No faction won. Sylvanas lost and ran. That is what happened.
Because they haven’t the time to fight jaina, genn, the whole stormwind defence and 7.legion.
Alonw that they infiltrated stormwind waa ridiculous enigh give them another win by simple beat them all…on hime ground woud be absolutely ridiculous.
People in thw germans forum explained that, it was a stealth extraction missions, nit a slaughter your waz though stormwind.
Alone the part they give up thre cover and battle their way though with 5 people was absolutely ridiculous, even aome horde fans agree
The Alliance won. End of debate.
Bad argument. Jaina has plot armor like all alliance leaders.
You mean like the alliance did during SoO?
Debating you is pointless, you never answer questions. But don’t worry you can still answer these
Yes. Not the point I was making though. The player numbers drop you saw at the end of BfA was because the game was borederline unplayable as Alliance, most people do not care about lore, they care about gameplay.
Anh it was pretty clear the Alliance won, even though our participation in that war was questionable, pretty much the Horde defeated themselves and we were there to claim the victory.
No, SoO was an open battle not steahl, and loreweise we go in with the alliance and rebel army to overthrow garrosh. (Plus our 25 man raid)
It was basically the Endkampf um Berlin
Saying you are right and refusing to listen to facts is not a debate.
You don’t debate. You whine and complain and beg for attention.
The horde outed Sylvanas for what she really was and turned against her. That’s a win.
Peace is a win. War is a loss for everyone. War is bad.
Even the void elf agrees on this. Allaince went in and made the Horde defeat itself with almost no resources wasted.
I did not say this. I said the Horde defeated itself, we didn’t make them.
Of course you did. That is why Anduin freed Saurfang. Watch the cinematics again. If Saurfang wasn’t there at the right time there would have been an actual battle with the defenders of Orgrimmar.
I recently replayed SoO.
It was the alliance together with most of the horde. Going after void crazy orcs and their friends.
I did get that scorpion mount that was cool
This isn’t ‘if what’.
What happened, happened.
Saurfang was given an awesome story leading to his noble sacrifice.
Would I have rather see him live on and see Sylvanas perish? Yes, yes I would.
But it happened. So like well adjusted adults do: I accept that.
It’s just a game after all.
Saurfang died for no reason so alliance fans can feel happy about themselves.
It was basically the battle for berlin.
Heck we have eben aome some sort if Normandy landung.
Were the 101th airborne
No. Because again: Most people are NOT like you.
Let’s be honest if Saurfang lived and was made the new warchief, Erevien would have still made a 1000 post calling him a traitor.
I wonder if Midnight doesn’t live to his expectations (which is a 100% guarantee that it won’t) will he finally quit.
Funny enough he use now sauerfang as argument beside despite him in the past as traitors.
Bending his argument as usal to his narretiv
He won’t. He’s too obsessed.
His family should organize an intervention and just force him to quit.
It would really be for the best.
Sylvanas and the others who were ousted are the leaders I want. As long as they are gone I will not like any other leaer cuz they are all replacement filth.
Sylvanas betrayed the horde. Literally. Openly.
And yet you still long for her?
You hate the horde.
No. I hate leaders who make peace with the true enemy. Aka humans and all their sidekicks.