Dragonflight is the most barebone, unfun and unrewarding expansion to date for me

Gearing in dragonflight is awful


did a vault 21 with over time 2hrs 21min 141 deaths to last boss we died 130 times

yep these Dragonflight season 1 dungeons are fun :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont get why they had to make 421 in to 20+ keys they could just had made it 18+ and called it a day.

starting to miss shadowlands-.

when a mvp and Us forums complains then blizzard should listen

this season is just cancerous atm people leaving keys and you be forced to sit with people for 2hrs to get one chance on a gear piece in vault which wont be any loot and you probably wont get lucky.

Dont get me started on tailoring blacksmith etc profession system sucks donkey.

JC and Alcemy still selling tons but W/e this is the first time since wod i feel like not wanting to logg on. Shadowlands season4 was fun you smashed the keys this season feels unrewarding.


Even for me, who I would consider mainly a “Dungeon Player” by now (Tired of waiting for Rolf or Greta to understand tactics in raid… :frowning: ) — even that is lackluster cause we get so few dungeons that we then repeat over and over.
It’d be nice with more - even if smaller - dungeons being added more frequently.

Also, I personally would love something like Islands, Torghast or whatever; Solo play, but without the power-gain (outside of itself, would be cool if it was gear you got to get better inside of those solo activites).


TL;DR; I like DF.
Mainly, because, I like the concept of being done with the game.

I started back in October 2005, but didn’t played all expansions.
I had an addiction problem in TBC that almost cost my job, so I quit the game and only came back during Legion expansion, in this account.

Back in Vanilla, we didn’t had transmogs, WQs and many other stuff that got introduced through the years.
Yes we farmed for reputation with different factions, professions were easier, however, everyone knew that after level 60, the only way to level up your character was through gear. To get the best gear, you had to Raid, to Raid you had to be part of a Guild. Your success was tied to the Guild progression.

This has always been there. Nothing new.
If you don’t Raid, your character doesn’t get stronger, because Raiding is the end game. Being part of an army of players and kill the biggest bosses in the game.

This is not a solo game. Even solo games have a limited life span that is shorter than WoW.

After reading many of the complaints, I’m starting to think I would actually enjoyed WoD because I like being done with the game.
A lot of stuff people complain, it seems, are the lack of systems introduced during Legion.

I loved Legion, but a lot of players didn’t.
The AP that didn’t allowed people to switch specs, because once one of your artifact weapons were so far ahead the others fell behind.
Not getting the legendary they wanted due to RNG.

I hated BFA, simply because, if you were Horde, the whole game story is: a guilt trip telling, how you, are following a evil leader.
Yes that was what the Draenei female Monk, raid boss tells you after you kill her and the other Kul-Tyran guy.
In fact the very first thing I asked when BFA startef was: how could I skip War of Thorns and Battle for Undercity. Probably the only expansion I spent avoiding content like War campaign and Nathanos Blightcaller dark quests and spent it on the story forums ranting.

Even during BFA, Visions of N’Zoth, Wrathion legendary cape, HoA essences, corrupted gear, Mechagnome, were only introduced later in the expansion.

I didn’t play SL simply because I couldn’t take another expansion where Sylvanas was present. The 3rd cinematic in a row which she was present, killed it for me.

In DF, I did the introduction 25 times and I expect to do the same for all the quests.
It feels good to have something lighter and bright for a change as I’m tired of doom and gloom, atmospheres.

I don’t Raid, because you need an active guild that is doing well in progressing the Raids. I already tried to do that in TBC and it made me become completely exhausted to go to work.

However I like the concept of being done with the game.

DF is just in the beginning.
Nothing guarantees that in the last patches, some kind of solo challenge won’t be introduced, like Visions of N’Zoth.
Some new zone like when Queen Azshara patch came, with new reputations to be farmed daily.
An ending patch that opens the way for a large scale invasion in another expansion like the last Raid in WoD with Gul’dan summoning Archimonde. That leads to a faction conflict expansion during BFA.

Edit: also, it seems the expansion was rushed, to meet deadlines. Ofc the game won’t have everything they were planning to introduce. Only time will tell.

Edit: typing.


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I really have to talk about this, since every time i see that it makes me laugh. Lets Divide 365 days by 6. We get a 60 days in between each content patch. Considering we have now 2 soft patches (.5 and .7), it means in between major patches there is 180 days, which makes season lasting around the same as the BFA timing, almost 25% longer than Legion’s ones, more than 50% more than the 2 first seasons of Wod and twice the lenght of most MoP seasons.

No matter how you see that, yes it’s better than SL, but let’s face it, they HAVE to include content for non-ultracasual (which means pretty much anyone who past the 390 ilevel gear at this point and look at the new storm event and rares without understanding who this is supposed to be targeted at) in .5 and .7 patches, else the so called Content-burner will just overlook it and stay in the same Raid/Dungeons for 180 days.

