Emerald Assembly - Closed

I just hope for the next Emerald Assembly a new thread will be opened; and that nothing from all the aforementioned shenanigangs going on in here will spill over in the next :frowning:



You’re funny.

You legit have your own tag on COAD.

Oh NOOOOO whatever will I do?

Continue living my life I guess.

Anyway it’s not that you’re an insufferable, dislikable, “I’m always in the right” contrarian - no, we all just band against you and specifically you. Clearly.

Yo what? You have own tag on COAD? Yoooooo

That’s truly a sign of Obahar’s quality. What a fine fellow!

Look at this that way, nowhere in the whole thread I allow myself to treat someone like this.

I am unsure why you allow yourself this, but like Illythandra, I do hope you’ll change for the better.

I will not.

Then I wish you a peaceful day, I guess?

Do I even need to comment on this, or do the rest of us already realise whats wrong with this sentence?

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You didn’t realize name calling and trashing people because they spoke of 10.2 spoilers is wrong, I do not think you’ll realize much more.

you mean the blog that prunes and bans any commenter that goes against their agenda and narrative of painting a particular community/group in a bad light

surely they dont have extremely biased and dumb takes lmao


The fact they themselves never change for the better?


Let’s speak of this once you stop following and commenting negatively all my forum posts, on every topics.

“I keep facing backlash and criticism whenever and wherever I post. Surely it must be everyone else’s fault!”

The criticism of being cautious about joining an event with possible spoilers has been dully noted. I will take precaution in the future to warn friends and myself in case such may happen.

That was valid criticism and has been welcomed properly.

Following my post history and “snow bad” every time I post, is not.

And you’ve never stopped and asked yourself why people react to you that way, besides assuming that for some reason everyone has it out for you?

I don’t know who you are or what your history with these people is. This was my first time ever interacting with you. You are simply an unpleasant person to be around.

People? We’re on the forum, with the usual posters. It’s not all people, all people don’t post here else the thread would be 90% Alliance and 10% Horde like the event.

I am totally fine with a loud minority having a problem with me, can’t please everyone but you won’t see me trashing them.

I mean, all the honor to you. I am saddened we can’t get along, but you’ll still have my respect when posting and debating on the forums.