Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

And where exactly in my post was I being a “whiner” ?

For what it’s worth I was in there saving the world at launch time, just like you were.

Ah the classic “blizzard is holding my family hostage so I’m “forced” to pay”. Grow up. You make your own decisions…

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And that its alot more than early access. I also dont think anyone paid just for that when theres no season yet either. They more likely paid it for the extra stuff that come with epic editions or what this was called. The pov of looking the matter as cost for gain early access is skewed when its more than just the EA. I also think that ppl should not buy it for the ea alone either if some did but its their own money anyway.

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It works like a charm, it’s like the Louis Vuitton bags. 1-2k euro is cheap enough for pretty much anyone to buy it and it’s also expensive enough for people to think it’s a high quality good.
Blizzard just figured their target audience perfectly, knowing that 85% of their player base can easily afford 100bucks while also being part of the middle class whom sole philosophy is consumerism.
I wouldn’t be surprised that the people who didn’t buy the epic edition are actually the most wealthy (in Europe at least)


Rich people know to not waste money on frivolities

Let’s see this “value” from my subjective POV:
1000 tenders = 3€
4 transmog set = 0€
1 mount = 0€
4 battle pets = 0€
2 toys = 0€
30 days of gametime = 12€
Early access cost = 40€ - 15€ = 25€

My subjective verdict: it’s a scam for 3.5 days of early accesss


Oh no, people spending their money how they like? How dare they?

Let us shake down little Timmy for buying with 2€ Icecream at his local ice cream store! Making ice cream hurts the environment due to requiring energy, milk (that needs delivery via trucks) and other ingredients (via trucks) as same as labour!

How inhumane! WE NEED TO STOP THIS!

Just so it is clear, the quote block is sarcasm. Yeah, how dare people spend their hard earned money how they like :roll_eyes:

Some people here on the forums really have some naive world views.


Not aure if you’re serious or trolling because that is just really really stupid and you are making yourself look dumb.
Why would you pay for it when you knew early access was only 3 days?
But I agree AE is stupid and there is no reason to have it and even less reason to buy into it.

Bit shocked to see people are calling this a scandal they lay out clean. The early access you probably aren’t even paying for when you look at the costs between editions…

On heroic you get for £54.99 the expansion, a 70 boost. 750 traders tender, a mount, mog with the mount + earnable colours for the mog.

for epic edition which is £74.99 you get all of the above, accept the tenders is upped to 1k from 750.

you get beta access + early access, which you can’t usually put a price on.
you get a months sub which is like for me £9-10
a battle pet with 3 extra pets, usually a instore pet alone costs £9
you get a toy which is £9 usually in shop
and a hearthstone which is £4.50

those alone cover the disparity of the £20 extra charge.

Also FYI. The actual real-end game content which people are gonna be farming the life out of isn’t available for 3 weeks give or take.

How much does it cost if I want to play at the actual launch day ?

It just rubbs me the wrong way, the fact that those digital goods that Blizzard is selling cost almost nothing to produce (in the grand scheme of things), yet generate millions in profits. How much of that do the artits earn? And don’t get me started on the character services!

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It is the customer that appraises the value of those things.
Pets, mounts and toys are worth nothing (zero) to me.

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You’re paying for guaranteed Beta access, 30 Days Game Time, and bonuses including extra tenders, pets and toys. The early access is literally an incentive, a cool bonus.

The early access would never be more than a token gesture (a few days), and for non-competitive content otherwise it’d present an inequity to those who don’t have access.

Im on holiday until sep. When i get back ill buy the epic edition because that way i wont be paying for early access but ill get all the other stuff.

That will teach these greedy companies!

People are upset about the ethical problems of the decision to introduce a paid beta-tested access and early access as a part of the most expensive expansion bundle. The first ethical problem is that part of the playerbase is being segregated based on their incapacity to pay extra money in the game that already has both baseline and subscription costs. Another important ethical problem is that Blizzard is being predatory towards the community by leveraging fomo.
Aside from the ethical problems, people are upset with Blizzard simply because part of the playerbase for the first time is unable to share the joy of the beginning of an expansion, needs to avoid spoilers and overall left out to feel as second-class citizens, despite purchasing the expansion and subscription.


It would simply be unfair to players starting on release day to give a month’s early access. It would put those players so far behind. 3 days is a lot of time as it is for people to be miles ahead of others. Not to mention that early access is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. People starting on the 26th will be starting on a Monday rather than the weekend. Putting them even further behind. They didn’t need to include early access at all.

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People actually paid 40 euros to get in early - wth loool

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Most of the game industry has been doing this since 2012+ if you go looking for it, you can find it. Including yours truly: ESO, FFXIV & GW2 are all guilty of it. And just like wow, 2 out of 3 of those games run the same business model or a very similar one at that to the point its interchangeable.

If people want to perceive 3 days of playtime as fomo when there is legit no end-game playable beyond questing to 80 and normal dungeons / world quests. Then thats upto them. I comfortably bought it knowing I would play it cause it suits my schedule marginally better.

Not going to get too deep into this as I do not want to jumpto conclusions regarding people’s financial status, but I know the folks I play with from all backgrounds and creeds have been able to and have had ample time (As it was viewable since blizzcon) to at minimum weigh the option despite not being in the best position when it comes to money and most have gone ahead with it :dracthyr_shrug: when some probably shouldn’t have. But at the end of the day, if you enjoy it then you are more susceptible and compliant with the idea of splashing money for the extra goody bag of bits and pieces.

Thats their mistake if they’re paying 40 extra just for the early access cause there is no competitive gain or fomo from buying it

It is good value for money when you look at prices of things like cosmetics, transmog, game time etc in the Blizzard game store for WoW.

I’ve traditionally bough the digital deluxe editions ever since they started with them, because I like the extra stuff that usually comes with it.

I saw that in addition to the “usual” stuff, I also I had an opportunity to play a friday and throughout the weekend. That sounded fun to me, and I could afford it.

Still cheaper than a trip to the pub.


Exactly it’s a bonus it’s not what you’re paying for

I am pretty happy with current EA choices. I can play the expansion peacefully without rushing. I am somehow also happy that people dont get that much a head start which would be really umotivating for non-EA players.

Its like, a chill weekend to experience something new in WoW. Is it worth 27 euros (this includes cosmetic stuff also). I think so because it has been pretty smooth so far :slight_smile:

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