Dual Speccing

Its your own fault to became a salve to your own choices.
You want to minmax your char for raiding as a healer?
You could raid as elemental shaman?
You could have a hybrid spec and just switch gear depending on what you want to do. (BUT UUHHH THATS NOT MINMAXING FOR THE CONTENT OMG)
You could quit raiding after you killed KT and then play eleshaman.

Right, you deserve unlimited gold and should get free character boosts… nobody should have to work on something in this game…

What happened with your RP argument? You really quickly gave up on it. As if you were just talking out of your … .

This character isn’t minmaxed fyi. Never was. I don’t care for world buffs either. And most importantly you misunderstand my point and I think it’s on purpose.

I wanted to play my character without being forced to pay money for it. Is that too much to ask for?

Elemental in this context is just a point to illustrate. I never cared for it but doing some bg as one would have been intresting but I refuse to do as I don’t care enough to get the money to swap between them on a weekly basis.

Same will be true in TBC I will have a pvp spec in pve as I don’t want to farm money just so I can play my prefered part of the game on the same standard as my peers there. Without considering consumables as those don’t change what you can and can’t do they only enchance what you have. If I bother to play it, that is.

How so?

You can play your character without paying gold for it. You can do BG as a healer as well, i am sure teammates would appreciate it xD
respeccing should come at a cost so you ask for too much ^^

That’s what i always do.

What if someone wanted to RP as not an intellectually stunted warrior for example. Who would be able to cause a mortal stike and know how to bash with his shield a bit later without going back to town for it. You would accuse him of being a minmaxer. That’s how so.

Been there. Done that. I got tired of random bgs as players don’t think it prudent to peel for healers. Premade bgs never intrested me in classic. So I’m out of that. Raidlogging it as random pug dungeons have died out.

One has to tip the hat for Blizzards educational approach to the big question: “How and Why did Retail become as washed out as it is?”.

They gave us a somewhat untouched version and just have to follow how the community itself tries to make it more efficient, convenient, isolated and “without downsides”. Each time raking a step closer to whatever WoW became. Genius! Thanks for the mirror, Blizzard.

Sometime, the limitations and unconvenience make the game what it is, not the fact that everything is accessible.

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There should be consequences to your actions. If you are a Holy Priest, you are a healer. If you choose to be a Shadow priest, you are not a healer. There is no reason why you “should” be entitled to two of your class’s specialisations at once. It’s in the name, Specialisation. You hone your skills in one area of your class. Not all of them.
Should druids be entitled to Triple Spec? Quad Spec? Genuine question btw.

There are benefits of having a gold sink like respec costs. WoW has very few gold “sinks” where your gold gets removed from the economy. Repair bills, auction fees, and respec costs, are the only continuous gold sinks in the game.

What I do think is important though is to separate PVP and PVE. I think it’s a flaw that the talent trees cover PVP and PVE in one. Particularly in TBC which promotes organised and skill based PVP more than classic.

A better idea imo would be an Arena Spec, which you could select new talents for use in Arena only. When you join the arena, it transforms you into your custom Arena Spec. Once you leave the arena, you return to your normal talents.


Just increase the amount of talent points so that everyone can have all talents maxed lol…

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Same cost but you can earn golds way faster. Respec cost isn’t really a thing in Classic, it won’t be in TBC.

Dual spec not needed.

Big Brain Time

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And I firlmy believe that You should report me right away in this case.

Some of Us, returning and new to this expansion, want to experience original content.

200g per week is A LOT less in TBC than in Classic. You can get 200g a day just from doing your daily quests.

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Every QOL change like this makes you less dependant on other players. (DD Warriors don’t need to know tanks anymore and vice versa) and everytime you make a change that does this, you turn this game more into a single player game and reduce the need to find others to play with in the game.

I admit, dual spec isn’t the change that does this the most, not like the Dungeon Browser did, but it still is a change in that direction.

