Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

It all started with that damn horse…


For years electricity didn’t exist, why now?

For years the internet didn’t exist why now?

Things change…


what a childish opinion…
so i answer you /
first negative reason : botts and gold sellers and multiboxers will ruin the economy in that first 3 days.
second: this hurts the wow and blizzard reputation because this is the first time that something like this is happening in wow.
and the third reason: everything like honor dungeons and ect are limited in that 3 days
is it enough?

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took for a sucker and he happy :joy:


Its a mixed bag for me. From a technical point of view, I do understand the aspect to smooth out the amount of players entering at a specific point in time to improve the experience for everyone.

On a more social note, this change does impact the social group I am playing with. I do have the early access and some friends do, too. Others cant join in on our adventures as the income of people varies and not everyone can afford these extra euros. This is the most noteable change to our Dragonflight experience for example. We did hang around in DC for hours before launch and just messed around. Now, some of us are having early access while others will wait for Wednesday. In the grand scheme of things these days arent that big of a deal and the content as well as individual player desires will decide, whether these players will stay or leave. The launch experience -from a social point of view- is significantly worse, though.

In my case, it’s a form of resignation or acceptance. I also don’t like that we have an extensive cash shop in a subscription based game, or promotions for hardware/etc that comes with in-game rewards, or the Twitch promotions where I need to pay a streamer to get an in-game cosmetic, but that is the contemporary practice.

My choices are to accept that, because what I get out of the game justifies playing the game, or to quit for good again and move on.

For now, I value the time spent with my friends, the community, and the fun of playing the game higher, so I’m here. €40 extra for having an exciting weekend is an acceptable cost for me, but I absolutely do understand players who have an issue with this. I don’t feel this is a good practice for a MMO that is still around in part because of people’s social ties.

And this wouldnt happen if all logged in on the same day… how exactly?

Think that ship for many has sunk long time ago… adding more water to the sunken ship changes little.

No idea what you mean here. Is the limit a negative? Are you asking if its enough… to do what?

To pay for an air just because it’s possible – it’s below of self respect bar for some people.

Btw, are red nose and colored wig are included to the early access set? :clown_face:

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staggering the playerbase, so we have less ppl at bottlenecks


some of your char names OP how are you not banned :pensive:

They don’t NEED the money, they WANT the money, which is very different.


Why does it exist?
Because people are willing to pay for it.

it really is that simple.

If the model hadn’t proven to be profitable, it wouldn’t have existed.

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The people defending this EA decision are my heroes.

Hey, don’t be sad you’re poor. It’s okay.
You can play in a few days time.

I do but I didn’t see the value in three extra days or the other things bundled in so I just didn’t buy the epic edition. I only have the standard edition and I’m fine with that.

Like a normal person I’m accepting that others will get in earlier and I really don’t care that they do because the total time of an expansion overall renders it pointless to complain about those three days.

im not poor,i find it funny to see players being happy to get scammed :rofl:



Love how posters on the WoW forums are so consoomer brained they shame others for being poor. Disgusting and bizarre behaviour.

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Ahuh ahuh.

I think 40 euros for a 1000 tender, 4 transmog sets (8 if you count the electricity effect as seperate), a mount, 4 battlepets, 2 toys and 30 days of gametime isn’t a scam in the slightest. Oh and then there’s the beta and EA, as a bonus. I would’ve bought the Epic edition without those things included.

Hey man, you do you.
I’ll be playing in a few hours.

Thou doth protest too much.

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