Drops in FPS, out of nowhere! A supportive thread please :) PC ONLY

So even a few days before 9.0.5. patch landed, the game was dropping in fps randomly. I use v-sync so its capped at 60, but randomly drops to 30 - 20 fps sometimes, especially in cities.

I’ve tried:

  • deleting all addons
  • scanning/repairing the game
  • updating and reinstalling drivers
  • changing DirextX to legacy , 11, or 12.
  • lowest graphic settings
  • deleting cache + WTF folders
  • Temperatures are fine when running game
  • no memory leak from what i can see - roughly 2-3.5 GB of memory

Nothing has helped!
I’ve never had fps issues in WoW, and I have a decent computer with:

  • i5 @ 2.90GHz
  • 8GB ram
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 2047 MB
  • Runs on SSD (with 50gb left of space).

I ask the community respectively if there are others who are experiencing this issue? Is there any more advice of what i can do?
Thank you in advance. x


been in many instances / castle nathria 150+ fps, as sson as i step inside spires i get 55fps after 9.0.5


Same FPS issue… Bastion has a lot of FPS drops along with dungeons for some reason (spires being the worst).

There’s obviously a lot of people experiencing this and probably many more that just don’t post on forums or anywhere.


Same FPS issue here on two computers…
both are ryzen with a gtx/rtx with the latest nvidia drivers…
extremly performance issues also in the WHOLE OLD WORLD


Got the same problem.
There are more posts about this already, give these some attention to please.


I’ve gone through the advised troubleshooting page that blizzard gives, and nothing has changed.

The previous more popular post on FPS drops seemed to have been hijacked by blizzard as a MAC only post.

It would be nice if this is a PC only post so they can reply to PC players and not only Mac players.

I hope they can also reply outside of the ‘check this troubleshooting page’ scope.

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It clearly has something to do with anima conductor stream animations because on my alts in area’s where i did not activated the anima conductor i have no fps issues.
For the instance SoA (and i read SD has the same problem) there is probably a similar animation in the instance.

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Any news or is Blizz just hoping the threads will die away and remain hidden in some corner of the forum ?

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i think they are clueless

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They just pay no attention to any branches other than their own us.forum.
And they have been receiving our money with an almost constant decline in the quality of the game over the past 5 years. And they don’t give a damn about us, because it’s even funny that in the patch in which nothing has changed, such technical problems appeared.
From all this and the number of complaints on the US forum, I highly doubt that something will be fixed by Wednesday or even by next week.
And the most offensive thing is that now Blizzard can blame everything on remote work and the coronavirus, because this is the easiest thing, right?

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Playing Spires of Ascension dungeon with 20 fps, was 60 before 9.0.5. Bastion’s huge anima conductor lines killing FPS.


Everything is the same, plus also incomprehensible flickering in the bastion and spires. And the possibility is subjective, a decrease in FPS and in a raid.


My fps dropped by about 20 in every outdoor zone after 9.05. Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650


Changing the resolution from 1080p to 720p will double the FPS for almost everyone.

Same issue here, frequent FPS drops and stuttering.

I initially thought it was to do with Windows Defender but even after turning that off the problems persisted.

I recommend trying to switch from Dx12 to 11 in the advanced settings, it seems to have done the trick for me (fingers crossed).

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Not working for me(cuz i etc have 100% gpu in the spires, which was not even close before this buggy patch


Thanks, but I’ve tried switching the DirectX’s with no success. I also tried changing the resolution, updating windows, reinstalling the game, disabbling addons, putting resolution scale even lower than 50% to omega giga pixel mode (which gave me just 10 fps extra).


Yes, this does not happen when the day before the patch everything was fine, and after that the problems started even on a completely clear client

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When you deleted your addons, did you reinstall any?