Dragonflying ruined the world - Remove flying

Oh it sure has merit but in the end the pros outweigh the cons.

The idea is that if all you care about is getting your rep/gold/gear then yes, fly away, zoom to your goal and be done with it. But if you are not that kind of player, the zones should be detailed enough to be interesting with secrets, lore, cosmetic rewards, etc etc. That way, a player might think about exploring Suramar at some point but they will never be forced to do it.

I mean some players are bound to think at some point “you know I am coming here day by day for my weekly/daily farming or whatever, what If i explored the place for a change?” Then they get pleasantly surprised (or not, you never know) and in that case they explore the zones more thouroughly in the future.

The idea in this example, is to allow players to play however they like while presenting them with an optional alternative experience.

No, incorrect.

Nope. When you say the zones are empty that is a huge lie. They are bigger and denser than ever before. Perhaps YOU skip them if you are like those types complaining that there is no content when in fact you only consider something that increases your power content.
You are standing here telling us that more content is worse and that is completely ludicrous.
There is so much in these zones, from treasures, rares quests/world quests, special drops, profession materials, rare profession materials, mounts, pets, transmogs, customisations.
YOU not caring, doesn’t make the zones empty.

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I came here for this.

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Linking that three year old picture is equally childish as what he did on that day when picture has been made.


yet its ok for you to go thread to thread flaming others and making snarky comments but you are pure and rigtheous ? i wouldnt throw stones in glass houses if iwas you. you get away with a lot you are like me and others far from innocent.

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Oh c’mon Tahra you aren’t fooling him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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i had to giggle :grin:

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Are you also in favor of allowing flying mounts in m+ and raids?

Oh, yeah, totally, youre completely right! Because alt+tabbing to watch youtube or twicht or do wathever else while the flightmaster takes you from one point to the other is totally much more engaging, of course!

It seems that you believe that i am the person who believes that Tahra and Eliquis are the same person.

I made a joke, because I saw the other tread about them being the same person. Ruined now because I had to explain it.

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Large zones are nice.


It serves as a nice reminder to people every time that its not ok to do what he did.

It’s a public service announcement.

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Having big zones is nothing new. WoD has big zones. Kalimdor and Easter kingdoms have smaller zones but many in number which makes the continents huge. Northrend, Ouland, Pandaria are also enormous continents.

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I disagree. If you want to run around on a horse all the time fine. I like to fly so i can get past all the junk and do what i need to do.

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Normal flying is good and all we need

I have engaged more with the zones when i have flying than when i havent. In BFA when i got pathfinder i spent so much time flying about and interacting with the world.

With mob density in some areas and frustratiom being grounded just doesnt engage me.

Just because you think going fast = no zone interaction doesnt mean this is the case qt all.


Admittedly I havent done any market research here…but Im assuming that Blizzard have.
So I cant imagine that they implemented dynamic flying as standard for future expansions because everybody hated it!

More likely they agree with me and think it is a fantastic addition to the game.

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