Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

I don’t feel that there will be a meaningful difference between early access tonight and the launch on Monday when it comes to bugs. It may help iron out some stability or load issues, but a large number of more regular bugs will probably still be there on Monday too.

The real benefit of early access is probably that it spreads out players a little more and reduces queues on large servers.


I like it, less waiting, more chill time.

This sounds like a poor persons problem

I totally agree with this comment. Again, genius marketing. Blizzard knows that, while it’s been a lot better for the latter expansions, their track record at smooth launches has been historically pretty poor. We all remember the dreadful WoD launch when everyone’s Garrisons (the whole hub that the expansion ran from) just disappeared into the ether.

So someone at Blizzard has pitched:

Ok, so lets firstly get more people beta-testing the expansion so we can at least make sure it’s not bugs that break the game at launch.

The really smart guy at Blizzards pitched:

Let’s go one better than that. We can charge for early access and get away with it because everyone is doing it these days. So, instead of a huge overtime bill when we get to crunch, let’s get our player base to pay us to do most of the intensive testing instead. They will also be paying for early access, so we can relieve the launch day stress a bit in the starting zones as that lot will be playing in other areas by then.

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I actually don’t post on the forums very often. Like, once every few years.
So no, no triggers. Troll. XD

I haven’t pre-ordered. Mainly because I dislike giving money ahead of time for games with non-physical release, but also because I don’t think the epic edition (which has the early access) is worth its asking price. I can always just buy the mount separately when they inevitably drop it in the in-game store and it’s on sale, if I want it badly enough.

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One thing to remember, early access was not free of charge; It was advertised as part of the Epic edition.

You are under the false assumption, that they would be doing more, if there wouldn’t be an EA. But all the EA does is taking the “experience” we had before for everybody and now there will be less people having it a few days earlier than the rest who might or might not have the same experience. :wink:

If Gold making is fun for you, you will still be able to do so weeks into the expansion.

If it’s the gold amount that matters. Use the the extra days to work irl and buy tokens. Iam pretty sure you won’t make 300-400 k a hour ingame but with normal work easily

Since the price of the epic edition will like always stay same after release, without beta invite and early access, it is in fact a free pre-order bonus.

i mean i dont buy epic edition etc etc, but people that do are in their right to whine if the early acces is a mess IMO.


I don’t plan to whine, but don’t whine if I do whine, as there’s enough whiners in the world, not that I’m whining about it.

At the first days of the expansions thats exactly how much gold you can make if you farm alot while others are playing the story. Wich in turn i do to pay for my subscription most of the expansion, not for fun. Since the games quality isnt worth paying subscription anymore. And no, making gold becomes harder the longer the expansion goes on, because players are going to leave lowering demand and bots and multiboxxers are going to ruin the the economy

And telling people to throw money at the game to buy gold instead of earning it is such a whale thing to do. Not everyone got alot of money to throw at a game wich already is pretty damned expensive due to having a subscription. In some countries more than others.


The irony :joy:


Gonna stop you right there. If you really believe this. There is no point being on this forum. Since it’s a unhealthy sign for yourself being that deeply involved with something you don’t see to be of enough value.

Take a break, enjoy the good weather and try to find something you actually can enjoy

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I did buy epic edition and plan to use EA and in my eyes, EA users have the same right to complain like people had at every past launch of an expansion. Not more and not less.
That said, I’ll not cry or write tirades in the forums like some others. I didn’t even do that with the trainwreck launch, which was WoD. :smiley:

A lot of you seem to be confused as to how things work, with statements like “Why does EA only provide 3 days? that’s a ripoff for 40 more euros!”

Yes, yes it is, but I’ll break down to you why that is and how that works, so that you understand it more fully and btw, this is not about Blizzard exclusively, any business is trying to figure out ways how to get more money out of their customers pocket and into their coffers, that’s the name of the game, that is the essence of modern life.

The TLDR version of this is that Blizzard is trying to get you to purchase the 90 euro version of the game, that’s it, that’s the goal.

Here’s how:

  1. Base game costs 50 euros, includes a character boost, Trader’s tender

Think about all the characters, dungeons, armor sets, mounts, pets, etc that are including in that 50 euro package, an entire expansion

  1. The Heroic version offers you a small bonus in what the Base Edition offers, but it’s really just trash and a distraction, it’s the road that will lead you to the 3rd option

  2. The super cool, Epic Edition, wow! look at that list, it offers more than twice as much as the Heroic Edition, and blows away the Base Edition AND offers you Beta entrance, PLUS 3 days pre-release and a “free 30 days” (not even 31 days, for this month, c’mon Blizzard :smile:) which goes into their pocket anyway, they lose nothing

You’re being bamboozled by some random in-game items, in which required a fraction of the work/time spent to get you to buy that 50 euros expansion, yet got you to give them an extra 40 euros, which is the cost of other games entirely and nearly the entire cost of their expansion itself, but not nearly there so you don’t make that comparison logically.

Additionally, the sub time you’re going to pay for anyway, and they get to you to be a Beta tester to find bugs until the release of the expansion and throw in an extra 3 days to make you feel special so you can get a head start on everyone else, but still, limit the extent in which you can gain as to not upset the larger community that is coming 3 days later.

The 3 EA days aren’t really relevant for them in terms of value for you, the player, because they’re just using those days to stress test the servers with a larger population and plug the holes and glitches so that when the main herd arrives they get a smoother experience.

It has nothing to do with you or isn’t in any way about your benefit, other than to make you feel better about spending nearly double the money for the same game.

Now, do you what you like, the decision is yours, based upon your perceived value of what you can/are willing to spend, that’s how they base their packages and pricing, based on what they think you will pay/tolerate and find value in. Their ultimate goal is to get as many people as they could to buy that 90 euro package and if you did then they succeeded. You just factor in the value for yourself into whether that’s worth it or not.

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Thats just cruel. Venting on forums and social media where people can just shrug and ignore you is a far better option than abusing a innocent dog.

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K thnx, I’ll that in mind when I’m levelling to 80 tonight.

I’ll also name my earthern Moana Truthbeard in honour of this thread :fist:

Have some cake :birthday: it’s my level up day :grin:


That is actually not true. First of all most people buy HC or epic edition for the digital goodies, which are plenty and second, you have to remove the price for 30 days of gametime from it, which is at a bare minimum ~11€, since you need those anyways. So if you compare with standard and completely ignore (or don’t want) the other goodies, it is an upgrade price of at 29 € not 40 €.
I for example did plan to buy the HC edition anyways for the mount, which makes the epic edition a 9 € price difference to what I would’ve bought anyways. I also like the hearthstone and the 4 pets and was considering to buy epic this time anyways, so…

For those people buying the epic edition anways, EA is just what it is, a free pre-order bonus. :wink: