Don't turn Turalyon into a villain

Turalyon embodies everything the Alliance stands for. Courage, honor, devotion. He was the one who rallied the Seven Kingdoms and formed the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War, he was Lothar’s successor and led the charge against the broken Horde on Draenor to put an end to conflict. Turalyon is a great leader and inspiring figure for the Alliance, and it would be a real shame if he’s turned into an evil Light psycho just so we can have another raid.

We already have Yrel the Lightbound for that. You can turn Yrel into a villain, her WoD character arc was clearly lackluster and cut midway, she is a shell of what she could’ve been, and she was never truly Alliance.


As long as he leads us against the evil genocidal bloodthirsty Horde I’ll follow him wherever he goes.


Actually I would love to see the Alliance being proactive for once.

It will be good for the faction and good for the Horde who can in that case try to build up again their “we are underdogs against all odds and only try to find a place in a hostile world”-theme and go back from the genocidial demon-horde theme they developed since Cata.

And too be fair, the Horde has done enough for 20 expansions to have the full hatred of the alliance races and after Teldrassil, in my opinion, no matter what atrocities the Alliance would be capable of doing, they all would to some degree feel justified und rightous. Which is the recurrend theme of the Alliance after all.

Paladins and especially NEs view of justice (Remember Wardens, the NEs justice system) is not something you can compare to modern judical systems. It is more of a medieval eye for an eye kind of justice.
Hence Tyrande is called the Avatar of Vengence, not the Avatar of rightfully and respectfull judical systems.

So yes maybe it is time that the Alliance attacks the horde and after that gets away with it with completely no repurcussion or consequences. Lets see how that turns out.


It could be the case that the reason for why specifically Turalyon was chosen for his current role [by the devs] is because he is lordaeronian and in the future this question shall be adressed in some way. Who know where that will go.

Maybe nostalgia will win over logic and the horde will get Undercity back even after the events that showed how bad the place is if there is a conflict.

Maybe logic will win this time, since the entire Plaguelands are ex-Lordaeron territories and if we learn in Shadowlands how to deal with what the scourge did, this territory will requre a revision anyway (up to date version, not Chromie time).

Could be the case. But who knows what are the plans for that character. After all, if orcs just as prone for posession as draenei are, maybe the story is not so clear.

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After the huge outcry that BFA summoned and the extreme drop of players, I am very confident (judged by the actions und recent story development) that Bliizard will most certainly do a full turnover.
Ardenwald storyline is basically a huge story of ressurection and regrowth so we will probably see Teldrassil regrowing and NEs maybe even ressurected. Hints are extremely huge.

Calia on the other hand could be the chosen path to lay rightful claim over Lordaeron for the Forsaken who are the rightful habitants to begin with but Sylvanas has allways moved them away from that path into that of a faction of monsters.
In my opinion Calias delopment will change the Forsaken into the people of Lordaeron with rightful claim over it and they might even rebuild it.

My guess is: Teldrassil (mainly beacause it needs to be a costal city for traveling between eastern kingdoms and kalimdor) will regrow and Lordearon will be rebuilt as an actuall city (maybe some kind of marble greyscale, pale look that resembles a beautyfully kept crypt or graveyardish style , not an undercity with plague.

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Well, here is the deal. The question about Lordaeron (and it’s not just Undercity - the entire Plaguelands as well as Stratholme are as much of Lordaeron as anything could ever be) is viewed rather strangely in the community. Just as Calia. So, for now, I am more confident in the devs telling these stories rather than the community comming up with something.

The problems that I see:

  • The forsaken are the only rightful lordaeronians. Which totally ignores both how insulting for some forsaken would it be to be shoved into the past they hated, since they see the living as betrayers. And a bunch of the forsaken are not from Lordaeron. If fact, most raised by Sylvanas could not be from there.
  • Calia have to “prove” anything to the forsaken.

But the reality that is acknowledged by the devs so far is more complicated:

  • There are lordaeronians that are alive. If fact, this side of story is not exclusively about the forsaken. It is about the nation that after a twist of fate ended up being separated, with part of it being in the horde, and part - in the alliance. Ignoring either of them is a rather poor decision IMO.
  • Goal of Calia is not to be the “all forsaken leader”. She seeks for a way to be the bridge among the living and the undead, not to fully commit to become all-in horde member. (not to mention her original family-related motivation that could explain her original distancing away from the allinace)

I get that in the game only the forsaken side is highlighted, but there is a lot more to it. And so far I am glad that the devs recognize extra depth of the situation and do not make it into “forsaken-only” story.

gl hf

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This is what I mean.

The forsaken story is extremely complex now and more so because of the recent incidents in Arathi for example, with Calia and now them being again Forsaken by Sylvanas.

They are back to their fore of being truely forsaken. Which is in my opinion the story thread Calia is being woven into. (I’m not saying that forsaken players like it or that it is great. Actually I find it really cool but I don’t play forsaken and couldn’t care less about the horde in general. So I am of course not a great reference to speak for the playerbase of said faction at all.
It is just my opinion and of course pure speculation.

But what I try to say is:
The forsaken story is complex now and I can totally see Calia+Liliana is being built up, like you said, as bridges to unify Lordearons. The living and the dead.

Blizzard seems to be actively developing away from “undead = monsters” as we see with Maldraxus.
So building up stories that lead to undead being accepted by the living and getting a righ to “live”, might be the new direction the forsaken are going.

Because honestly I can’t see them continue the Scoure 2.0 plague path of Sylvanas now. It just doesn’t work anymore. Not within the Horde but also not with the Alliance after BFA.
I can see Blizzard reinventing and redesigning the Forsaken as the People of Lordearon which are ackknowledges as those by the Alliance and the living lordearons. Maybe even a peacefull cooperation between living and dead is being developed and thus a unique take on the future of the kingdom of Lordearon.

These are my thoughts though. But in my opinion interesting ones.

This story could’ve been so simple without the factions. Just make a Lodaeron-Undercity for both. End of story.

But who knows what will happen now. New path of the forsaken withing the horde? Split among the forsaken? Calia being killed by someone? Actually no, if Valeera will stay as close to her as she is at the moment, that is unlikely.

Could be something interesting in the future. Could be something underwhelming. Oh well, time will tell.

gl hf.

I hope blizzard will turn him into a villain. Would be so tasteful after so many times the alliance laughed about the Horde after turning into a villain against what the fans want. Please blizzard ruin Turalyon so that the alliance fanboys will reeeeee about it. Their tears and salt are my life essence.


In Shadows Rising he certainly doesn’t. And since I’d like to see Blizz try their luck with that pesky thing called continuity once in a while… too late to have him a shining example of Alliance paladin goodness, show me what loot he drops.

Blizzard also chose not to put some Forsaken development into Maldraxxus, and instead depicted Maldraxxus undead as a totally different thing.


Who knows what’s gonna happen to him during the time the heroes are in the shadowlands. The time there is chaotic and Ion said a time skip could always happen. Only time will tell

That would be the lamest ending to a story arc I’ve ever seen. Even Blizzard should be above that.


Just wait for it. The Alliance isn’t allowed to have revenge. I could totally see Blizzard do that just to give the middle fingers to the Alliance players who (rightfully) want revenge for the genocide of Teldrassil.

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Nothing that didn’t happen before.

Actually: With Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition, wizzards nearly killed off their own franchise with changes and storys people dispised and hated. They destroyed cities, cultures, gods, rewrote history etc…

With 5th edition they made a complete turn around and went back to what it was before, even ressurecting gods and cities etc. It saves the whole franchise.
Blizzard watched this.

It has nothing to do with being lame, but with ackknowledging it was a huge mistake and cost a lot of players. We allready see huge amount of turn arounds and retcons of BFA stories all around the place.

Personally I’d maybe rather see Hyal being turned into the NE capital, but on the other hand, I would be also glad to close this garbage story of this expansion once and for all without things from it draging into next and next expansions.
I m fond of all of it and would actually just prefer it to be named as never happened and then the story can continue.

So this would be for me personally probably the cleanest cut out of this horribile mistake of an expansion.

Blizzard might be composed of some arrogant pricks who are failing to see when they are wrong, but in theri core they also just want to make an awesome game for people. And when people don’t like that and vastly despise it, they notice. They don’t have the intention to piss off maximum amounts of players, they really thought people would like this story. Well they were wrong and they are ackknowledging it it seems.
All the changes, the rewriten lore etc show that.
Question is , wether or not they can deliver and fix what they wrongly did.

We will see after Shadowlands, but we can at least for now look out for some evidences and small hints.
Ardenwald is full of self reflection of the developers and some things that feel a bit out of place are probably a direct response and change in path led by the overall negative reaction of all the BFA content.

The fact for example that Tyrande is indeed getting to kill Nathanos is most certainly a direct reaction to the negativity 8.1 received. They want to fix it.
The fact that there is so much focus on rescuing NE souls from the maw , while every other races deads are not even mentioned, is for me also a direct reaction towards the negativity NE players have expressed. They try to fix these things.

But as I have said before.
The question is wether or not they are able to deliver or again stop half way through.

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Awesome game = bending over to please Night Elf fanatics?



Nah it has everything to do with being lame. If Teldrassil and nelves are just snapped back into existence, it literally removes any stakes from anything. Why the hell couldn’t we do it again any time in the future if we want? If that can be done with a snap of a finger, then I want Theramore and Southshore back too. Hell give me back Stratholme too if all I have to do is ask some guy in Shadowlands to do it.

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Are you really trying with logic here?

Just some question:
Where is the Vindikaar?
Why don’t we open yet some other alternative universes?
How many times stood we in Orgrimmar yet it has not been claimed/destroyed/razed etc?
These were rethorical questions of course, you can’t answer.

It is nothing new that “accomplishments” of previous expansions lose their value right after the expansion.
Snapping back is actually the rule not the exception in Wow.

And no I don’t think that making huge mistakes that cost over 60% of the playerbase is something that should be continued. And hints show Blizzard realised this aswell.

We will see.
This is one of the possible outcomes especially with tweets like “Trees can regrow”

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No not really. Nothing as dumb as Teldrassil magically coming back with all the burned elfies safe and dandy has happened in any WarCraft game. While Vindicaar being ignored and Orgrimmar being sieged every other year is still dumb, it’s nowhere near that, should it happen.

Its a magic tree that grew within unter 4 years after WC3 and before classic.
What do you expect from magic trees? They grow magically back.

So this is actually more logical than the whole things above.
But of course you can have your opinion. I just find it hypocritical and it is not mine.
have a nice day! <3

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Half of night elves considered the act of growing Teldrassil as the peak of Fandral’s arrogance. It got corrupted almost as soon as it was grown and required blessings of the aspects (which they refused to do at first), and even after it finally got blessed, the corruption still lingered. I have no idea why anyone would attempt to grow another tree after all that happened with it during the entire runtime of WoW, but sure, regrowing the tree, while still dumb, I could accept.

It being magically asspulled from Shadowlands with all the dead elves who would be alive again is a storytelling aberration that should never exist. That would honestly be the worst thing Blizzard ever wrote, and that’s saying something.

I don’t think you know what that word means, pal.