Emerald Assembly - Closed

Putting my personal two cents in this, Snow has been known to cause issues both IC and OOC.

IC never takes consequences for their actions, I think if you go around the entirety of Duskwood and Stormwind you’ll hear about how people ignore or blacklist them.

OOC is known to harass, stalk and smear a person’s reputation. I have seen screenshots of them and their friends harassing someone on their alts, mains and so forth. Many people warned me about them, I gave them a chance only to be treated the same way.

My best solution that I’ve found that works which I honestly would never condone is to /ignore.

Take what you will with this, but just remember we’re all here to enjoy RPing as a form of detaching from the real world, the last thing someone needs is a person harassing them and spreading negativity.

Event was fantastic, I believe if you’re going to a druid event, having been to the previous one, you’d expect the talks of what’s happening in the isles, if that’s not enough, the Shandris questline and dreamsurges elude to more things happening!


mr bones i want off your wild ride


Lovely event, lovely participants and a lovely host. The discussions were an absolute riot to eavesdrop on. :kiss:


I had a great time even though I arrived a little late (totally didn’t forget and had dinner late)

I had fun! Gonna be great the next one!


We have not interacted in more than one year, except when you have faked an OOC persona to ask me for my IC book and pretended to be a new player.

Your first interaction on the forum is to belittle me, with more than half your support being PCU who have a long track record of harassment, doxxing, bullying and all well documented by COAD.

I understand the gossip machine is a powerful tool but you’re not doing what you think you’re doing and I do hope someday, you’ll realize it.

I mean, same thing applies to yourself aswell…

Edit; Oh, boy all the people typing…

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Is the PCU in the room with us right now?


Everyone on ArgentDawn is PCU except you.


While some people have a hard time to grasp why it’s not cool to spoil new patches for people, I’ve a hard time to grasp why they believe I’ve something against Meladriss and his event.

Him and I, with Scythois had a rather funny interaction mixing the Cenarion Circle the Horde and the Alliance. I always enjoyed the events and the message about spoilers has never been toward him.

I thought it was dying inside the other room :frowning:

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Mention COAD with Horde posters.

I’m an Alliance player :pensive:

Remember, we all are Perroy. You have no free will. You will not have free will. We all belong to PCU


This is what she does best lmao.

Everyone that knows me knows I have no affiliation with PCU or like them to begin with.

To directly quote an icon.

“If you ignore it, it will go away.”

The Shandris quests tell us plenty.
Dreamsurges tell us plenty.
It’s not spoilers, someone just needs to complain.


My only complain so far has been about 10.2 spoilers and somehow startled a lot of people. If you re-read the whole topic, you can see who name drops and who doesn’t, and hint, I do not. Just hoping everyone has a nice day and hopefully next event will be with less spoilers.

You’re rallying them by rumor posting on a forum, I know you’re not affiliated with them but if you gather their support through public bullying, it’s the same result.

me trying to find the PCU in the room (there’s nobody here)


Public bullying? The whatthehecknow? Is there private bullying? Bullying is bullying also it is called opinion and critique

Please point the PCU in the room

Spoilers: There are none