Dying realms

I’m also kinda hoping that Blizzard would do something.

I’ve been playing on Earthshaker realm ever since it was launched couple years ago and it was doing okay after several free migrations and the faction ratio was somewhat balanced.

But then Blizzard screwed it up and opened additional unneeded free migration from one specific server and a lot of alliance players migrated from there to Eearthshaker, which ruined to faction ratio. Ever since then the server has been bleeding Horde players as they migrated to more balanced servers.

Now we are at the point where the server ratio is so bad that our biggest Horde guilds got tired of the bad faction balanced and decided to mass-migrate to elsewhere, which dipped the faction balance to A/H 77/23.

The server is pretty much dead on the horde side and the Horde player bleeding wont stop.

I can only see 2 solution to this problem:

  1. Allow free migrations to low populated servers, but only to the losing faction’s side. (in Earthshaker’s case we desperately need more Horde players.)
  2. Merge smaller servers together.
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as far as i can see Blizz is promoting (probably unintentionally, or hoping for cash to come in as long as possible) single-faction servers. HvH, no faction change, no char ceatn blocks etc. this will only get worse and at >80% or so attract the both herdrs who want to sell on pvp realms

We all know Blizzard wont do sh1t. They will just milk the server transfers until there is only firemaw and gehennas left and the game dies out.


The ratio of Horde to Alliance is now 60:40 on EU PvP servers. That said, 3 Horde fight 2 Alliance - you don’t have to be a math genius to understand that Alliance can’t win.

The final incentive to play Alliance was destroyed by Blizzard, the final masterpiece was HvH with no compensation for the outnumbered side.

Horde will continue to grow because all perceived benefits are on their side. PvP servers are simply dead and becoming one-faction servers.

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cry about it :sob: :sob:

Blizzard really needs to address this issue. Until they address this issue, please keep this post at the top!

I am a guildmaster of one of the guilds in a low populated server (once med population). Over the course of past 2 months, about 8-9 guilds from the horde side has departed, either quit completely or transferred out of the server. Even at the server rush hour, it is taking about an hour or two to find a full group to do any dungeons. It is also impossible to find people to do quests with, as well as low level dungeons. Server bot population is more than actual people population.

It is just sad to see the game I love suffer in this way. Of course, Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything about this, since servers are playable and that’s pretty much their only promise. However this is false advertisement since the game is no longer MMORPG, it’s MORPG, nothing massive about it.

If Blizzard wants to milk people off their server transfer moneys, this is a very shortsighted financial move. More people are going to end up quitting the game and a few quarters later, you won’t be able to answer why the game is in such a bad position financially. Do the right thing, give players what they want. If you actually keep players happy and not make them spend money for fun that they should be getting from the game anyways, people will be resubbing anyways. However if you intend to actually salvage the game, then you will need to take it more seriously.

Put real GMs in game. There are countless bots that are messing up the server economy. Ask any player and they will be able to point out who those bots are.

Merge servers and/or make transfers free to the low pop servers. As one of the few guilds left clearing in the server, it is getting increasingly impossible to actually find any groups for quests/dungeons (which is literally 75% of the game).

Do actual rebalancing. Just because it’s a 15 year old game doesn’t mean that it was balanced 15 years ago. Any developer in their right minds should not be leaving a game that was imbalanced and buggy as is.

Guildbanks have arrived and as a guildmaster, first time testing guildbank, I found at least 3 bugs. Literally, do developers not test their changes before they publish? In a properly run company, these people would’ve been either reprimanded or fired. Don’t do a half-assed job which cause people to quit the game.

The current way customer service runs, it’s useless. It is impossible to navigate through the automated system to get what you want. You get no feedback for whatever comment you make, and you hit a wall. Customer service requires direct line to the development team, as with every other company in the entire planet. Some things that they deal with, they wouldn’t have to deal with if there was someone notified to actually fix it. Transparency is definitely required in the management of this game. I need to be able to know if any feedback I have given have been seen by anyone who has a power to change it.

Open the communication. Don’t hide behind things. Make the game as good as people 15 years ago intended it to be. Listen to your players. You are straying so far off the values of original Blizzard that made amazing games like Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, WoW Vanilla, 15 years ago that you only have nostalgia keeping people playing instead of the actual fun of the game.

Please heed my words. Don’t make this game mediocre. Do something.


Skullflame - EU


Much bigger pool of quality raiders. Every good PvP player will be at least decent in PvE. Having wPvP is literally the price we pay for recruitment pool. That’s why i am on PvP anyway, I have never participated in PvP in Classic, only occasionally ganked. I just treat it like being jumped by Mor’ladim, don’t even acknowledge the ganker as a person with agency, he’s just an obstacle on the way to raid/dungeon/quest.

Yes, I guess you are probably right, more active players play on pvp realm and they tend to be better raiders.
Still, price is quite high when I was hearing stories about taking hours to get to BRM raids, wiping/corpse walking for hours. Potentially, it will happen again in Coilfang.


Lets give this one another go, maybe someone will see and respond

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Keep this alive? No one from Blizz cares?

What do you think they should do?

Explained in my post.
TLDR version is
Either merge servers, or open up free transfers either way to balance it out.

Yep, another worried player here.
Earthshaker horde is dying.
People transferring off is accelerating it.
Finding groups for content is getting harder.
So what is there to do? Either pay another transfer fee for multiple characters or… quit? Is there no other option? Server merges may save it.


Just bumping this in the HOPE we get a blue post :smiley:

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As a guildmaster, I’m not going to have my 35+ players pay 25 euros per character, which will cost us guildwise about 2000+ Euros (since everyone has multiple alts, I personally have 5. This is poor blizzard planning and they should do anything to remediate the situation.


They committed to HvH. Monofaction servers are now the consequence


Merge servers wont work, way too much horde for that and free transfers would basically make few very populated mono servers and no balanved ones

its already mediocore right now. I think retail is doing a lot better.

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Gandling is dying pretty fast. All alliance are gone and horde pop has more than halved since the start of TBC. I’ve abandoned my character on there too.

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If others did pay and leave, why would you have special treatment and go for free? It just wouldnt be fair to other players