Emerald Assembly - Closed

Patch 10.2 Spoilers:


A druid of the flame joined, spoke of what they did to refugees and how some are accepted. There was also a lot of details about the world tree growing and soon to be under attack.

They also confirmed it wasn’t just the primalists, while it’s a quest you get by Shandris, two months ago there’s no way player characters were in the known.

I think at some point someone also mentioned the Bronze Dragonflight from the cinematic where he sees flames.

While half of this is not just from 10.2, the problem is the absolute confirmation of it as if their characters were friendly with major lore npcs.

Mass reporting not even remotely offensive posts is not a good look.


As a disclaimer, I didn’t report anything.

A little disrespectful towards Meladriss to come stinking up his thread with insults like this :pensive:


In general, most character usually wait for a period of time after the major NPCs have learned about the details, and usually have treated it akin to messages/rumours spread down the grapevine to the common man.

So they don’t act like they are buddy buddy with the main characters. In fact, I find it weird that people do a sudden teleport around. Night elves suddendly all teleport to the Dream and set up everything on patch day just feels weird.

RPing that movement is being made and the patch date is when all the chaos happens is usually how people view it.


guess resorting to ad hominem when someone runs out of arguments ain’t a good look either

no one likes chomsky roleplayers and every time they turn up to a public event like this they just seem to get a kick out of ‘akshully the lore is this :nerd_face:’ because they are perfect in every way


The quest that is already live confirms the knowledge of an imminent attack on the way and that defenses are being prepared. The question is when the first strike happens.


Exactly. A big ‘When is it going to happen’, which means people are on their toes. Some are carefree, some are cautious, some are paranoid and some are on guard.

It does depend on what is going to happen. Surprises still happen but with this druid deal, yeah, they know it is coming. Just when?


Admittedly, it is 2:30am, but can someone help me and explain why does a gamer rage about a public event that was hosted/spoonfed to others?

If you do not like what you see - why just not leave? Were you kept there against your will? Family taken hostage? If anything - go host your own, like, I am dumbfounded what the actual complaint is.



Loved the Mailbox argument that was made. Just write a letter for reinforcements, when you’re under attack, and post it lol

Everyone here is dumbfounded by the complaint, I think…

Back on topic:

I enjoyed the meeting! And I will deffo try to come to the next one aswell!

Thank you for hosting it Meladriss! And if I can help in the future just let me know!


There is nothing funny. For all I am seeing it’s written nowhere this event offered 10.2 spoilers. Else what? After Blizzcon and the release of the new xpac we’re all going to act IC like we’re aware?

Spoiling a new patch/xpac has never been the default stance in roleplay, it’s a hard pill to swallow, I know.

Unless a Dreamgate is completely conquered in 30min, there’s all the time to actually do this, yes. That works way better than the buzzbox gizmos lazy roleplayers love.

But yes, I am not expecting Duskwood roleplayers to remember enemies in WoW don’t fall from out of nowhere for an event.

Given Snow’s nature are you shocked?

I’m sad I was unable to see a big gathering of druids yet again, but I’m glad for the most part people enjoyed themselves!
I hope similar things can continue going forward.


You mean, hiding behind an alt character on the forum and trashing people even though they did nothing? Oh, no, that’s you.

I suppose I am forbidden to complain about 10.2 spoilers because you dislike me. I am learning new forum rules every day.

When are you going to post on your main character?

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Am reminded to stay away from Scarlet Raven when I RP on my alliance.



For me, it was my first rp event and I really much enjoyed it. Thanks Meladriss for hosting such an event. I would gladly participate in the next one! :slight_smile:


The audacity and the gall of some RPers to be so heavily entitled to what other people, of their own volition and time-spent, try to create for the server.

Eesh, what a choice.


It seems to me that creating their own event, rather than attend this one (a second time no less), would have prevented this entire exchange.


When it rains it pours, and when it Snows, put her on ignore.

Sad to see an interesting idea for roleplay repeatedly poked at with constant “uhm akshually :nerd_face::point_up_2:” remarks from someone with more ego than sense.

I hope the event went well! It seemed fun.


What a peculiar forum troll.