ImmortalityA term that defies time, transcends understanding and demands infinite patience.
The tenthousands of years old Lightforged veteran watched over this strange planet that she now called home. She had come to understand it better with the passing of time. Battles had been won, struggles had been overcome and life had continued.
Some day, her brothers and sisters had said, some day they would fulfill their eternal duty. Indeed, they would serve the cause and see it through until the very end. She had found purpose amongst all this pain, this neverending suffering, and it had given her the strength to endure, to carry on and to strike back.
Those who lived through this seemingly endless hell had seen worlds being torn apart, had witnessed entire races being extinguished, yet, they had never ever closed their eyes to the horrors of war. The Army of Light had served the Light and would continue to do so until the very end of it all. Until the end times would finally come and embrace all who were of the Light.
But those days were still far away.
Vy’luun, sole survivor of one of the first infiltration units deployed on Argus called the Light’s Vengeance, former captain of the Army of Light recon squad Light’s Beacon, now demoted to the rank of ‘sharpshooter’ to serve the 7. Legion, exhaled deeply.
She had failed, had faltered and had finally faced her past mistakes. She had began to understand. She had began to see.
“Serve to live … and live to serve.” She whispered against the crystaline glass window from which she overlooked Azeroth from the Vindicaar. Her room lay in darkness, but her sunshine yellow right remaining eye flared brightly.
These words had resonated within her. Something that once was broken had been restored. It was not much, not yet, but she was more than she had been for what had felt like an eternity. She had watched and waited; thinking, always thinking.
“Brothers and Sisters, I am Vy’luun and I beseech you to heed my words as they are of the Light …” She did not voice her words as her whole being began to radiate in the soft glimmer of the everpresent Light. The Lightforged would hear her words if they would simply listen. Then she left behind her ever vigiliant watch over this strange new planet and walked over to her desk.
Inkwell, feather pen and clean white paper lay neatly aligned in perfect harmony on the otherwise empty table. All things must be done properly or not at all. In this room that belonged to the former captain of the Army of Light, everything fulfilled one purpose and one purpose only. Nothing was too little or too much. Everything existed exactly for one reason.
The Draenei woman who had served the cause since the very beginning of it all, sat down on her desk and began to write letters addressed to those that had been written down in her codex. The codex of the Light’s Beacon, as a reminder that noone would ever truly stop existing as long as there was someone left to remember them … and Vy’luun remembered them all.
Letters addressed to Draenei who had ventured all across Azeroth were being written. Furthermore, she wrote to former colleagues of the 7. Legion, and to Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, yes, even to one or two Pandaren that someone in her unit had met and thus the name had been written down in the codex.
“May this letter be passed on to one of my kin - to a Draenei - as I ask of you to aid me in my cause: a gathering of all.” She continued to write.
As she wrote, the scarred tissue that surrounded the melted left side of her face began to gently gleam golden as if it wanted to heal what was lost for ever.
When finally dawn broke over Azeroth and the sunlight returned to once more banish the darkness into the corners of the world, Vy’luun had finished her writing.
The former captain of the Army of Light stood up, grabbed the gigantic stack of paper and walked through the dark of her room towards the door.
She laid her right hand upon the doorhandle, inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, and stepped out of her room into the Light.
Archenon poros, Argent Dawn!
This project is solely concerned with Draenei-RP.
If you enjoy playing Draenei or know someone who does so, feel free to link them this thread or message me ingame. For what is it worth to talk of unity if we never truly are “one”?
- What is this?
A gathering of all Draenei roleplayers (regular & Lightforged) who believe that unity is the noblest of aspirations when it comes to RP and who would like to actually create a more realistic feeling of “we are reunited, we are one in the Light” rather than limit themselves to the two, three other players they know.
- What is it not?
It is not a guild or anything like that. It could be a community, if wanted, but it mainly is meant to be an IC event that can lead to more events if there are enough people interested in this. I already have ideas for further gatherings in mind.
- What can I expect?
To meet Draenei roleplayers who are willing to engage in conversation with your Draenei. It is a simple first meet&greet with other curious Draenei.
