Dragonflying ruined the world - Remove flying

Nope. The utility of flying is too good to give up.

I agree with the sentiment as well. But removing flying is not the solution.

Spare me the armchair psychologist routine. And quite frankly spare me your crap. You always do this. Attack people personally cause they disagree with you. Look at that, this guy guessed everything about my life based on a line.

And I’m what? Addicted to convenience? And you are here to make things inconvenient or what? Tell me how I should play my game? Spend my time? I think not. Guy knows all about my life but can’t answer a simple question. Why should travel be inconvenient?


I thought you had quit the game permently ? you can not keep away. You chastise Sand for the words then spew out a horrid attack yourself, these forums were better without you for a long time.

6 months is not 2 years.

Not even a year :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea is that if all people had been on the ground you would see more people around you and the game would feel more alive. I personally understand the sentiment, but the proposed solution is “meh”.

Instead of forcing people to do things (which never ends well) Blizz should create interesting and entertaining reasons for people to interact and engage with each other. DF has 2-3 examples where they do that successfully and we should be asking more of this, instead of asking to revert back to how things were before flying.

I guarantee that if you were to remove flying it would just piss off people.

People already did not like pathfinder.

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Am I supposed to take someone who literally has an alt just for the forum serious? You are so afraid of backlash from your forum posts that you made a character just to write meaningless messages. I’m not bothered by your post nor will I explain myself to you.

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And you expect us to take you serious after these 3 posts

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I have given you a like so you can feel good about yourself since you clearly need it with your post count. Well done Eliquís!


You would have had a bigger post count if you didnt get banned so often, you like dishing out the dirt but can not take it back. I look forward to your next meltdown ty for such epix comedy throughout the years you are amazing :slight_smile:

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The people who say this crap have no idea what they are on about. I’m pretty convinced they say it just to annoy other people and no other reason. No for real, think about it. It makes zero sense and this idiotic request cannot be justified in any way.

First of all the game has hubs. For PVP, for PVE, word quests, events. That’s where you run into people. That’s where I always run into people. So I have no damned idea what they are talking about when they say the world feels empty. It does not.

PVP. I run constantly with Warmode on (except with the dream zone cause I don’t like how it works with the bloom event). PVP is between two willing players. If you have a guy trying to kill another guy who just tries to run away cause, I don’t know, he does not feel like fighting, he’s one of those pacifists or maybe he just does not think he can win, that’s not PVP. That’s just ganking.

There is not one single reason, none to justify this idiotic demand to remove flying. And consider thanks to dynamic flying we have HUGE zones and the zones that will follow will have to be just as huge so I’m not sure how the hell can anyone come here and say dynamic flying makes the world feels smaller when it fact they made the world MUCH larger.

And remember this crap, this unjustifiable crap is how Blizzard introduced pathfinder. With the notion that there’s a very vocal minority out there who wanted that. No thanks. Not again.


Atleast they have now removed the rep/renown part of it but we will still for no reason at all get normal flying later then DF flying in next expac.

Don’t feed the troll. He isn’t here to discuss, only to annoy you. There is a reason I don’t respond to him. Let him be, he is trying to be relevant by slandering people and bringing up irrelevant arguments just to sidetrack the discussion, that’s his tactic. He also loves lying and quoting parts of your replies out of context.

The solution is to ignore him and discuss only with people who are interested in debating on the subject in the first place. Look how annoyed he is he is getting actively ignored, he needs that attention but he isn’t getting any. :smiley:

I don’t really care about normal flying right now. Sucks for the people with motion sickness, but you know what, those people can take it up with the no-fly bunch. As far as I’m concerned this situation turned out ridiculously well. Awesome flying method, larger future areas and no stupid pathfinder.

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This coming from you who is constantly making havoc in threads and slandering people and believes only your view matters but anyways flagged for trolling :slight_smile:

thats because you broke CoC and told everyone you were ignoring them only to find about the rules :slight_smile:

The actual sentiment is very subjective and I’ve personally been going back and forth for years, but an objective fact is that flying trivializes the world for better or worse.

Having things like Suramar is impossible when you have constant flying unless you relegate it to an instanced no flight zone, which then ruins the cohesion of the world. Having only ground mounts makes you engage with the world more, but it is slower and much less convenient.

Players are never gonna agree on this because they all prefer different things, but if you like immersion and level design, flying basically removes that almost entirely and you’re jumping from one point of interest to another.

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Ultimately it doesn’t matter, players have already spoken on this. People do not wanna slow ground mounts, period.

When they did pathfinder people were rioting for the whole time, imagine what removing flying would do.


This is one of the things that really bothers me about this conversation. Not ours specifically but the whole conversation concerning flying and the removal of it. Why can’t people just mind their own damned business? If one guy wants to immerse himself and pretend to be Joe the horse rider who only rides horses across the world then he can be that. The game allows you to reach most places via ground mounts. If there’s a guy like me who loves just getting on my dragon and flying as high as I can, and yeah, it’s really high then admire the work of art that are the dragon isles thanks to the awesome Blizzard art team, that’s my immersion. Why do these people want to take it away from me? I’m not trying to take theirs away. Do you know why? Is it because they are evil?


Nah, it is just that some people think they want something but in actuality they don’t Yes, I agree with what Blizz initially said about Classic, and I don’t care if a big amount of nostalgia-blinded players made Classic a big deal. Retail doesn’t have nostalgia to stand on so these proposals would ruin the game IMO.

Totally agree, more interesting hubs, secrets up to exploration and interesting activities in general is what we should be asking. Don’t force players to use a ground mount, entice them to do so, and people who are interested in that will dismount and explore, interact, socialize etc etc.

I agree, the moment you open Warmode you agree that some times people will take the opportunity to gank you. wPvP is not about balance, nor it should be. So even getting ganked is part of the PvP since you agreed to it by opening your Warmode. Personally, I have Warmode on all the time, even in the Emerald Dream and during Superbloom.

Yeap, that’s a good argument. Because of DF we have bigger zones, and these zones can be filled with more hubs, events and other fun activities. I repeat, This is what we should all be advocating for!

Yeap… Pathfinder is a terrible solution to liven up the zones. I understand what they went for but some no-flying areas would be enough, not the whole zone.

Oh, oh I can answer that. Not that I agree but I can at least explain what looks like evil insanity to you. People have heard and know that players usually take the path of least resistance. So advocates for the removal of flying believe that if they remove that “path” and people are forced on the ground they will love it.

Main problem is that this is already tried and failed. Second problem is that forcing players to do something instead of enticing them to do it never ends well. And last but not least, there is still one more path of least resistance that Blizz can do nothing about and this is simply quitting WoW and playing another game.

What if Suramar is full of content, lore and secrets and basically begs to be explored on foot while you still have the option to simply fly over it? Isn’t that the best of both worlds?

Raider/M+/BG spammers sure love their flying and for better or worse are a majority when compared to those who care about zone design details etc etc. However, as I said multiple times already the solution IMHO is to create enough interesting hubs/zones which might entice even the aforementioned “spammers” to do something different for a change. Robbing them of that choice and basically forcing them on the ground is not a solution though.

Because this doesn’t work unless it’s enforced, just like personal loot and other similar things. For example, Suramar is a much better experience overall when you have to engage with it on the ground, use the camouflage, pay attention to the details, use the harpoons and rooftops etc. Some people would hate it that way and they did hate it, but I loved it and it would have been completely ruined if I had flying back then.

All of that stops existing if you fly through it, and the content is trivialized, it’s about the devs making an experience that should be experienced the one way and is made lesser by the more convenient alternatives. Like Dark Souls that would inevitably be ruined with an easy mode, like how LFR is a boring bullet sponge waste of time that isn’t enjoyed by anyone and is only done for the few rewards it offers to people who can’t/won’t do normal. This is imo why I hate having 4 raid difficulties and why it should be brought back to 1 or 2 imo, more choice is not always a good thing because it compromises the experience, but we can agree to disagree.

So to clarify the Suramar example for one (which applies to everything because it informs how the world is designed), having the option of flying means that you have to gimp your own productivity and choose not to do it, it still makes the world look emptier because most people are flying and not involved in any of this, and it likely wouldn’t be designed in the first place because of all of this.

No flying can also feel terrible when Blizzard does the modern mob density like they do such as in Nazjatar and Revendreth, but I was just trying to explain the pros of no-flying which absolutely exist. I was firmly in the pro-flying camp throughout Legion-DF, but I realize now that it wasn’t entirely pointless and that it had merit.