Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

I rate early access 10/10, yesterday on midnight, the launch moment - minimal lag, zero bugs found and experience very smooth.

Can’t wait to come from work today and do lvl 80.

So the solution for this problem is not fixing performance and the netcode or sharding but splitting the comm in two where one is is paying to avoid the other so it won’t lag?

Don’t get me wrong i am not against early access in general but Blizzard should not need that not even for money reasons. A game like WoW should not have early access for a launch. Access to PTR’s n stuff okay but not launch.

And let us be real the only reason they doing it is not performance or overcrowding related because sharding could fix that the reason is boosting the sales for their most expensive edition. That’s what it is nothing more.

I am hyped for TWW looks like blizzard is really remembering their past. But the monetization shows that the spirit of Kotick is still around and it is not gonna leave.

Sorry but not sorry to say this.

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They sold it wrong imo. I understand that the release day is a massive drain on servers and the cost of that is spread across the time after launch. But, If they had gave early access to those who had purchased the game in whatever version first then it instantly becomes more palatable. This would have meant they could stagger the servers, and not look like they were gouging. People would still have raced to buy the game just to get that early access.

With the way they have sold this currently, I would not be surprised if this has lost them cash overall. I know I spent less this time, and fully intend to spend even less again on the next release if the practise continues.

I’m not gonna judge others by how they spend their money, god knows I’ve made some questionable purchases in my past and used to be held in a chokehold by FOMO. I understand personally how difficult that is to ignore/break and how scummy these corporations are for exploiting it - they are the ones to blame.

Early access for MMO’s is just a practise I won’t support. As I’ve gotten older my morals and principles have become far more important to me and this is something I refuse to engage in.

Segregating people based on how much they pay happens enough in the real world and I’m not going to validate them adding it to an MMO where a launch (let’s be honest - EA is launch day, no matter how they want to word it) is one of the best community experiences. “You can experience it too! But not you, you’re poor. Go away, stinky. Povvo edition for you.”

I could quite easily swipe my card right now and be in there with everyone (before the usual suspects come in saying lol u just can’t afford - I can quite easily) but I ain’t doing it. I’ll disable all chats in game and ride at the back of the bus with those who are struggling/can’t/won’t for an ethical reason.


Let me assure you: I’ve always bought CE, and if I weren’t doing it to sustain my collection I wouldn’t have bought the early access in a million years. It’s such sad behaviour.

  1. It’s 4 days. They advertised 3 in case there’s any issues.
  2. Yes 3/4 days of early access is unacceptable in an mmo, it should of been 0.
  3. Of course m+ and stuff are unavailable. Starting season 1 in early access would be going way too far towards p2w.
  4. It was advertised as 3 days from the start so you knew what you were getting for your money. Don’t want it? Don’t buy it.

Then dont buy it?

As for early access never being about until now, that’s true.

But if this helps to allievate stress on servers for launch so a stable without issues, say the login servers taking a time out to cool down, then I’m all for it.

Also, time’s change. If this gives them time to see the numbers and prepare the servers for the rest to get on and there isn’t any issues like in previous expansions then surely this is a good thing right? Or you want to see 1-3 or more hour queues to get on, get disconnected and then have to face another 1-3 hour queue again?

No one will be behind, end game stuff is locked until the weekly reset next week anyways after maintainance on the Wednesday so still plently of time to level up and do those dailies as well since they’re not locked at max level anyways so you bump into them as you move from quest to quest. So you’re not exactly losing much. 70-80 will still be the same time, if not quicker when you hit the bonus XP quests.

The early access is a way to make more money while also staggering the release over multiple days to reduce the “expac launch” dreads from the past.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, the cutscenes have been very enjoyable.

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EA doesn’t give players any advantage some say.


at a stage i paid sub jsut to use the forums.

Also nice to see you again :smiley:

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well for someone who wont even buy the expansion early, it is still a small amount compared to what… 150 euros per year to play the game itself.

If someone is so cost-efficient, why even play wow…surely there are so many free games or much cheaper games

thats my point

“At a stage”*

means i used to.

jsut waiting for payday next week then im in baby :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

i always save for gaming stuff, i just didnt buy early access because im busy playing black myth wukong xD

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To be honest wow provides pretty good value really. Yes you pay for both the game and the sub, however the game provides many hours of content if you enjoy it.

I have saved a fortune on other games by spending more time in WoW in the past.

I also saved, but my fund got used for taking my 2 cats to the vet and a speeding fine xD

I agree with this, they just used some marketing words to make it seem “like early access”


Hear, hear.