Dramatic fps drop

Hey ever since 9.0.5 started i’ve been facing a weird fps drop bug that i cannot fix , literally tried almost everything but one thing which will ultimately be my last resort which is reinstalling the game , apart from that i did everything i could to fix this to no avail.this is exactly whats randomly happening to me.

If anyone knows anything about this or had the same issue and managed to fix it please do comment on this .

Hey there Ziibi,

Could you try the steps that are mentioned in this article?

If that yields no results, get back to us with some system files, to further troubleshoot! You can use a website like Pastebin or similar to attach the files.

I had done everything mentioned in support articles yes , and i already submitted a ticket about it today hoping this problem will be fixed.
but i was hoping to see someone from the community that already faced and resolved the problem , maybe someone will offer an extra hand of assistance ^^.



I wouldn’t worry about this being a problem with your set up. It is 99% mostly likely not, and adjustments you make probably aren’t going to resolve anything for you.

There are numerous threads about FPS performance issues with World of Warcraft after 9.0.5.

You can read mine here: Random FPS "seizures" since 9.0.5

A few others to note:

Not including Reddit and other fansites reporting the same issues since 9.0.5.

Though in saying that it probably is helpful to rule out a potential issue with your set up, but in this case it’s most likely not on your end.