Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Earn The Feldrake Mount Now and Support a Streamer

I only want #2 the mount, do I need to unlock the previous one first to get it?

They haven’t confirmed yet who the streamers are but I imagine most of the known WoW streamers will be included.


No, usually you only have to take part during the days you want those rewards for.

It was never unique - many many others have it, you were never a special snowflake due to buying a code/card.

Doesn’t matter. It’s already not ‘unique’. Just ‘rare’.
And honestly, if someone gets hung up over something being ‘less rare’ in a game, I am of the opinion that they should get their priorities straight.

There’s a lot of wrong going on in this map but disfiguring poor Italy is probably the worst offense.


We are addicted to this… but thanks to care…

By unique he means rare, I reckon.
And sadly, this mount not only will decrease in value, but rather plummet beyond anything necessary.

This isn’t and can’t be about “special snowflakes denying others a rare mount”, but (as many, many players in various threads of all languages have pointed out) about making a mount available in a sensible and adequate way.

whats updated?

Blizzard get 0 from any sale. It has no game value.

Don’t open up this stupid farce of a debate, for yes, of course it has.

It has whatever value people see in it, however intangible it might seem to you.

I welcome our new fel drake overlords.

do i just watch any streamer on the game department of twitch that says drahgonflight now? for the kite?

The stream needs to be tagged with “Drop” to work.

There is a handy wowhead guide for anyone who is confused how it works


dont need to pay on twitch i thought ?

i already have gotten 5 twitch drops in new world this week and still getting wow twitch drops x-mas came early this year :rofl:

Darkmech on in the background and muted the tab, not the stream. Still getting credit for it, lovely stuff.

I dont understand,we have to see dragonflight content on twitch? How if dragonflight didnt launch yet? Or it counts to see beta dragonflight streams?

What do i have to see on twitch?

any wow live stream with [!Drops] in their tittle