Dual Speccing

It is gamebreaking. There is huge amounth of dynamic behind it. Allowing it would completly change way how people play this game. Fact that people do not see it only shows how short sighted players are. You guys might dont realize it but curent respecing isnt oversight, or bad desing or technical limitation. It was done this way on purpose to create healthy dynamics to support and enhance many aspects of this game.


Did you read your own post before pressing “reply”? How on earth is spec switching (which every class would be able to do, assuming they pay upfront to enable it) related to druids not having a ress spell?

… are you just randomly slamming your hands against the keyboard and seeing what comes out? People who cannot afford mounts would not be able to afford DS, because surely there would be upfront cost.

Again. All I said is, it would be a nice feature, greatly appreciated by the players. You’re just saying random things and trying to connect them, hoping that something coherent comes out at the end.

Classes were designed with strengths and weaknesses, in particulair hybrid specs were made so they don’t really shine in one area but are viable in each, which is nice since you don’t have to respec a lot. In Wrath of the Lich King the design philopshy of the game changed (Bring the player not the class) where they decided the role should prevelant and not the class. So they put in dual spec allowing non-hybrids to also easily switch roles but also based lined many class abilities previously not available to them (Rezz spell for druids) in return. By just bringing in dual spec to TBC (And allowing everyone to switch roles without penalty) and not the class changes for hybrids that were given in return, they become less desireable in comparison.

(Aka, If I have a warrior that can also freely switch between tanking and DPS, what’s the use of a feral druid? They still have some but their relative value dropped)

How so? People would potentially use fewer alts for stuff. People would potentially be encouraged to do more PvP and PvE in the world of boosting and premades. What exactly is the problem?

In a world with gold farmers, bots and GDKP, you’re concerned that DS would cause inflation?

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Well, that’s not true. Just take a look at paladin tanks, resto shamans, resto druids (in PvP especially), druid tanks… They shine like diamonds.

Maybe in some areas, but they would shine less than they did in original TBC. Because everything is relative, if everyone becomes able to switch roles without penalty, the status of hybrids in comparison would drop.

Aka as I mentioned a feral druid loses (relative) value for a PvE guild if you have a warrior that can just switch between Tanking and DPS.

Care to explain that dynamic?

Or is this about the ability to win 1vs1 in open world pvp against lesser experienced players?

  • or the potential to be a better farmer due to one playing a more optimized class with a more optimized spec for [ input enviroment ] that you’re doing.

Iirc, dual spec was the ability to choose 1 more spec and you had to be in a major city to change it and to learn dual spec it was around 100g upfront.

I am struggeling to see the major negative downside of 2 specs.

I’m also not saying they should implement it in TBC, but in my honest opinion it would not hurt.

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It is the original TBC I’m talking about. Druid tanks are fantastic.

This is a fair point. Though druids would still be able to switch between tank and melee dps like always, without having to pay the upfront gold.

Oh yeah, and let’s be honest. Who would play a hybrid spec if you have dual spec with 2 optimal builds? I’m not saying it’s a ‘bad thing’, but it is a change you will see in the player base.

I’m not against dual spec, I like the idea of TBC +. But I am against pretending it only has up-sides with no consequences. And certainly, the argument that since everyone has gold, and everyone is already respeccing, it makes no difference. If there was no difference, people wouldn’t be here trying to get it.

It will change core game dynamics and have a huge impact on the world, PvP & PvE, if every class has 100% uptime in their optimal spec, and it will benefit some classes more than others. It’s not something like transmog that’s purely esthetic, or a Quality of Life change like auto dismounting when taking a gryphon. These changes will affect progression, farming and gameplay (no more hybrid specs) significantly.

We need to be aware of that, and it needs to be thought out very carefully before implementing in anyway. Again, I’m not against it and even think it could be a welcome addition, maybe the next thing after epic flying, but we can’t just slap it on there and say “EZ”.

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Dual spec will just move the game more away from RP. You can already reset your talents at your class trainer for a price. The only reason to have dual spec is to have this price reduced or move around this price…

From RP standpoint it doesn’t make much sense that people just switch up their character that drastically/often. That’s why the respeccing cost should be high -> it should make players think more about their talents and what they want.
Dual speccing will just remove character identity.

I am sorry if you can’t farm something as a tank/healer then you are doing something wrong. Those classes are hybrid classes, that means they can do a lot of different things even without respeccing. I mainly played those hybrid classes and never had any problems farming.


I mean they could just implement dual specs for PVP (BG/Arena) only. Both with their own cost of resetting. (And heck you could even add an upfront cost). And the pvp spec always being active in bg/arena. Esp for BG it saves on having a team full with PVE spec characters, and it would allow you to be able to play in both PVE and PVP in a proper spec.
Except for pvp-ers who will lose their easy prey, I doubt anyone could find fault with a system like this.
It doesn’t disturb any system or balance, it merely allows people to easily access both the PVE and PVP side of things. And if your a healer who wants to go gank people as dps-er in the open world, you’d still need that respec.

Personally, I’d love dual Spec, specially for my healer / tank toons. It’s very convenient of you want to farm, run dailies or pvp to no to have to go to the trainer again.

If we’re all so worried about gold sinks, we can set it to cost 1000 gs , and changing the talents of the 2 saved specs would have the standard talent reset cost.

I mean… It’s not like people who normally run GDKPs or have a mage to boost / farm ZG, Mara etc are ever going to be affected by gold sinks , unless they go above the 20k mark.
And let’s not fool ourselves, these are the people (goldbuyers aside) that move the most gold in a server.

Yeah, you are completely right. The RP is so strong with this healer shaman that I’m just raidlogging as dungeon runs are non existent since 2 phases now.

So without the ability to heal anything outside of raids I’m roleplaying as someone who doesn’t play. It’s really immersive!

I don’t care if we will have dual spec in TBC but if don’t as I expect it. I will just PvE in a PvP spec and join a guild that doesn’t care.


Why not just level more characters in this game that you like? E.g one tank and one dps warrior?
A bit sad, all this arguing for easier and easier all the time. Slowly getting to the point where it is not WORLD of Warcraft anymore, but rather a pewpew-pinballmachine game.
Didn’t people learn from the mistake of qol changes the first round? Or are these new people?

I firmly believe that anyone who is against dual spec does not have a brain and should be banned off the forums. Unbelievable mentality. Dual spec NEEDS to come to TBC or otherwise it’d be so much worse than it could be. Classic TBC could be the greatest thing in the past 5 years but only if they actually end up adding dual spec.

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So your solution to those who don’t want to waste time with going back to cities to respec if they want to do something different is wasting even more time by creating multiples of their characters.

Here is an idea I scavenged gear that nobody needed over classic. I have an alright elemental gear in my bank. Maybe I could switch over and not being asked to pay up just to have some fun?

If this was a FtP game it would be fine to ask you to waste your time in it by farming and taxing you in every turn. With payed playtime why must I do something that I don’t want in order to screw araound as elemental for an afternoon?

If you don’t want to “waste time” playing the game then don’t.
The old “I pay for this game so I should have access to everything in it and I should only have to do the fun stuff” line of reasoning that swarmed the forums 15 years ago started the path to a completely different experience.
It wasnt easy back then to see where it would lead but now we all know.
Some like it (dual spec, lfd tool, epics for all, cross realm dungeons etc etc) some don’t.
I vote for keeping the game where choices matter and that rewards those who put in the time, and gives incentives for that social and teamwork aspect.

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Well, people who don’t want to pay upfront would.

I never said any of this. I said that people use farming alts, while their mains have optimal specs for whatever they need to do (tanking, healing, PvP, etc).

No more than mage AoE farming, or Black Lotus mafia did.

In a world with bots, obsessive minmaxing, premades and raid logging, this is nothing.

You are right. I don’t play the game anymore besides raidlogging. When we kill KT most likely this weekend, I think I will take a break and I’m not certain if I will come back before TBC if that ever happens.

If you honestly think that these kind of unreasonable time wastes don’t contribute to rmt and the plague of bots we see I don’t know what to tell you.

I for one don’t think it’s worthy use of my time and energy that after I get home to sit down and start a workshift in a game that supposed to be my free time to be able to afford things outside of the usual gameplay I do.

If you honestly belive that dual spec will make your choices matter not, will not reward the time you put in the game, and will not incentiveise social interactions and teamwork you are delusional. There is more nuance to this than “all the things I don’t like lead the game astray”.