Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

This early acess is better than 10000 que time from previous expansions…and when 7897987x people storm one zone.

However people paying for it 40 euros, If im blizzard i woud make somekind of ladderboard to pre war within event, so lets say top 20% there get early 3 days. Or just loto draw like in beta.

So basicly this 3 days early is good to relief stress from servers, but its bad because it become milking cow in AAA game, overal i think blizzard is puting uhealthly high efford into their microtransaction shop instead of focusing on game itself… this gonna hurt them hard on long run if their product fails to keep up quality.


yea i agree

Just hit 80,

Worth every penny

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What now? buy some other game on steam since nothing to do… and season 1 is far away

This time before season is only good for people who love to have 5 alts, for one tricks race is pointless, since content before season is obsolete in your season progression.

I would have got it but i’m so hooked on wukong:black myth that i decided to play that till TWW release xD £54 well spelt compared to 3 days early access for TWW

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i promise you it didnt worth one single penny.
if it was true then you would be deep in to playing instead of coming here and advertising.

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EA completely killed the hype and the world feels barren on (unofficial) launch day.

Good job Blizzard.

Hope the irreparable damage to the community was worth the €40.

Not that there’s much left of it.


Dragonflight launch day on twitch, 800k viewers. TWW launch day on twitch, barely 200k. Yep early access working its magic.

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They are making a big difference between their players.
the quests are the same like 20 years ago.
graphics = same.
limited content.
giving botts and rmt -multiboxer groups an opportunity to farm and making the economy unbalanced.
you cant even do m0 dungeons
i dont understand why should someone pay extra for these

Blizzard literaly DESTROYED A TRADITION with a money greed pay wall and very many people accept that and think this is ok… really? do really wow players have such a low intelligence that they will even pay for their rights? how can not people see this that this greed corporation is testing us how much they can milk us from money on basic things.
I wont even mention how many times i was called a poor or just jelaous because of that XDD
People who bought ea must feel very special right now because they paid blizzard 40$ for nothing, sad thing is that they show to blizz that they will pay for absurd stuff…


As one disliked streamer put it: “You are not paying to start early, you are paying to not start late.”

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Sure. A lot of the things are cosmetic in nature, so that’s going to be subjective.
But you can’t deny that if you look at the regular prices of those things; it’s objectively a good deal.

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Didn’t bought the expansion, I will get it free in 1 and half year.

Also havent bought it yet. didnt feel the need to jump the hype train that much. although the base price is also a factor xD

hopefully they come out with that 60% discount sometime soon xD

Yea probably by Christmas time, but unlike dragon flight there is nothing in TWW that makes me want to buy it, so I will just have to wait, there is still lots of things to do in Cata, SoD and DF

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then you are still paying a sub fee to access older, outdated content

Do you know what’s crazy? spoilers.

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I’m glad to see some fellow players that also have principles and do not fall into predatory/greedy practices.
Because it’s honestly saddening to see others defend and justify early access and its cost, in the name of their beloved billion dollars company.


Anyway you can look outside the window to see how much I don’t care.


Yes. It’s little more than standing in the middle of a sidewalk and starting to charge people who want to walk past you. It’s a fee for nothing, they sold you nothing other than not missing out because of their fake restriction. Blizzard will put up and imaginary wall that wasn’t there before, and people will happily take out their wallets and give them €40 just to be a part of the cool kids club. It’s incredible how easy it is to con people once FOMO comes into play. But hey, it’s money before tradition. Always. Doesn’t matter if a premium tier ruins the most important day for half of your community, who now have to wait for 4 days (on a finished product mind you), while their favorite streamers play the game which they can’t watch, but then the entire story gets spoiled for them in trade chat anyway. Launch day ruined. It’s a disgusting business practice that people will now vehemently defend because they already paid into it.

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