Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Not at all. The issue is still at hand because after Gallywix I fear they will double down on the Amani being bad again.

And what if they’re simply ignored? Removed from the new version of the zone because in lore we defeated them. The remnants of their broken tribe retreated to ‘somewhere else’. Better alternative?

Also a bad idea. What should happen is that they are proven right and those that made them lose everything are properly punished.

At least my idea is more realistic. Because…

Is never going to happen. Ever.

If you steal someones lands after you invaded someones elses land you are the bad guy. Which the humans and high elves still are.

Yeah go tell that to the americans.

So you agree they did something wrong? Good then we finally make progress here.

I’m not saying it was right perse. But it’s not going to change.
They are not getting their land back because many generations of other people have lived there since. It no longer is amani land now. It doesn’t work like that - at some point it’s just been too long.

Of course it is still their land. You don’t tell native american to suck it up when the world would judge the USA for treating them badly again. That is not how this stuff works. Anti Troll colonialism happened. And humans and high elves are to blame.

They aren’t getting their land back either. No matter how hard americans yell that they are ashamed of what they did.

And similarly to the other thread; I’ve given this enough attention.

There is an off chance that the amani won’t be enemies; in BfA they were neutral with the horde, after all. We’ll see. But they’re not getting their land back, that much is certain.

It is not the land of the humans. They all need to go back to Stormwind.

Ironic that cames from you who permanently proclaim the horde shoud take land from the alliance and that bit wrin because the stronger wins.

But if that applies to a faction you like your gonna crz how unadjusted and bad that is, mimimi they stole the land.

Hypocrisy at finest.

And he is ok when the horde stole alliance land, but cry if its an reversed situation then is mimimi that not right.

the alliance deserves to lose. Period.

Oh yeah. Orcs are alien invaders. They have no right for anything on Azeroth.

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alliance bias is real wether you like it or not.

Orc (foreign)
Mag’har too
Taruen were nomadic
Same with vulpera
Forsaken were fomee humans-so in his own arguments they have also no claim
Bloodelves and nightborn were former nightevels- so they to have with his crude view no also right.
Goblins enslaved trolls too…so yeah.
Darkspear were an extrem smal tribe and the laughingstock of the Gurubashi even bullied by threi onw kind-so there were also necer claim anything big.


lost Draenor twice.

Thunderbluff sucks.

undead are not humans.

Lost leaders and the Nightwell.

were enslaved BY the trolls.

so you know most Horde races are crap and barley get story yet you claim the bias is not real? Get the heck out of here.

You’re such a horde hater. Everyone knows you hate the horde and you’re doing this fanatic stuff to give the horde a worse reputation.

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It is never the main faction of Orcs or Trolls joining the Horde. Only the smallest tribe they can find. Meanwhile all Dwarfs and all humans are part of the blue team making them a global powerhouse. Blizzard and their poor story was never fair to begin with.

Not true
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