I wouldn’t worry about this being a problem with your set up. It is 99% mostly likely not, and adjustments you make probably aren’t going to resolve anything for you.
There are numerous threads about FPS performance issues with World of Warcraft after 9.0.5.
You can read mine here: Random FPS "seizures" since 9.0.5
A few others to note:
So even a few days before 9.0.5. patch landed, the game was dropping in fps randomly. I use v-sync so its capped at 60, but randomly drops to 30 - 20 fps sometimes, especially in cities.
I’ve tried:
deleting all addons
scanning/repairing the game
updating and reinstalling drivers
changing DirextX to legacy , 11, or 12.
lowest graphic settings
deleting cache + WTF folders
Temperatures are fine when running game
no memory leak from what i can see - roughly 2-3.5 GB of memory
Nothing has helped…
Rtx 2070 super 16gb ram amd ryzen 3700
It doesn’t matter where I am in game or if I’m running addons or not.
I’m generally sitting at around 100fps in most areas however the game will randomly freeze and drop to 1 or 2 frames per second then freeze for a good few seconds before slowly getting back to normal.
I’ve checked windows updates, graphics drivers, deleted the wtf and cache folders yet the problem still persists. Any ideas?
Technical Support
Since patch 9.0.5 hit my game has been acting strangely. The game used to run at a solid 117 fps (frame caped) on almost every area but now it drops or spikes to 75-95 in some areas. These drops or spikes happen more frequently and with more...
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Not including Reddit and other fansites reporting the same issues since 9.0.5.
Though in saying that it probably is helpful to rule out a potential issue with your set up, but in this case it’s most likely not on your end.