And once they brought dual spec, the retail wannabes will only get louder. You see it already. Everytime you tell them “this wasn’t in vanilla” they say “It’s not like vanilla anyway!”. If they get dual spec they will demand the next thing and say “Dual spec wasn’t in vanilla/TBC either.” Next thing you know they ask for max-level-tokens, race changes, etc. because “It’s not like Vanilla/TBC anyway as Dual Spec proves quite well”. The old-school WoW-Players that didn’t want this watered down QoL drowned WoW will eventually leave the game again, and the retail wannabes will make up the majority of the game, killing what WoW was a second time.

Yes. This is a slippery slope.

Remember what happened with the server size? At first “layering” was just meant to stay for the start, to deal with the expected masses of players then. Now it’s here to stay. See how the first change, bigger servers, have lead to the first change? Next there was the demand that Lotus spawns get increased. And there it was. The second change. All in the name of QoL.


To me the problem with being a resto is not the respec cost. It’s the limited time between raids making it not worth the respec. With worldbuffs not dropping reliably anymore you kinda have to start getting them early, so can’t play my main other than in raids most of the time. Dualspec would only rid the cost. And wouldn’t really help much atm. Atleast thats my opinion.
In vanilla i used to respec 6 times a week. Since we had 3 raid days. And i did pvp/farming between them. But back then the world buff meta was no problem. We got like ony or zg every once in a while and thats about it

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Any quality of life improvements always have a warm welcome. But don’t be fooled. “People would be more active on arenas”, “there’ll be more tanks”, “such goldsink is silly and artificial” - all that is simply “I’m too lazy but want same opportunities as more dedicated players” in disguise.

What’s the point of putting all the WOTLK’s QoL in TBC ?

Just wait WOTLK Classic then, it’ll feel even more special for you because you’ll get all the QoL you want in the expansion you want with “new content”.

Instead of “i don’t want to wait blabla give it to me, now !”

TBC will bring some good changes/QoL like WOTLK, just wait.


Ok, you guys literally have no solid argument against this.

It would be a nice-to-have feature that would make the game more fun for some (… God forbid!), possibly give others an incentive to try new/more things, and give the “dads with kids” guilds more flexibility. Nothing more.

Meanwhile, the things mentioned in this thread:

  • “people would be in their most optimal specs”: they already are, it’s due to online guides.
  • “hybrid classes would lose appeal”: no, they would still be able to do whatever their class allows them to do, but without paying upfront.
  • “50 gold is not that much”: neither is 1k upfront investment.
  • “this opens the gateway to dungeon finder”: who is asking for it, though?
  • “stick to your spec”: people level alts to be able to get around it, but why not skip the step where boosters get even more money?
  • “people would switch specs for every boss”: they’re doing something similar already - swapping 1 alt for another.
  • “immersion”: there are bank chars, alts, bots, dedicated summoners for dungeons/raids, world buff collectors that appear for seconds and disappear the moment they get buffs… DS wouldn’t even scratch the surface.

I really don’t see what the big deal would be.

Making changes based on “more fun” from an individual point of view is totally the wrong perspective. Again, I repeat, the fun in games should stem from the limitations and how to play around them.

  • Why have classes, it would be more fun if we created our own (then everybody can farm, PvP, tank, heal and DPS - Whats the downside?!)
  • Why have factions, it would be easier to find a group if you could chose your Allys - and more fun to PvP if you could kill anybody (would also prevent farmers/bots more)
  • Why not hand out free epic mounts at lvl 1, it would make questing faster and funnel more people towards end game content. “No downside”.
  • Why not hand out free consumbles for everybody, people would get them anyway sooner or later- lets cut straight to the fun.

And so forth.


You can literally say the same things for a lot of retail’s features.

Precisely why they were added to the game.

What about waiting the proper expansion ?

And you’re entitled to your opinion. But so is the rest of the community and they’ve let you known their thoughts on it, sucks you don’t like em all.

They want the OG duel spec, pretty sure you had to go to your trainer in order to change spec, its mostly down to the stupid gold price for respeccing