Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

I have epic edition and I won’t play on Friday because like most mortals I need some sleep before work. As the Season starts later, the only real advantage is that you can level Professions sooner and make some profit from selling mats early.

Oh, you stop with that flirting you! came out of the bushes just for little ole me? you’re going to make me blush trying to make me feel all special.

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Well if EA people have a clear advantage over me then my reasons for playing at launch will be gone. And coming to the game when theres like 3 patches already is terrible as well as everything from every patch gets thrown at you at the same time leaving a confusing mess. Probably will result in me stopping me from returning to wow at all in the end. Or idk maybe ill try private servers. I’m going to see in some days wether the EA got this unfair advantage and wether the big hyped saga is actually good.

And to be clear i said the game is not worth the subscription anymore. I am not saying it is not enjoyable. But the quality dropped alot they changed alot of things wich made me like wow in the first place. And on top of that theres plenty of competition. WoW is no longer “the” mmo. It is no longer justified the high cost

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You’re not understanding what I’m saying, that this exactly the conclusion and rationalization they wanted you to make as the purchaser. It’s designed in that way. You’re following the cookie trail without even noticing it.

Also, you’re going to be able to buy those upgrades at a later time for a reduced price. So, you’re not really missing out in the end, if you ultimately really did want those things.

But the point of this isn’t even about the goodies, there’s no reason for them to be an additional cost for “extras” that don’t really cost them much time and effort. They’re already adding tons of mounts, armor sets to the game in the expansion, including in the game. They just separated/designed those to get you to pay for them in addition. But It’s not anything different you will get in game from the Base Edition other than what they chose to separate for these packages.

This is exactly the breakdown they wanted you to make in your head though, this is why these marketing strategies work.

Guys, don’t waste time responding to this. This guy has made two topics about this in one day.
He’s just a troll. Mute and move on.

May I have some cake too?
Happy level up! <3


Guys, don’t bother replying to this post. Literally a troll, he’s made numerous posts about the same topic.
He just wants your responses.
Just mute and move on. =D

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Still though, doesn’t get around the inescapable fact - large corporations (not just in gaming) have a bunch of management consultants and MBAs advising and making decisions who just see QA functions as a cost and don’t understand the importance of quality and only care about minimum viable product and what they can get away with yet still make money without people walking. Decisions that are purely commercially short-sighted.

We see the impact of this throughout the industry with the recent Crowdstrike business or Boeing where short cuts are taken and pressure is just passed down the the product creation team to “not make mistakes” and this never, ever works. Adequate support and quality processes from the root are required and a culture that encourages openness are needed and masses of bugs are the symptom (errors and bugs, to some degree, are unavoidable, and unlike some sectors such as pharmaceuticals and aviation the acceptance criteria can be lower in such public software).

I have been alarmed by the number of bugs that have made it through as far as beta that weren’t picked up by internal processes, however it is hard to evaluate which ones of those were defined as liveable to enable the testing of other functionality to allow a drop of a new version, which is fair enough if we weren’t paying. Beta isn’t a free any more, previously there was a symbiosis where Blizzard would get a huge number of testers for the reward of having a sneak preview of the game, some of us did make detailed feedback and error reports when spotted (which is why I suspected I have been invited back promptly for every beta, I don’t think Blizz care if you’ve played since open beta of vanilla if you never raise an incident ticket). But once charging for it is involved, the whole relationship changes - as do expectations. For beta or for early access, a certain level more polish is expected.

We see this cutting to the bone in support where the replies you get are clearly from bots who will just spew a few links, “hoped that helped” and close the ticket. It’s not really acceptable for an expensive service but is indicative of modern day capitalism - how much can you cheap out to put as much as possible aside for shareholders and C-suite remuneration.

And as an advisory, before leaping into “damn devs” and waving fists, well, Blizzard is a big company and the cross-section of talent and skills will probably result in an average not unlike any other large company in the development area. The problem is culture and investment, not a technical ability one. Devs do not deserve your ire, the corporate structure does.

Actually it is a hard fact what I did write. :wink:

Erm…no you’re not.

I know…I’m killing time…going to bed early today for EA and people like him can be entertaining ^^

There is another person who can’t do simple math in the US forums…pure comedy gold. :smiley:

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You don’t say!

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I’d laugh along with you, but I brutally suck at maths too. XD

Long as you’re having fun and not taking the troll seriously. =D

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I believe you can’t gain any Knowledge Points during the early access period, so you only have access to the basic aspects of professions.

Being able to gather materials three days early is no doubt an advantage if you’re a gatherer, though not so much if you’re a crafter and would buy most of your materials anyway.

But realistically, unless you are in a position to play 16 hours a day when an expansion launches, you’re always at an economical disadvantage anyway. If this aspect is really important to someone, they will likely have bought the heroic edition with early access anyway.

If you’re this deep in the economical mini game in WoW, you’ll probably also have enough gold to buy that edition with tokens and chalk it up as an in-game investment to make the gold back (and more). So from this perspective the concern is largely hypothetical.

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Yea, thats much smarter than complaining about a service, that you paid extra for, working suboptimal.

Brainpower 10000 post right there. This is not a beta test.

If anything people should expect this early access to go smoother than regular releases, since it will have a lesser load than a normal release where everyone comes at the same time.

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I think it’s fine because it’s mostly been a single-player exclusive thing so far.

WOW is the first example of this happening in an MMO, and while I wouldn’t say I like it, I don’t hate it either.

I don’t give a monkeys for EA, would rather have had a few extra days of Remix if anything.

In fact I’m undecided whether to shell out that fifty quid this month because I’m going on holiday soon.

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It’s the same math, only in $$ instead of €€. “you paid $90 for EA” - “nope you have to pay $50 for the xpac and at least $13 for the sub, so it is at most $27” ^^

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Yep, I’m prepared for it.

If anyone tells me off for purchasing EA, I’ll just tell them I’m paying blizzard to report bugs for them :saluting_face:

You didn’t pay €40 for early access. You bought the epic which came with EA. It also included the following:-


Don’t whine when we level fine in EA because in actual fact it’s just like any other launch.


Yeah this is it really. Some people just have more difficulty dealing with change than others.

I also have no issue with it whatsoever. But I can understand why some do; having read their reasons in various threads. They’re just not issues that bother or mean anything to me personally.

Don’t say “any” other launch…The WoD launch is sitting somewhere laughing diabolically while listening to us. :sweat_smile: