Nothing that didn’t happen before.
Actually: With Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition, wizzards nearly killed off their own franchise with changes and storys people dispised and hated. They destroyed cities, cultures, gods, rewrote history etc…
With 5th edition they made a complete turn around and went back to what it was before, even ressurecting gods and cities etc. It saves the whole franchise.
Blizzard watched this.
It has nothing to do with being lame, but with ackknowledging it was a huge mistake and cost a lot of players. We allready see huge amount of turn arounds and retcons of BFA stories all around the place.
Personally I’d maybe rather see Hyal being turned into the NE capital, but on the other hand, I would be also glad to close this garbage story of this expansion once and for all without things from it draging into next and next expansions.
I m fond of all of it and would actually just prefer it to be named as never happened and then the story can continue.
So this would be for me personally probably the cleanest cut out of this horribile mistake of an expansion.
Blizzard might be composed of some arrogant pricks who are failing to see when they are wrong, but in theri core they also just want to make an awesome game for people. And when people don’t like that and vastly despise it, they notice. They don’t have the intention to piss off maximum amounts of players, they really thought people would like this story. Well they were wrong and they are ackknowledging it it seems.
All the changes, the rewriten lore etc show that.
Question is , wether or not they can deliver and fix what they wrongly did.
We will see after Shadowlands, but we can at least for now look out for some evidences and small hints.
Ardenwald is full of self reflection of the developers and some things that feel a bit out of place are probably a direct response and change in path led by the overall negative reaction of all the BFA content.
The fact for example that Tyrande is indeed getting to kill Nathanos is most certainly a direct reaction to the negativity 8.1 received. They want to fix it.
The fact that there is so much focus on rescuing NE souls from the maw , while every other races deads are not even mentioned, is for me also a direct reaction towards the negativity NE players have expressed. They try to fix these things.
But as I have said before.
The question is wether or not they are able to deliver or again stop half way through.