I wait to see what they will do with 10.0.7 on the Dracthyr island, but outside of a short story teasing 10.1 and maybe 1 or 2 little events on the isle for ultra-casuals and MAYBE removing valor and conquest cap, i don’t see them doing anything content wise. I really hope they’ll change my mind, but i’m a little pessimist about that.

Still, it’s better than SL.


So you didn’t play WOD or cataclysm
cause in those 2 there was no WORLD content like in DF and only thing you could do to progress was to raid

They did sink a bunch of needed time into the foundations of the game, i.e. removing borrowed power and power-system grinds, which was great and it’s a lot more fun to play as a result.

The challenge is now they need to churn out casual-friendly content at a higher rate than they have done historically to bring the world to life. They also need to add casual content to the original continents that is enduring and increases relevancy of the whole world, otherwise it feels too small.

I feel like there is content for extremes - most casual players have their side stories, world quest, professions to some degree, queueable dungeons; most hardcore players have carrot in form of mythic raiding, high m+ keys and bursty PvP.

The closer one is to the middle ground the worst feeling of xpac gets. All hardcore stuff punishes for smallest mistakes while offering still random reward and pumps enormous amounts of stress on player, while casual stuff just doesn’t require any brain power to figure out what to do. I just did KSM, saw a raid and have 0 will to participate in gearing race. I’m not sheep to blindly follow rewards if content is not enjoyable.

I rather spend my time in semi-hard WotLK ^^


This is intentional at this point, they destroyed old raid soloing when they squished levels to 60 SL and they simply refuse to fix it over 2 years later. It can be done in 5 minutes by applying a massive buff whenever you’re doing content that’s more than one expansion old, just like how it used to work pre-SL.

Tbh that’s not a little thing, that’s the difference of having like 7 hours of content a week vs 2 hours now in DF, if you’re primarily doing world quests. What else is world content? There are fewer puzzles and mounts to hunt than SL afaik tho I could be wrong as I didn’t look too far into this, so there’s nothing left aside from dailies/WQs.

I really hate this subtly condescending attitude that’s been everywhere since DF launched. There is objectively less content to do now than Legion, BFA, and probably the very start of SL too (not for long tho). Not everyone who’s not thrilled with the expansion is a braindead idiot that needs Blizzard-mandated chores to not be bored.

Firing off 4 WQs in Legion/BFA and getting an emissary chest with gold, ap and loot simply felt better than doing any 4 DF world quests in isolation because a reward structure kept them in place. Another important factors is also:

And I’m really surprised not more ppl are talking about this. Renown is IMO horrible, it’s way worse than SL renown (with the exception of not being locked to your covenant), and it’s far worse than any previous reputation system.

They once again refuse to make the system account wide and once again, place valuable profession pattern and stuff at the end of the rope, actively harming your alts in case you decide to pursue a profession. The problem is that it moves at glacial pace for ppl who didn’t start at day 1 and grind dirt/keys/artifact mindlessly for dozens of hours.

I’ve been playing for over a month now and I’ve switched mains recently, but even on the first character I’m only lvl 12 with 2 factions while tuskarr and centaur are levels 9 and 10. I don’t want to do every quest on the map because there’s more of them than ever and it’s boring, and I don’t want to grind keys and relics for Wrathion because it’s mind numbingly boring. By this point in SL, I was reveared or exalted with 1-2 factions I cared about and at least honored with the rest, while renown was sorting itself basically.

They could easily let us grind extra rep in dungeon through tabards like Wrath, add emissaries like Legion, and just increase the pace of renown leveling in general but they won’t.


Yeah it is very frustrating to see some peoples attitudes towards world quests and world content players. The idea that the content is chores enjoyed by babies who need to be spoon fed activities is just annoying.
I certainly dont think there was any malice behind the phrasing. But it still says a lot.

I could see why people would be fed up of them back in the AP days if they felt they really needed that 1% gain over the weekly soft cap.
But now there is nothing at all that means you should be anti world quest. The AP is gone and the reps are freely farmable outside of world quests.

I dont even mind the removal of daily world quests though. It does have its benefits such as not having to worry about if something you want will be up that day.

But yeah the replacement content doesnt really feel sustainable. Ive been having fun. But i dont really want to spend the next 2 years wondering when the next event will be up or grinding mobs for low chances of rep to drop like at the colbalt assembly.

The one thing i think they did get right with a replacement to world quests, is the hunt.
Its kind of like world quests only its up all the time and infinitely repeatable.

What i would like to see would be more variety of activities going on in the hunt, and each rep having their own version of it with different activities.

Basically it would be like having world quests that you could do as often as you like, with no cap at all. But keep the reward as a mystery bag so there is never a feeling of urgency to participate by a deadline.

You could even bring back emissaries with them for some nice passively daily gold.

Just my thoughts anyhow.