Also, you can offer to speak in front of everyone, asking, questioning, seeking. All are equal in this. All I am offering is a place to call home and a short speech.
- What can I do as an individual?
Listen and learn but also teach and tutor. Some of us are more familiar with lore whilst others might still lack some information that could help with their backgrounds or how to express their character properly.
- Rules
Hour of Light & Gathering of All Rules
based on the writings of Daelindri with editing by Vy’luun
Meeting of the Draenei Community with a more social twist
To share news of current events which can include but are not limited to:
- News and announcements
Causes for celebrations such as promotions, births, or even not so great news such as a passing of one of people so that we can have a moment of reflection.
This would also be a good time for anyone who has ideas such as the beacon system (or any other community-centered ideas) to announce their intentions or plans.
— creates RP for those who are interested
- Guild campaigns, plots and events
Announcing that for example Guild A are heading off for a campaign against a particularly nasty Lich who is hiding out with a sizeable force of undead. They announce they are dealing with this and for others to remain vigilant for similar threats cropping up.
— creates community spirit
Possible Topics to be Discussed
Calls for assistance
Using the above example, they may want to open up their grand finale to 5 people, this would be a chance to invite those people along.Cross guild initiatives
If perhaps Guild A and Guild B want to do an event together, this would be a good forum to be able to do so.Cross group initiatives
For example, the mage community/discord that regularly meet up are seeking a competent artificer to assist them on a project, they would approach someone in this community to make the announcement.
Another example, the paladin community/discord are fighting off an undead threat and require the assistance of some of the Draenei community that are not in the paladin discord.
The Hour of Light - Formal Meetings
Pre Meeting People are required to message their points they wish to raise to the host who makes the announcement on the forums, ingame or the discord.
An agenda is put together, but not necessarily disseminated if you don’t want to.That way we have a list, and a rough idea of how many points we have to cover.
If there are any points that are similar then we encourage people to work together on that point instead of repeating. That means that the two people still get to have their point made instead of the first one speaking and the second one feeling they should not go up for fear of repeating the point and boring people.
Meeting People speak as succinctly and promptly as possible so that we can get through the list and everyone has their chance.
There is not a strict “cut off” for how long people can talk but we use common sense and politeness that there may be others wanting to have their turn. The host can advise when they have the agenda put together.That way we have a list, and a rough idea of how many points we have to cover.
If there are any points that are similar then we encourage people to work together on that point instead of repeating. That means that the two people still get to have their point made instead of the first one speaking and the second one feeling they should not go up for fear of repeating the point and boring people.For those not in the discord or those who did not read the forum post or who happen across this meeting quite late, there is a space at the end for “any other business” before we conclude the meeting.
Again, they are reminded to try and get through it as quickly as possible.![]()
No questions or queries are raised at this point. People take the information, digest it, and think on it.
Post-Meeting This is the forum for discussion and (hopefully) collaboration to happen. ![]()
People interested in a topic go to the person who brought it up and they can talk further on it.This encourages live and organic RP as people are actually able to talk instead of stand in silence for 3 – 4 hours (sometimes more) which is incredibly boring no matter the topic. If people are interested in more than a few topics then they’ll just have to wait them out as best as they can as no plan is ever perfect. ExampleHow a meeting could play out
The post-meeting will allow for more people to be able to talk in smaller, more topic-oriented groups!
An Artificer brings up an idea regarding upgrades to Lightforged technology such as barriers.
A Rangari brings up an idea about a small intimate hunting event for a few people.
Some people may not be interested in hearing a discussion about sorting out a hunting event, so would instead be interested in working with the Artificers. Even if they aren’t one, they can assist in some way.
On the flip side someone may think they want to get involved in the hunt event.
They go to that person and have a discussion with them that is live, instead of an audience waiting patiently for the next topic to come up so they can stop standing in silence.
Meeting date: usually toward the end of each month
There might be two meetings just so there are more options for people. I dislike unintentionally excluding someone just because something IRL caused them to not be able to partake.