore only. And the lore is bad.
The thing is: Most alliance players wouldn’t care.
Certainly not to the obsessive extent that you care about such things.
So, have at it… I don’t care.
I’m still going to walk into Silvermoon come Midnight. Change is coming.
You might not care but the alliance fans elsewhere do. And if those would die there would be a huge brown storm coming.
Yeah about that. You remember that “Oh no don’t kill Gallywix” thread he had? He wanted Gallywix killed a few years back, but when Blizzard finally decide to do it he had a hissy fit (again). Even when he “wins” he finds a way to lose.
I have never seen any ‘alliance fan’ here who’s ANYWHERE on the level of your obsession. There might be some out there, sure. But not many. And they’re not here, so I don’t really care if you ruffle their feathers.
Most of the lore you talk about exists only in your head. “Elisande was Horde” XD.
Yes I agree.
Most Alliance fans don’t even know who the Sons of Lothar are. If anything they are a paladin thing, than an Alliance thing and most cool paladin characters are dead anyway.
Could be refreshing to kill them Off.
But what’s the point really?
Most people don’t know or care.
Erevien has a very vengeful character and thinks it will bring him peace of mind.
Of course it won’t. He’ll just latch onto the next ‘injustice’ and be a Karen about that.
I don’t see how it would be refreshing, because
I mean it’s going to be another
“A: Oh no the Sons of Lothar are dead
Literally everyone else: Who?” moment.
Elisande was not Horde but she would be a better leader then Thalyssra wo ran away from Jaina in fear.
BFa ruined the Horde. That is why the end of it had the biggest drop of players since WOD.
They are the heroes of the second war who survived against all odds. What does the Horde get? Extras with paper thin background nobody cares about.
There’s just 2 or 3 characters that some people might go ‘awww’ about.
But nobody is on Erevien’s obsession level, so it’s not going to cause the storm he thinks it is.
Considering most people don’t even read quest text. I don’t think it will get much of a reaction.
Also isn’t anduin on the chopping block?
I’ve seen some negativity about his person on the forums.
Everyone cares about Alleria. Nobody cares about Thrall or his stupid kids.
That’s not even really about Anduin.
That’s a crusade some people have against anything that could even be the tiniest bit related to the whole ‘woke’ concept.
I’m sure you have proof to back that up?
Anyway, even IF it’s true, I’m sure it had nothing to do with one of the worst things they put into the game in late BfA… Horrific Visions and Corruptions.
Nope. Kill her. Couldn’t care less.
I do. Thrall is cool.
This is not what you said last time.
You say this until you change your mind in 3 minutes.
If you say so.
And funnily enough the majority of that drop were Alliance players. I guess we Alliance really cared about “The Horde beeing ruined”.
Great, nearly no one cares.
There are only a handful of character on the Alliance that people would care about if they get killed. And even still it won’t be on his level.
They will never kill Anduin, I think it’s Turalyon who is on the chopping block.
That is what happened. Play the scenario again. Jaina was alone yet the whole rescue party didn’t even try to fight her.
Do you want a debate or not?
Ousting, Saurfang, Nathanos, Sylvanas, Gallywix and Rastakhan at the same time did irreversable damage to the whole faction. Not even MOP removed so many leaders and left soy bois who make peace with the true enemy.
the alliance won the war. Everyone can agree on that.
Oh dear I hope so yes.
Wait Gallywix is bad now again?
You really need to maintain a point if you want to “ debate”.
The flip flopping all over the place makes it impossible to take anything serious.
Also don’t touch my boy Saurfang.
The man suffered enough.
Zug zug.