Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

That is a you problem. Nobody is forcing you.

Two days of final-stage beta testing sounds reasonable to me. :laughing:

ah yes, that is a bit of a missunderstanding here. there 40 euros for the early access are not for the player to enjoy the content early for a while, it is even out the population in the shared starting zone. So kind of pay, to avoid blizz have laggy server on release day(s). your donation is appreciated.

If you think 3 days will fix any bugs I have a bridge to sell you, the game is done and has just come out of a long beta. What we will get is a pretty good launch and the ability to get ahead of you all while we find interesting ways to do it that then will be patched out for you.

I literally don’t understand how you could expect to have 14 days of access, seeing as it’s working as advertized

Completely incorrect and full cope from you. It just had a beta test and the “second” launch in a few days will have mostly nothing changed. We will have some good times later until you whiners join in a few days. QQ.

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It’s rather like saying the cup holder cost me $75,000 as it came attached to a BMW.


For that money you should have had access to Midnight already.

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I did play BFA on launch and it was smooth for me.
yes there were few bugs in vol’dun questing beacuse people did too much things at the same time in one zone but it fixed it self mostly in few minutes :smiley:
other then that i didn’t have any problem in BFA and that was in 2018
There was no problems with Shadowlands launch for me also
And from what i play early access in D4 it was better in early access then in official release :smiley:

yes I understood that I am forbidden to play in advance if I pay 40 euros After the 3 days are useless from what I read, no access mm+, raid, pvp, lol it’s useless

Enjoy the second launch.

Early Access is not about Endgame progression…holy moly…

early acces is a start

enjoy you -40 euro for 3 usless day ^^

:rofl: I haven’t touched raids since Cataclysm and never been in M+ nor have I participated in PvP since TBC, so…your point being?
Oh I’m gonna have so friggin much fun tonight, be sure of that :heart:

i hope for 40 euro

Sure, that’s why those Hero Talents are so very balanced and praised. :upside_down_face:

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Anyone paying for early access deserves to be bullied. :person_shrugging:

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That doesn’t change that it comes with more than just EA.

If you don’t think something is worth 40 euro, don’t buy it.

Don’t waste your money and complain afterwards dude.


The £30 isnt just for early acess it includes all the other bonuses that a regular collectors edition would