*Edited by moderator* is going on with anniversary?

Logged in this morning and there are bots in trade chat already advertising about selling gold. They literally say “wts gold, boosts” and the chat doesn’t have automatic recognition and mute/ flag the account? Where’s the accountability for putting pressure on gold sellers? Bots are going rampant, lotuses being camped by said bots, where does it end and blizz decides to make a drastic measure?


yeah buddy. It was the same in 2019. Just get global ignore list and then you atleast wont have to see the spam anymore.

It ends when people finally wise up and stop buying gold from them, because if they were´nt making it profitable, nobody would be doing it. Until they do, it can only ever get worse.

The only drastic measure that would help is an economy reset and a zero tolerance policy towards gold buyers. That means bans, lots of them, and not for the botters but for the buyers.

Anniversary release was an economy reset, so what does that tell us about the community if bots are already this widespread?? That they as a whole have no problem swiping instead of playing, because there is no anniversary token, so they have to purchase gold from botters.


this wasn’t happening last week. There wasn’t a single message promoting the website used to facilitate the sale. But all of a sudden they’ve popped a nerve and decided to grasp for more customers from which I can assume was caused by the recent banwave of gold buyers a few weeks ago.


Back in 2019, the gold sellers were actually whispering you their links, so again, this is not anything new.

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people won’t stop buying gold. There’s always something to be gained, whether its ingame boosts, BOE items, mounts, etc. There is always a group of people who treat this like a mobile game and either they need to be permanently dealt with or the services themselves be fought against. Even though the GDKP ban reduces desire to purchase gold, people still do it and it will only stop if blizzard does something drastic. I.E. only one active instance of the game at one time for each account or they go after these services/ bot farms in the courts which no doubt they’ve already found circumventions to.

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And thats èxactly why botting will never stop. Because its these people wanting a shortcut that make it profitable to bot in the first place. Unless you ban the buyers. Permanently.

Problem is, outside of China where everything you ever do is tied to a single social account, that´s basically impossible, unless we want to start requiring high level proof of identity (Passports+Proof od residency, or Post-Ident, just as examples) just to open an account.

Because hardware and IP bans can also be circumvented… Use a VPN and a VM (which you should already be doing, anyway) and the hardware and IP bans are worthless because neither is the real address… So the only thing left is the account ban, which costs 50 bucks to circumvent with a new one, or an identity based ban, whoich would be a nightmare to implement both logistically and from a data Protection perspective.

Professional botters run multiple completely separate accounts, literally a few dozen at a time. This restriction would do noting but punish Joe Multibox that´s doing nothing wrong while having zero impact on all but the lowest tier of actual botters.

Nothing to circumvent. There is no law anywhere in the world that makes it illegal to use a piece of software to automate another piece of software, and if there was we´d find outselves back in the stone age before we can complain about the lights flickering :wink:

Addon Global Ignore List helps to filter chat.

paying subs shouldn’t have to go out of their way to find a solution to a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place.


I suspect even Blizzard is looking away simply because it’s a hard fact that the original, raw economy is a struggle.

Heck, rested XP can be a problem since you ding faster, loot less per level.
My level 33 warrior has like 14 gold. Doing low level content doesn’t really help because its numbers are deflated. The sensible option would be to swipe 50-100g upon reaching 40 - it’s an investment to accelerate 40+ levelling. At this rate I’d have no mount until 60.

Since historically I started playing during BC and reset for WLK, doing sequential Loremaster with the latter (this character), of course selling stuff on AH was worth it (I could easily afford epic flying, and a lot more). Anniversary economy is currently “vendor everything” in a nutshell. Some herbs sell. Cloth is vendor price + 5-20%.

The simple truth is easy blizzard just allow these bots and so on ,dont even try for one second to belive blizzard when they say they take actions or its no end fight like omg your game just ban them as they ban alot of people for diff reason its just so easy its immposible for players to realise these bots and blizzard be like still cant see what you see

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Am I the only one feeling we are seeing the end of WoW now?

A disasterous TWW release, followed by a 400 people layoff leaving us with a non-existent testing team and customer support. WoW is really going downhill - fast.
It really feels everywhere that Blizzard doesn’t care anymore - they just try to keep the ship floating as long they can.


Credible Source? Trustmebro.com doesn´t count


I am not talking about subscriptions. I am talking about quality and customer support - or lack of …

Guild banks are being emptied at random:

Guild reputation disappears by random for the last 3 months:

Auto gear upgrade removes gear which are no longer in the game.

And then the good olde Warbands banks which deletes gold:

The common answer to this is nothing is tested and nothing was returned to affected users. Customer Support do what they can (which is litterally nothing) … but with so many critical bugs in TWW they are up for a huge task.

Thats why I call it disasterous.

Saw the same and was very surprised, as I did not see blatant gold selling in WoW chats for a very long time.

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Imagine banning GDKP, and leaving dungeon item sales, boosting, and hardly making a dent in botting. Half the server is buying gold, cba with fresh what a s-show.

Probably they avoiding that by script that auto delete/create character every some seconds (or something like that)… Because 50% of time if you trying to /who him, you get 0 people found. And also he is bypassing limit of spam messages in LFG chat (thats usually 1 message in 30 second limit but he spamming much more often)

the gold price dropped significantly over last 2 weeks. i believe this aggressive advertisement is a sign of low gold demand. also the high black lotus price gives a hint that gold sellers try to compensate the loss in value of gold

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The script just logs off and back on. It is the same character - you can see that by adding “him” as a friend.

My theory is the new report system only works if the report is done while the character is still online in the same session - and with the new report system you cannot report anyone within 5 seconds :frowning:

Oh ok, we should just tolerate it because it was like this before.

Great way of thinking! :clap:t2: