Dying realms

As the GM of one of the more active horde guilds, we are also struggeling a lot atm. The server i dying out atm.

We will not leave, we have a lot of active members, and i cant ask them to use 25euro pr char to migrate.

Back in the day, blizzard did free migrations, and i hope they will consider doing this again, If not, they will end up loosing subs.

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in our opinion you’re the one getting special treatment in having to pay. Asking for players on the server you play on in a mmo is not a special request. I have little interest in the transactiony you made with Blizzard. You got what you paid for, but sort it out. Just also fix the issue of me not being able to play the game I am paying monthly for.

You can twist it how you please, but thing is we all made our characters on servers and we were all aware there is Blizzard service called character transfer which is payed one, there is no free service.
So, this tells us there might be use for it, when players need it for ever reason. I dont see where is the problem, you act like they promised free transfers and broke the promise.


We were promised a massive multiplayer online role playing game. There is nothing massive about it. Massive multiplayer does entail frequent player interactions. That’s what we are not getting.

Eventually it’'ll get to a point where there will be a couple of mega servers and all others will be barren, with a few very low pop servers.

People will unsub, if enough do Blizzard will take action, problem here is that it’ll be 2 late by then.

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Well, it used to be massive, it is players who left and gone playing on other servers. They didnt complain and suffer on empty server, they paid and having better experience on new server. If you like the game enough, you will also pay, 18€ can not be a barrier.
It was the same with crying for 15€ clone price, like it is somehow huge barrier for people not playing Era Classic. If people really wanted to play Era, 15€ cant be an obstacle. And even if it is, those players should review their financial situation and forget about video games and worry about food and drink.

It’s not about the money, it’s about to principle. Blizzard is supposed to upkeep its servers and make sure to balance them for players to enjoy the game. We already give 12 euros each month for pretty much 15 years. But as a guildmaster, I do not want my players to pay 18 euro x 3 characters min x 40 players amount of money. It is on Blizzard, not on us.

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Isnt it fun how people wanted a classic wow, but in the end, didnt want it at all?

We did run away from xrealm and crossrealm communities, only to find out, that we actually miss them.

Same story about LFD and LFR; first people say its bad, but once they realize how hard it was to find groups, they want it back.

Blizz was right after all, you think you do, but you dont!

Me personally, I enjoy realm only content and dont have any issues finding groups, not at TBC nor at classic era. Join a guild, that is what we did back then, no need for anything of that retail stuff. :slight_smile:

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I feel like there was just a huge influx of retail players with tbc

Transfers existed even back then. But the difference right now is that Blizzard also had a different mindset. And would give up a small portion of their winnings if it meant the game was going to be better. That’s what we miss.

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What possibly gave you this silly idea? Of course they don’t. They are only supposed to provide functionig servers. Population balance and lack thereof is a player created issue. You are literally just demanding to get for free what others pay for (to be transferred to a server that fits your desires better) while having this kind of petulant entitlement attitude about it. Pay up, bucko. Or don’t, your choice.

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I already initially paid for the game and I pay for the game every month. There shouldn’t be any extra payment to enjoy all the content. It is something within Blizzard’s power and they can very easily fix it if they want to. No one should have paid for any transfer in the first place. It does not create any extra work for Blizzard to open up free transfers in servers that have major gameplay issues. Blizzard mission statement can be found below:

I am just holding them to their own statement. First core value is gameplay first. Second core value is commit to quality. This is what I expect of Blizzard. 5th core value: every voice matters. Where is a blue answer with all these problems pointed out in the forums?

Think before you post. Don’t be argumentative for the sake of it. You know they can do something about it and they should do something about it. If it’s gameplay first, then make transfers free for people to enjoy the game they have been paying for.

You can apply as much mental gymnastics to it as you like, at the end of the day, “do something about it” in our case means “give me for free a service others payed for over the last 2 years”. That’s all your argumeent is. Gief free stuff because I can’t have fun without it.

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This is a Blizzard issue.
They enabled transfers AND boosts.
Transfers caused mass transfer off realms and made it 1 faction based.
Thus it is Blizzard’s responsibility to do something about it.

Blizzard’s too busy renaming the game to care.

I like the game, I’m not going to pay £18 for each of my characters.
My guild has around 40-50 players.
Most of these players have 4-5 alts.
So we’d have to pay roughly £3600+ in order to play the game?

Blizzard defenders are the worst.

But what realm exactly are you on?
Most people that don’t see an issue with dying realms are usually on the higher populated realms / nn the dominant faction of that realm.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree that Blizz should do something about dying realms. Offering a free transfer to a realm of their choice to the current residents is not a solution, however. It would just finalize their death. And where do they draw the line? Low pop? Medium? Any faction or just the less populated one? The only way to do it fairly is to completely remove the fee for realm transfer for everyone. And you know what that would cause, right? Basically 2 massive monofaction realms, each with 5+ layers.


You know that they can restrict realm transfers to those realms, right?
What exactly is the solution other than offering free transfers?
They can merge the realms, sure… but it won’t exactly be the same as offering free transfers off the dying realms to another low pop/medium realm > Shut down that realm(Anybody who didn’t transfer off can be in a pause effectively until they decide to transfer)
If my realm decides to go fully towards horde side, I’d probably just end up quitting rather than having to pay £80 to transfer all my characters to a new realm.

I am on the EU RP PVE realm HW mostly, but there is also a server cluster at Vanilla that I play on, again it is the PVE cluster with three servers I believe.

That being said, I fully understand the concerns in regards of PVP, there a solution must be found. Blizzard has to find a way to balance those world pvp regions, but this has also been a huge issue since release, I remember that quite well as I also had a pvp char and you had dead flightmasters all the time or if you played on the higher pop faction, 100 Ally were hunting down 5 Horde, which was also terrible.

In the end, I do believe that the community can do a lot more than people realize. On my realms we had several reroll projects and some guilds that stayed behind, this explains our decent population, which is obviously not super big, but enough to raid and quest.

Maybe the PVP community could choose a realm and then start from 0 there, making sure that you have the same amount of players on both sides? I somehow doubt that new realms will fix the pop imbalance.

Yes they can. Then they will get however many restricted tealms there are + 2. People are already clearly tending toward massive mono-faction servers, even while they have to pay for it. If it was free, the process would just accelerate tenfold.
What it comes down to is whether you think monofaction megarealms are okay or not. The other “solution” is indeed unifying the realms into “clusters” like Classic era, but that brings it’s own set of problems.

Sure, you can take even more people to guild, so your number looks even better, like 500k €?
Every member pays from his own pocket, doesnt matter what total is.

that is some pretty retarded logic you’re using right there. the price tag is expensive and refusing to reward blizzard for failing you as a player directly because of inaction is not unreasonable.

its like if mcdonalds charged me 50 EUR for a cheeseburger and removed the 1-2 EUR cheeseburger - sure i can afford it, but do i want to pay that price for something like that while they deliberately claim they aren’t dicking me over? no.

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