Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Xenophobia is the fear of perceived outsiders
And from fear blooms hatred, a natural human emotion, but whether it is considered bad or not depends on how it is expressed and its consequences.
Now Xenophobia can overlap with racism and discrimination against foreigners and outsiders and basically against everyone who is not them but not necessarily do so
As for warlike nature?
Again, depends or maybe no
To be warlike is not necessarily bad or evil in itself, but like with xenophobia it is depends on how it is expressed and its consequences.

We can do better.

Welcome back :thinking:

I just want good things for the Amani. I loved them when playing Warcraft 2 last week.

Or they can just make Warcraft 4 and let us play them in rts genre

They are also the only troll models with buff bodies unlike Zandalari and Darkspear who are hunched and slim. would be a big improvement.

The Amani should be great again instead of being wiped out for not agreeing the humans and elves stealing their land.

I think the humans and elves should steal even more land!

I think we, blood elves, need to make peace with amani and start war against humans and share the meat, 50% for trolls feasts and 50% of humans for us for put them into magic jail and absorb their life for our magic thirst


If anyone is wiped out it should be Stormwind.

You’ll most likely wipe while trying!

No. No one needs humans. For anything.

1st It’s almost 3 weeks later. And 2nd you already responded to that post on your alt. Are just trying to start a pointless argument or do you need to take you meds again?

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I still wanted Amani join horde. Since buff trolls

Why am I not surprised you watch a channel called ‘psychotrip’?

Nah. Lets just let Blizzard add another Elf race. That will make everyone happy.

I have been asking the tortollan race for some time now but I am mere one man :dracthyr_a1:

I like them too. I wouldn’t object to them being playable.

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Did you just necro your own thread on another character :joy: You really are that desperate for attention arent you…


It comes and goes.
And right now ow it’s coming :sweat_smile: