Dunno why people are against RDF in WotLK

Thats the thing, because in fact, there is literally no difference when it comes to forming groups, other that its new design. There is no technical improvement yet, and its uncertain at best if they make any further changes.

Anyone who has troubles forming groups, because on high pop servers the only other option is using bulletin and staring at it while its getting spammed and for low pop servers its indeed useless because there are not enough players anyway for most content. This is why indeed most players that want to have a good group finder are skeptical about the “improved” tool.

Just because you dont need it personally or your guild mates that you know, doesnt mean that such a tool or RDF are not needed by other players.

No because everything i see it was wrong.
Social blablabla, you think you do but you don’t, that’s the only truth

Where? Any links ?

No its you who is wrong.

You are not being trolled. I even tried to make it as understandable as I could for you, but I am out of ideas, how you might understand simple arguments. Ill try it one more time. You personally dont need glasses. Yet you say to others that glasses are not needed. How would those people needing glasses feel? Its similar to RDF. There are people that will use the feature for multiple reasons, yet because none of those are applying to you, you see only the downsides and ignore all the people it might help.

I mean you simplified your reason why you are against RDF pretty good:

This is you perception, your interpretation of what happened back in the day. Noone can change it, but that doesnt mean you are correct with your interpretation, that RDF alone was at fault, nor that it didnt have positive aspects, too. There is a reason the tool persisted throughout all expansions. Because of its upsides.


No and that’s i explain the You think you do but you don’t.
If you want to conserv your dream after that, you’re free.

It presisted troiugh expansion beocuse once you put such feature into the game its almost imspossible take out. Also if you didnt notice Blizzard has literaly in last few expansions made LFG and also LFR to be as little as possible to be relevant so people actualy dont have reason to use it. Thjey know its bad system they just cant take it away anymore.

YEp keep that telling yourself. I dont need your approvemnt. I see it for myself how classic is completly different game without it.

blinded and stubborn unable but ok enjoy your dream.

Yep everyone who always loved mmorpg games disagree with you including developers themself but its you who is right sure. :smiley: I literaly had more player interactions right now on classic on my 38 lvl than on retail in past 4 expansions.

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And i explained why RDF change nothing, you can get interaction with it.

And i told you that youe explanation is wrong. Becouse you have absolutly no idea about anything when comes to people behaviours in different types of enviroment.

I think i can have RDF and get interaction with other players.

"Hello my friend we need a last tank for Uldaman ! :smiley: "
“Hey i’m available !!!”
“Ok nice !!” /invite
"Hello guys :slight_smile: "
“Hello :)” "Hi :slight_smile: "Hey :stuck_out_tongue: "
"Let’s go tag :smiley: " => teleport
"Can you buff x please ? :slight_smile: "
“Thanks :slight_smile: "
“Let me regen please”
" blablablabla”
“Thank you all if you want another dg add me in your friend list ! Bye bye !”

Jesus, RDF killed social so much in my exemple god damn

Funny fact this literaly doesnt happen in RDF. Go to retail to say Hi there .You will be lucky to not be kicked out. No it doesnt happen in RDF.

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Do you get my point though? You dont see the upsides of the tool. You are correct that there are always upsides and downsides for any change ever, be it in the game or elsewhere. However, this does not mean that the reasons why a change in question is discussed, are meaningless, which you imply. I stated all arguments for and against already. I discussed them, trying to weigh them against each other and come to a conclusion. You say “RDF destroyed this game”. This is your argument, your discussion. You dont even try to understand and discuss positive aspects of the feature. Instead of actually discussing the reason RDF is wanted, you state “no problem for me” and “but it destroyed”. This is why you do not discuss the topic, but only state your opinion.

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Do you know why ? Becouse what youj say are possitive aspect of this feature are in fact negattive aspects.

Because as it was said many times, RDF is not the problem, players are.
I played on a pserv Wotlk without RDF and it NOTHING changed, 0 social.

Maybe because they are. Its a fact RDF helps players finding groups. Its a fact crossrealm helps low pop servers or low level players forming groups. Its a fact that being in queue takes less time and players are able to spend more time playing the game while waiting for their dungeon. Its a fact that gatekeeping isnt a problem with RDF.

On the other side are facts too of course. The crossrealm problem for example, that players cant add others to friends list or reduced social liability. That teleportation makes people miss out their travel experience. That premade groups are usually more balanced and have a better time because they can pick who fits in best.

But to call “RDF destroyed this game” as a fact is overly simplified and far from being a fact, when it comes to the discussion, as there were so many influences, that impacted the game at least to a similar degree.

RDF destroyed the game as we knew it. There is a before RDF and there is after RDF.

RDF destroys the social dynamics in this game.

And for what?


You want to sacrifce the social dynamics for convenience.

Yeah, isn’t that enough?

I can also go with this is a recreation of a game. RDF wasn’t part of the original experience and should not be released until ICC. Because fort the millionth time. No one care if you get RDF along with ICC and you can use it forever. But forever isn’t enough for people like you.

Do you even realize this is just proof to my assumption, that you are unable to address or discuss the positive aspects?

You are correct that RDF wasnt part of the original experience until ICC back in the day. This is an argument towards when to introduce RDF. Many players and even Blizzards last reply, that is most important, state, that there should be no RDF in wotlk. So there are voices stating they care its not included at all, different from what you claim. Also many players would accept, if Blizzard actually announced to introduce is at the same time it was back in the day, patch 3.3.0. Not all of course, since some want to profit from the upsides of RDF as soon as possible.

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