Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

ans still nearly all or basicly 90% of all fantasy world/settings have humans in their story.
They are part of it.
Deal with it, they are intregal part of fantasy.

you don’t know how to give fantasy races their own characteristics because we don’t know how a hypothetical race that is pure fiction would behave.
In the end you always fill the gap with human behavior or characteristics
tauren live in tents…oh wait, humans dis aswell.
Ok, how about trolls and tiebs…wait , huamns one live in treibs aswll

If writers did that, fantasy would die as a genre. It’s that simple.

It “coud” work buth those are nical works, so for the wieder audiance, tehy inculde Humans aswell because tehy are ever since part of (high) fantasy.
But in the end, those non human races will still adept human behavior because we dont know a orc realy woud live, behave because its pur fiction, non existent

They are quite a fantasy race in WoW
Calling them “Humans” are just a technicality
Having space gods made iron golems as ancestors who got cursed by lovecraftian horrors and turned to flesh and bone and had smaller offspirngs than them who later become the “humans” is quite a fantasy in my book

Dark Crystal says hello.

We are close people, I can see his hinges are starting to un.

It is totally possible to create a world without humans. Humans dominating those worlds is usually never a good thing and goes by the expanse of the other races involved. That is why Veilguard sucked. After Trespasser hyped the elven mythology nothing came from it and the elves remained under the boots of the larger human nations in Thedas.

Yes it is possible.

Nope. It doesn’t hurt WoW and it has not hurt any other fantasy IP (that I know of).

Vailguard sucked because it was fundamentally a bad game with bad writing. Also identity politics aside the dialogue was atrocious because it didn’t match the setting.

Your weird “human” hatred is nothing more than that. You have proven time and time again that you have absolutely no clue about storytelling or writing, you cannot fathom the though that someone could and has a different view point than you, you just assume everything about everyone. Just because you find “humans” boring you have somehow decided that they are the cause of your “suffering”, when in reality it’s you.

Time and time again you seem to downplay the losses of the Alliance while overplaying the losses of the Horde. You want a Horde that simply never existed in WoW, because it was dismantled in the RTS games, and somehow you though that joining the “We want to coexist” Horde that Thrall made would match what you wanted, which is to be the bad guy. No, ever since WoW launched Blizzard has portrayed the Horde as the misunderstood underdogs and the Alliance as the noble heroes, this is not going to change. You have a victimhood complex and a serious case of “the grass is greener on the other side”. Get a grip (and I know that you won’t, and that I and everyone else is just wasting their time).

The second war should have never ended. Making the Horde lose back then is the reason their population numbers never recovered. Also Thrall is a filthy traitor.

No Veilguard sucked because it didn’t deliver on the hype that Trespasser was setting it up for 10 years ago. Layoffs and total reshape of the game design did its own problems.

The alliance didn’t lose anything. Their leaders are alive and doing fine. The Horde was on the brink of collapsing twice.

There is no way to coexist for as long as the Orcs are forced to live in a barren wasteland like Durotar. Blame Thrall but the issue is the same.

You support humans so of course you don’t see the ignore function races like Tauren or Trolls suffer from due to all screentimebeing owned by human characters.

You know Gelflings? That story works fine without humans.

And I fight to make blizzard stop treating them like the favorite youngest child of the family.

Yes and that is bad. The Alliance gets to be the heroes while the Horde is honorable sidekicks not doing anything for the story. The entire foundation must be dismantled from the basics.

Why? Because you said so? Well that doesn’t work because your opinion story telling is worth dirt. Again you joined a faction that’s goal was to co-exist when you actually wanted to play an evil faction that never looses or has any consequences of their deeds.

This you?


They can all go back to Draenor… oh wait. And sure there is, we seem to be co-existing just fine since the end of BfA.

Again with the stupid.

You don’t fight, you whine. No one cares about what you want, because A) you are inconsistant in your wants and start whining once you actually get what you want and B) you are selfish, you just have random thoughts and go “Yes, I want this” without even realizing that you are contradicting your previous “I want this”. I mean pretty much no one agrees with you here on GD, no one agrees with you on the Story forums, no one agrees with you on the US side of the forums and you got banned from the German forums and ofc you chucked that up to Alliance bias.

Insert the Skinner “It’s the kids that are wrong” meme.

My needs are simple. Let blood elves, trolls and undead have some time to shine while humans get ignored for the next 4 expansions at least since their fatigue hurts the lore.

paying an extra sub was too much so I stopped posting there. Actually the US folks shared similar ideas cuz they also believe the Amani deserve better from Blizzard then being B plot villains.

It is obvious you are just like high elf fans right now. Praising humans when they don’t deserve it.

Ruined by the alliance expedition.

You will hand over Elwynn. To the Orcs.

Thrall sucks. I see that now. He did nothing for his people but misery and poverty. Chosing Durotar as their home was a crime against anything good and right.

Yes. Playable factions shouldn’t be punished. See SWTOR. Plot armor should be for everyone not just Stormwind.

That’s not a bad thing?

Garrosh, Daelin and Garithos were wrong. Racism doesn’t exist in WoW. When you do that it gets you killed.

So it doesn’t exist except for when it does? Is it a bad thing or not then

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Blizzard portrays it as a bad thing yes.

Human hatred is strong with this one.

Still, its forum entertainment anyway :popcorn: :seat: so whom I to complain…


You know what, why don’t you stop paying your EU sub and just go play on the US servers/forums for a change. 3 people agreeing with you is better than 0.

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Whats wrong with hating the race that’s always pushed in the front of the story.

It should be portrayed as a bad thing. America just claims it’s politics nowadays.

I don’t disagree with that.