Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

Pathetic to see the bunch of fanboys that ready to defend any garbage, just because they used to do so.

Payed early access is separating players on grades. 1-st grade playing now, 2-nd later.
Don’t want to be 2-nd grade – pay, wear up your clown costume and go go go to farm.

And it’s really not a matter of money.


Well, that’s how it usually works. You want a service? Pay the price for it.

And no, I am not saying this because I defend the practice. Just stating facts. That’s how business works.

Or do you think when you apply for an appartment you don’t get it because the landlord chose someone else because of their preferences? Some decline you because you pay not as much as others are willing to pay.

I got an application denied because I didn’t want to pay for the car space (which was 40€ ironically). Does it suck? Yeah. Is it normal? Also Yeah.

Jesus dude, be thankful they are live testing for you or something. No need to get mad because somebody isn’t willing to die on this irrelevant hill.

Personally I do not see the problem.
People who have early acces also got their hands on the beta.
Early acces was for me not the big push to buy it.
And lets be honest, having three days early acces does not benefit that much besides being Level 80 a little faster then the rest of the people that join later.

thank the blues for keeping this topic to one thread, my lord those locked threads.

We could say the same about your rather daft assertions about addiction.

I always find it so distasteful when people equate people enjoying their hobby to a serious issue. Addiction of any kind is awful.


i will be going on a hunger strike while playing tww later today in solidarity with those that can’t afford the early access edition of the game

i wont eat until i am hungry :fist:


Knowing theres people upset over this will make playing later feel even better.

What a curious individual.


whales be like that.


I agree, I just notice that the price has increased, inflation is present 50 euro + 40 euro, next 200 euro?

Then buy it.

If you don’t want to, that’s fine.
But don’t demonize those who did.

We made a choice. So did you.

I only did because he implied I was a sucker who is taken advantage of and ridiculing that.

So, you know… Eye for an eye type of deal.

“It is said: Wise man do not poke bear.”

Yep. That’s what I said.

I bought it and I am a copium addled addict. I didn’t even care about the early access.

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ah i see someone still has grudge


There will always be people trying to make everyone die on that hill. Usually the same people that will try to make you die on the hill of “Horse Armor DLC ruined gaming”.

Spending 90 eu makes you a whale now? I agree that early acces has no place in a mmo, but lets not act like 90 eu is alot of money in europe.

yes, yes it does :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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You should be ashamed that you spend your money any way you like. Faefu over here can only play the game on Monday. He will be behind in this Season that is probably going to last for months because of this.

They’ll ruin the economy anyway, either three days early or at proper launch. Economy is borked by them anyway, regardelss.