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What strikes me as most incredulous so far, is that Blizzard have somehow managed to present it as a positive that their product has less in it, receiving great applause for their genius.

There’s less you can do, so you have more freedom to choose what to do.

The spin is brilliance from a marketing point of view.



´´We hear you, we see you. You felt overwhelmed with too much content, so after listening to the playerbase we have decided to only create 8 new dungeons and very little content.´´

Blizzard also managed to create 8 new dungeons that were so awful that no one is complaining about them re-using old dungeons. Over a billion IQ move from Blizzard I have to admit it. I thought I was getting one over at Blizzard for voting for the train dungeons, looks like Ion got me good in the end.


I don’t understand why more people aren’t critical about the absence of stuff.

I mean, Blizzard haven’t added any borrowed power systems like Artifact weapons or the Heart of Azeroth. They haven’t added any expansion content features like Warfronts or Torghast. There are fewer world quests and they rotate less frequently as well.
And so on.

All in the name of giving players more freedom to do whatever they want at their own leisure.


So what have Blizzard added instead?

If they haven’t poured all their hard work into another Torghast or Heart of Azeroth grind, what have they poured their work into?

And the answer seems to be nothing.

There’s just less stuff.

Even if you like all the freedom and not having to do Torghast, you could have hoped for more dungeons or extra zones or such.

But it’s not there.

It’s just less overall.

If Blizzard had said something like: We’re not going to do borrowed powers or content like Torghast, so instead we’re going to make more dungeons and extra zones, then it would resonate with me.
But all they didn’t do that. They just made less.


You are partially right, but I prefer having less stuff over what we had before unironically.
Sometimes less is more.
We’re also getting spec reworks apparently over time, we got a new class, profession overhaul, lots of cosmetics (More than in shadowlands in one patch), trading post, dragon flying, and other things, that will forever be in the game.

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I think it´s even worse than this.

They only created 8 new dungeons even though Shadowlands lacked an ENTIRE patch. But nono, it gets even crazier. Because just think about the amount of dungeons that just lazily re-use assets from the open world or from old dungeons. Uldaman, Ruby Life Pools and Nokhud.

You are one of the first people who actually manages to articulate this very well though. I think people are being way too kind to DF.

The new dungeons suck though, pretty much everyone agrees… So what exactly have Blizzard even provided of meaningful new content?

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I edited my post, where I stated it.
We also got solo shuffle aswell. Last time we got an actual ranked game mode was RBGs and BGs existed before.

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Yeah but that’s an arbitrary comparison, because Blizzard never make the exact same thing twice.
They always make something new and different, even if it’s slightly similar or related.

Maybe people didn’t like doing The Maw in Shadowlands, but nevertheless it was an extra zone that Blizzard had spent time making.

Maybe people didn’t like doing Torghast in Shadowlands, but nevertheless it was an extra content feature that Blizzard had spent time making.

In Dragonflight Blizzard haven’t spent time making something like The Maw or Torghast.

So what have they spent their time making instead?


And how’s that any good? Even the people who just wanted Blizzard to go back to basics and focus on dungeons and raids would surely have hoped for more than 8 dungeons and 1 raid if that was too be the entire focus of the expansion?

It’s still less. If you pile all of that stuff up, then it’s still demonstrably less in terms of content volume than certain other expansions have had.

And I don’t think people should be praising Blizzard for giving them less WoW.

Even if we like their gameplay freedom philosophy, and we like the stuff that exists in Dragonflight, we should still expect from Blizzard to give us as much stuff as they have given us in the past.


I have honestly no idea what was wrong with callings that were able to finish in every content.


I really have to give it to Ion the lawyer, I get why he has not been fired yet. Complete genius that he has unironcally made ppl go, THNK U FOR NOT CREATING CONTENT FOR US BLIZZARD!!

Straight up genius.

Most content creators, even those that I enjoy for analysis of the game still seem extremely fond of the game. Same goes for Reddit where any criticism of Dragonflight is downvoted into oblivion. In Shadowlands it was the exact same situation. Kept defending the expansion at all costs. Wasn´t until Korthia that the dam broke.

Both the EU and the US WoW Forums seem to have taken a massive dive when it comes the view of the expansion though. Pretty much started 1-2 weeks ago in the US and now spreading here.


That’s your impression. I haven’t seen an actual proof yet. Tbh, if someone did a 1 to 1 comparison, where they include optional content, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dragonflight came ahead. I welcome you to draw an actual scientific comparison, because I think there is alot of things they added, that you ignore, because the content is optional for you, or you simply don’t play all the content. They keep adding alot of things in 10.0.7 aswell, that will stay in the game forever. The content in Dragonflight is also way higher quality than in shadowlands.
Dragonflight for sure isn’t perfect, but I’m 99% sure, that it’s the best iteration of wow since… Legion? It could be better than legion considering the problems the other game had at the start.

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